Sword Among Us

Chapter 889: Choose, give up

Chapter 889, choose, give up

When I was happy from the bedroom, I immediately felt the dignity of the living room atmosphere. Just opened the door, and more than forty beams of glare shot over and hit the face like a searchlight.

"The Lord is finally showing up."

Chen Fan exaggeratedly touched his chest and took a breath: "Happy, hurry, tell us, what the situation is today, this group of psychologically dark guys, a cranky guess, rogue also said that you are planning to join the silver A few foxes kidnapped all the elites of Mufu."

"Where is there."

Going back without a rogue exception.

Stepping out of the bedroom, happy to come to Xu Xin, eyes swept over Xu Yao's face, very natural sitting between the two women, before a group of friends smashed, throwing a blockbuster...

"According to Bai Xiaosheng's intelligence, many foreign power organizations have a close relationship with Yipintang, including the American Dragon Gate, the Russian Online Games Association... at least two strong people on the list, and the founder of the global stranger list - the Prophet. ”


As soon as the voice fell, not only those who were preparing to laugh at the atmosphere were holding their breath, but even the silver fox, which had been psychologically prepared, was shocked by the unexpected news.

real or fake?

Silver Fox’s eyes were unbelievable and very sudden accidents...

Less than an hour or so apart, I was happy to bring such amazing news from the game, which made him unexpected, and even wondered if he was happy to prepare for the four gangs.

But when I thought of it from the hands of Bai Xiaosheng, I frowned and pondered.

In the living room, there are more than 20 people, and their expressions are similar.

"Dream cloud she is crazy?"

"Introducing the wolf into the room, is this kind of thing done?"

"Fat, the situation of Yipintang is like this. What else can she do? But this trick is really sincere, asking for help, and pulling so many powerful foreign forces, it is really not easy to get the next product."

"..." Others nodded.

When everyone talks about it, happy is always paying attention to Xu Yao’s reaction.

The latter's face has changed slightly.

Originally, the action against Yipintang should not be carried out in the face of Xu Yao. I don’t want to be happy. I’m already one of the top executives of Mufu, and I’m getting along with Xu Xin’s sister. Even if it’s so confidential, even if it’s confidential, It will definitely show the horse's feet, so he has already made plans to clear the knife.

For Yipintang...

It’s everything ready, just owe the wind!

Only for Xu Yao, I found that I still have some troubles.

If the emergence of non-silver fox, let happy know more information about Xu Yao, may be happy to deal with Xu Yao...

But now, I still can't go.

Happy can only be influenced from the side as much as possible. I hope that Xu Yao will make a choice between the classmates and the Yipintang trade union.


When the crowds talked about it, the phoenix dance costume suddenly looked happy:

"Happy, you just entered the game, should you contact them?"

"Yes." Nodded happily, looking around in a circle:

"On the first day of the start of the mission, I told myself that I also told a few brothers... The end of the mission, the first thing I have to do is to push off a hall!"


The living room suddenly became a lot of silence, leaving only the voice of a happy person, and the heartbeat of everyone.

"I want to tell everyone today! Since Mengyun wants to mess up the Central Plains, it is very good! Let us let a product hall die in advance..."

In the living room, a group of people have a strong spirit, and the eyes of the phoenix dancers and other people suddenly light up:

"Decision started?!"

"Although decided!"

I can't smile on my happy face: "But the situation is not optimistic."

"How to say?"

"According to the information collected by Yaoshi Wanneng and Bai Xiaosheng, two days later, when the Emperor’s mission officially ended, there will be two groups of people entering the Central Plains. One of them is the Longmen, and the other is from Persia... 'Gujitai will personally bring people to the Central Plains! The Vietnamese is 'Life and Death Boxing' Axiu!"

"Snake King!?"

"Life and death is not afraid of him, the rep of the snake king, I have seen it, the body is different, the speed is too fast, his snakes are also very powerful, the big one can compete with the mythical strong, the small can easily poison Beware of the masters below myth... I have to be careful when I meet him."

"Don't open the subject and let the fun continue."

The silver fox glanced at the knife, and the latter smiled and quickly shut up and said nothing.

"I am not afraid of the snake king. The Golden Snake King is not inferior to the eyes of the snake king... I mention them because they must prevent them from entering the Central Plains and disrupting our rear."

Happy and solemn reminder:

"Yi Pintang can't be attacked in two days, but if the total altar of Yipintang is not broken, our big book will be hollowed out first, and it will be big."

"You are worried that the snake king will bring a large number of people into our rear..."

"Not worried, people don't need to draw from Persia, there is a product!" Happy reminder:

"The coastal road enters the south, and it is difficult for us to cooperate with the masters of Persia and Vietnam. Therefore, I intend to let the wind and rain, the people who attack the wind tower block and defend the coastline, and the south, the eastern coast... Yipintang..." Well, happy to have a voice:

"We are dealing with the Chivalry!"

"Is it just that we have two big gangs, Mufu and Chivali?"

"Yes!" Happy nod:

"So, the manpower is completely out of advantage."

Feng dance color clothing quickly realized the disadvantages of Mufu.

Long-distance battles, leaving the unfamiliarity of the terrain and the disadvantages of the number of people do not say, long-term hit down, very poor!

"I know, so this battle must be quick and fast!"

Happy eyes, smashing the railroad:

"The task of the grassland, all give up, the people will be assembled in advance to transfer!"

As soon as this was said, a group of people in the living room suddenly stopped.

Hard and hard to fight for more than 20 days, seeing the battle to win, and then withdraw from the mission area?


Including the silver fox, some of them were surprised and happy to make the decision - after the end of the mission, the npc will definitely be disbanded, and in the event of a missed reward, the loss is too great!

Xu Yao, who has always been silent, has flashed a suspicious color in his eyes and can't help but blurt out:

"Collective transfer, is it... now, I will shoot at Yipintang?!"

Originally, the voice was very small, but because everyone was too quiet, Xu Yao’s voice was heard by many people, and all of them were inhaling, and they were happy to look at each other.


Happy and deeply looked at Xu Yao, the blood in the chest boiled up and suddenly got up:

"I decided with Mo Feng, Phantom of the Shadows, and the night rain with the wind. The time is fixed now! Now it is the night time, when the vision on the grassland is the worst, after returning, I will tell everyone to exchange all the combat achievements, be prepared... The brethren of the League will lead the cavalry regiment to clear the way for us and disturb the line of sight."

"Tonight, we are divided into four roads, and we will be the first to go!"

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