Sword Among Us

Chapter 1137: The crisis from Jianzong (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 1137 from the crisis of Jianzong (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 1137

The two elders of the Tianchi Swordsmen were seriously injured, and the remaining two were also happy to see the wind and the sky above the sword pool, no longer hands.

Happy vs. Tianchi four old, and finally defeated the four swords in a winning stance!

"Tianchi four old defeated! Tianchi Jianpai doorkeeper should come out to see it!" Happy did not go to see the Tianchi four old, the clear drink spread from the sword pool, the wind of the entire peak disappeared again, between heaven and earth The sound is clear and audible.


Step on the tread...

The rushing and frequent walking sounds from the gates of the Tianchi Jianpai.

His eyes are tight...

Happy and quickly realized that countless Tianchi Jianpai disciples rushed out of the mountain road and the mountain gate, and each face was full of hostility.

At the time, Jianchi was surrounded by thousands of disciples.


Hey! !

Thousands of people have tacitly arranged in the square of Jianchi. A huge sword array is formed in a happy way. It is this momentum that leads to the movement of the Quartet and the world.

According to thousands of swords, although there is no attack, happiness has a sense of horror that has been worn by countless swords. Thousands of people in the eyes of the sword are amazing, only for a moment, happy is the vest is cold sweat.

Seeing this, happy finally flashed a horror and regret in my heart - I did not expect to finally underestimate the foundation of the Tianchi sword faction.

This huge array is probably the township of the Tianchi Jianpai. The mighty power is not inferior to the Shaolin faction of the Shaolin School. It is a bit reckless to kill the sect alone.


If you want to beat you with your momentum, you are obviously whimsical!


A cold, squatting, no wind, automatic hunting, hunting.

The realm is open!

The body is activated! The real gas field starts! !

Yi Jin Jing started!

The whole body really travels all over the body!

Unyielding cold mans shot from the eyes! At the same time there is unprecedented warfare and murder.

See you, Tianchi four old have changed.

The Tianchi Sword School's township squad is the biggest weapon that can only be displayed when the martial art reaches the end of the squad. The big squad and the swaying of the heavens can easily suppress the enemy. Even the strongest of the mythical realm can not stop...

An innocent kid actually has nothing to do with the arrogance and suppression of the big squad, but gives them a stronger sense of crisis.


Just when the elders of the Tianchi Sword School were ready to say something, suddenly a purple shadow was gracefully coming from the direction of the mountain gate. The people did not arrive, and the sound first arrived, attracting everyone’s attention.


The words of the coming people carry the majesty of refutation.

At the scene, the Tianchi Jianpai disciples gathered up the fighting posture abnormally and returned to the sword!


The wind is changing!

The murder and momentum of the peaks are gone.


Happy and screaming.

Losing the repression of the powerful heavenly power, a strong sense of emptiness impacted into the body, and the blood swelled. If the meridians were tough enough, I am afraid that the momentum of this large array has made him suffer from internal injuries.

"Sure enough."

Although the big array is withdrawn, the horror in the happy heart is getting stronger and stronger.

I thought that with my own strength, it was enough to challenge a big sect. Now it seems that I have a little bit of these big-school sects, and even less the heroes of the world!

Immediately, happy while calming the blood of the heart, while looking coldly at the woman from the distance, the eyes gradually softened...

At that time, the owner of Zizhulin, now the owner of Tianchi Jianpai, is still her.

Graceful and luxurious, the style is still there!



Under the eyes of everyone, the master of Tianchi Jianpai calmly fell to the sword pool surrounded by Tianchi Jianpai disciples, happy opposite.

Calm and nodded slightly:

"Tianchi Jian sent the door to the door, Qingxue, did not ask."

"The Shaolin folk disciple, happy, master Cheng Xuanzhi master."

"It turned out that compassion is the descendant of Huai Xuanzhi Gaochun. Qingxue thanked the happy and young man all the way." Qing Xue is not the master of a large sect, and his manners are decent and decent.


Happy hands clasped the fist, slightly pushed forward: "It’s a last resort to come to the Tianchi Jianpai, but I don’t want to blame the door."

"...The young man knows that the Tianchi Jianpai does not easily enter the rivers and lakes, and involves martial arts. As long as it does not violate the principle of clear snow, Qingxue is willing to help Shaoxia."

"The monks came to your party this time and only wanted to ask the doorkeeper for the whereabouts of a thing."


It’s said that the snow is shining and the eyebrows are slightly slim.

"The news that the sect of the Swordsman is in the hands of happy and young man, this door has already heard that the happy trip is for the fall of Tianjing."

"I will know that the things in Tianchi cannot be smashed by the eyes and ears of your party. What's more, the three sects of the Swordsman in Tianchi for three years, the doorkeeper can't hear." Happy looking at the eyes of the snow: "Someone is in the sword Under the eyes of the Sovereign, the Tianjing was taken away, and the wishes of the monks fell into disappointment... The Tianchi Swordsman has locked the mountains for many years. How many ants are here to clear the door, only to help the doorkeepers, and hope that the doorkeepers will pay."

