Sword Among Us

Chapter 887: Sorry, the wrong floor

Chapter 887 is embarrassed, wrong floor

It was during the meal that the backyard of Nanhua University was very lively!

At the entrance of the hotel, a group of animals waiting for food waited in line with the lunch boxes, and urged the boss to quickly get the food ready:

"Boss, hurry up, slow down, wait for your dishes to be good, there are many lives dead!"

"Death is dead, 18 years later is still a good man"

The boss has long known that these familiar animals are waiting to finish the food and go back to the game. The action is fast, and the shovel is the same as the Meteor Shovel: "This is yours, come and come, have a share."

Several dishes of the same kind of animals were in full swing, and they turned their heads and turned away. They still remembered in the mouth: "You guys, don't block the road! You don't have to buy money on the body."

"...this is not the thirty-seventh day of the day, the singer of the heavenly squad, the singer, the singer, the singer is high, and you are now honest."

"Ha ha..."

When a group of people laughed and laughed, suddenly someone in the crowd yelled outside:

"Rogue! The Lord! Don't eat at noon, why go?"

"Don't worry."

When the people in the hotel heard the name, they knew that they were definitely ‘no hooligans’ and ‘puffy’, and they stretched their necks and went out.

Outside the hotel.

Not hooligans, chubby gods, plus tea lovers, three people waved their hands while rushing the road, completely without stopping.

"Why are you going to this? Are you in a hurry?"

"Isn't that a tea drinker? When I was in the fourth quarter, I saw that he had eaten Chinese food. Why didn't he go back to the grassland?" A man in the same class as the tea-speaker looked strangely at the direction in which the three disappeared. False.

"Maybe something is going on."

"There are three things they can do."

A group of people just got ready to go back, and suddenly there were two familiar figures in the flow of people in the back door.

A pudgy tube!

Two hundred kilograms of body crowded in the flow of people, it is such confidence and eye-catching, let the tyrannosaurus on the side feel a little pressure.


"I said fat man, you are getting richer now, and you are not planning to lose weight..."

"You all said that it is a rich state, what kind of fat is reduced." A tube with a ‘your brain show funny’ expression squinted at the tyrannosaurus.

"Looking back, I will discuss with the boss and give you a bonus."

"Happy is not as black as you are." A tube is not a fuel-efficient lamp, in a word, the tyrannosaurus is pressed to death.


"Is there any activity..." A tube is not short, and I can't help but see the three familiar figures in front of me. "The rogue and the virtual goods are also going to the happy neighborhood. Don't put Are we all called out?"

The voice did not fall, and there was a weird emphasis on the side: "Why, let you go, we can't come?"

"Little white... Little black? Are you all here?"

"Crap, the base is good for all members of our "Jianghu Nanhua List", we are also half-masters, no reason to mention these guests come, we do not come forward as masters."

"Okay, okay, don't swear, what the **** is going on?"

The tyrannosaurus looked back, except for the loneliness of the three wolves, and there were obviously a few beautiful figures in the crowd: "Do you have a big action? Or a year-end bonus?"

"Award you, how many months now?"

"I don't know, I will know when I get there."

At the time of discussion, the team slowly became huge.

Several people did not notice that in the restaurant on the roadside, a group of animals held a lunch box, stupidly standing at the door, staring at the passing people...

"The tyrannosaurus and the phoenix dance costumes are coming... the lonely three wolves are also..."

"Xu Yao, Xu Xin, Hey, the two sisters spend."

Not only the people in the restaurant looked dumbfounded, but many boys and girls who went to the restaurant outside the school were surprised to see this scene:

"Is there a big move by the high-level collective of Mufu?"

"The nonsense, another forty-eight hours is the day when the emperor's obituary officially ends. The last battle is a matter of seriousness."

Some people guessed the reason and immediately attracted the reconciliation and nodded.

But some people find it strange:

"The emperor's obituary character has no suspense, and the accumulation of warfare has been more and more. Mongolian giants have also seen it. In the last battle, I felt that there is no need to mobilize the public. I think it may be related to the withdrawal after the end. ""


A pre-shock awakened dreamer.

The people present were showing their expressions of enlightenment.

During this time, they were blinded by the brilliance of the four gangs on the prairie.

One of the best in the hall, the 100,000 elite masters were expelled from the grasslands by more than 20,000 people from the four major gangs.

One month down, the inch is not competitive! !

The arrogance of Yipintang was suppressed to the extreme;

The momentum was also suppressed to become the lowest of the top three gangs.

It seems that a good hall is in jeopardy.

When the four gangs of Mufu House were infinitely bright, few people had a sense of crisis.

After all, the north wind is still in the absolute control of Yipintang.

Once the mission is over, more than 20,000 people will be evacuated from the grasslands, and it is necessary to cross the sphere of influence of Yipintang in a thousand miles...

This road is not good to go!

The rabbit is anxious and biting, not to mention a one-of-a-kind school with hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

Many people are relieved.

More than 20,000 people lost their armor's restraint and protection, lost their cavalry, and left the North safely from the claws of Yipintang. It is indeed necessary to do a lot of preparation in advance.


The base door is open!

The door was opened by a strange man who was unfamiliar with the fat man. He had never seen it before, but the breath that came out of his body was cold, like a dangerous machine. The two suddenly squatted at the door.

The rogue directly grabs the fat collar of the fat man:

"Sorry, I went to the wrong floor." Looking back at the number on the gun, I was even more confused.

Two people stood face to face.

Silver fox gives people a sense of oppression.

Until the person at the door suddenly threw a sentence, "I am a silver fox, come in."

"silver fox?"

Rogue, chubby suddenly face each other! Exposed with a strange and surprised expression, staring at the back of the silver fox in disbelief, quickly followed:

"The one wearing the mask all day?"



"Guess who is the guy who doesn't talk?"

"Don't know?"

The rogue and puffy did not let the silver fox speak a half-sentence. Instead, they made themselves cramped. Until the tyrannosaurus and the lonely three wolves came over, they finally recovered and smacked people aside.

"Silver Fox! Hello, my tyrannosaurus."

Tyrannosaurus ignored the expression of the two people, and went straight into the house to say hello.

The expression of the silver fox that iceberg is like a smile that can't help but laugh:

"Sit down, just tease you... happy to come soon."

Feng dance color clothing and other people have also stepped in.

A group of people squeezed into the living room, which was not too spacious. Xu Xin and Xu Yao ran naturally to make tea. Some people ran around the silver fox and asked Dong to ask West.

They are all brothers of Mufu, and a group of people quickly become a piece of one, and they chat happily.

The topic is also coming from how Silver Fox will appear here, and I will be transferred to the fun.

Some people are sensitive to the emergence of the silver fox, this gathering may not be so simple.

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