"Do you think it is the hand of my Tianchi Sword School?"

"Happy just want to get back to Tianjing."

Happy is not moved by the words of Qingxue: "If this matter has nothing to do with the Tianchi Swordsman, please tell the doorkeeper, who took Tianjing... Who is it?" The last two words, happy to stare at the eyes of Qingxue , one word and one meal, very serious.

If it is another martial art, perhaps the happy questioning will not end, it will not achieve the slightest effect, but the Tianchi swordsmanship is a locked martial art. The main roads leading to the Tianchi are strictly guarded by the disciples, but no one will enter for a long time. May not attract the attention of the Tianchi Sword School.

Either the Tianjing is the owner of the Tianchi sword, or the Tianchi sword pie gives a name...

Happy to hold the soft underbelly of Qing Xue!

Frowning and hesitating.

"Also ask the owner to tell!"

Happy to step forward, the energy that has just been injured for the Tianchi Swordsmanship has completely recovered, and the breath has climbed to the peak state, so that the eyes of Qingxue are slightly tight.

"Happy little man can know this rivers and lakes, who steals the most powerful." After a while, Qingxue finally opened...

Hearing his words, he was very happy, and he immediately understood it. He said: "The technique of empty air, the technique of the doorstep of the rivers and lakes. However, there are secret doors, secret doors, empty doors, and even gangs. Also involved..."

"Yes, these three empty stealing techniques are the most troublesome. Even the seven sects of the rivers and lakes have suffered losses in their hands. Therefore, they do not have fixed mountain gates, and disciples do not walk in rivers and lakes. The real face shows people, the dragon looks at the end without seeing the end..." Speaking here, Qing Xue slightly sighed: "In fact, when Tianjing was stolen, I found out that a disciple under my door was missing, but I did not expect this. People have been lurking for many years in my Tianchi swordsmanship, and they have a good stealing technique, and they have done a good job of making things, even I can’t catch up with them..."


I was happy, and the snow that I had just came from the sky was so mysterious that I was afraid that I was not under the peak of mythology, and my expression was suddenly dignified and my tone sank:

"Who is this person?"

"When this person is under my door, the name is called 'Chu Xiang'. I have an impression of this person's light work. It seems to be the "Dragons and Steps" lost in the rivers and lakes..." Qing Xue hesitated and said: "This person left this When I sent the party, I took a piece of my own treasure. If I am happy to pursue it, I can go to the first martial arts martial artist 'Lu Xiaofeng' and ask him to help find out the whereabouts of the stolen child..."

"You want me to help you find the treasure of your Tianchi swordsmanship?"

The snow slowly nodded:

"Yes, as a reward, I am willing to take out the sword of the door..."


"The skill of this sword array is also seen by the happy little man. It is the set of 'four extreme swords' that my four elders of Tianchi have just displayed. I believe that Shaoxia has already realized the mystery of this set of swords."


One listened to the four swords of the Tianchi four old exhibitions, happy to wait for the system prompts, one promised to go down to the requirements of the Tianchi swordsman.


system hint:

"Get a clue to Tianjing!"

"Accept the commission of the Tianchi Jianpai master, find the first **** of the rivers and lakes to catch Lu Xiaofeng, and recover the stolen treasures of Tianjing and Tianchi Jianpai."


When leaving the Tianchi Jianpai, I was happy to give Lu Xiaofeng the task of looking for Lu Xiaofeng, but the latter sent a bad news before speculation.

"Happy, this time I killed the Swordsman, we are in trouble."


Have a good time.

Bai Xiaosheng quickly replied: "Jianzong is not a small martial art. Although it has not been listed in the seven sects of the rivers and lakes, the sect of Jianzong is no less inferior than that of Shaolin Wudang. This sword lord is degraded, not only attracting the enemy of the entire sect of Jianzong. It also led to the elders of Jianzong, the former patriarch of Jianzong. You can know what level of cultivation he is..."

"Is it difficult to be a master of heaven?"

Happy in the reply text is full of indifference, but from the words of Bai Xiaosheng, there are actually some faint guesses.

"That's really right for you. The new Swordsman is an old monster with a combination of heaven and man. It is already on the way to kill you."

Bai Xiaosheng's answer confirmed the happy speculation, but the Swordsman's initiative has been taken out of the mountain gate to kill him but it is a little accidental.

"Now the outside world is mad, saying that you killed the Swordsman, and certainly got a lot of benefits from the Swordsman... With the rumor of the Tianjing news, many people have turned their eyes to the sects of the major sects. If the system does not have strong penalties, it will definitely make a big mess in the rivers and lakes... You must be careful now, the sword lord will find you within three days."

"Three days, three days..." Although it has long been speculated that only the master of heaven will make Bai Xiaosheng shocked, but the happiness is still in shock, and there is no indication of the tension and worry.

Although the master of heaven is powerful, but the opposite can bring no small opportunity!

At least the battle with the master of heaven can greatly improve the progress of cultivation and enhance the promotion of the realm of "Yangyangzhi".

"The things of the Swordsman do not care, I need to know the whereabouts of Lu Xiaofeng."

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