Sword Among Us

Chapter 906: Baodao Dragon

Chapter 906 Baodao Dragon

The happy and funny smile falls in the eyes of Daozhen and a group of masters. It is cold, but in the eyes of Mengyun, his thoughts turn and his face changes suddenly:

"not good!"

"The owner."

The thick eyebrow monk stepped forward: "Is it right now?"

He has also seen that the situation just happened is very dangerous. It seems that the killer's killer has been taken out at a critical juncture. However, he can still be slightly hurt and happy. At present, he has no idea of ​​continuing to do so.


Meng Yun’s face sank, and the abnormal decision was ordered:

"Everyone suppresses it!"

"Monk! You bring a team of brothers to the woman in the pavilion, remember... don't kill her too soon."

If it is someone else, maybe I will not be happy at the moment, but Meng Yun is a lake. After all, I know the happy information. If I think about it, I will know that I’ve just remembered it. The killer should have been ridiculed and learned.

The trick of the mythical master, happy to steal the past will be considered, after all, the internal power consumption is too large, it is difficult to use in actual combat;

However, the sword of Jianmenmen can be used even in the same way. It is better than the truth of the realm. It will naturally not have any burden, and it is likely to become a life-saving killer when it is happy.

Seeing the true desire to lose the challenge, Meng Yun simply pulls people down and let the masters of Yipintang slay up - I am happy that my palm is injured and my strength is declining.


Meng Yun also knows that this is still not very safe, so even the happy women in the pavilion are also calculated together.

A two-pronged approach.

The thick-browed monk flashed a touch of embarrassment that was completely inconsistent with the monk, and nodded with a smile:


Mengyun is going to be happy and hurt, using the plan to attack the heart.

Once the happy attention is pinned down, it will inevitably be affected. Naturally, it is no longer possible to exquisitely perform the "Turning the Stars" and other martial arts.



Seeing that the people of Yipintang fluttered from all directions, the Shaolin disciples who watched the war outside were suddenly shocked and shouted.

However, 骂 骂 骂 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上

Yipintang is hard to catch this opportunity, how can it be disturbed by outsiders...

Every one of the disciples of Yipintang was very vigilant and coldly staring at the Shaolin disciples up and down the mountain road, slashing and pulling out a separation belt.



For the means that Yipintang may use, I have been prepared for it. In the face of enemies surrounded by all sides, I laughed and laughed: "I have heard that there are swords and dragons, and I am arrogant. I will take you today. Sacrifice knife!!"

Happy to stand in the center of the open space! Even if surrounded by hundreds of elite elites, they still don't change their colors, they don't panic, and they have a long knife.

expensive! ! ! !

The golden knife is soaring! In the Dragon Sword, the overbearing slashing knives smashed into the crowd, and the more than a dozen disciples in the front had no chance to resist. They were directly passed by the savage knife...

Countless people have witnessed the scene of blood in the sky!


Meng Yun is a pale face, and his mouth is gnashing his teeth:

"Slayer's knife!"


Different from the so-called top-quality soldiers.

The top-class squadron is only a sharp weapon, but the artifacts such as the Dragon Slayer are like a weapon that is incomprehensible to the world and has terrible power.

In the midst of the scuffle, the dragon knife swayed and turned into a golden cage with a dozen interlaced...

After the people of Yipintang were swept by the knife, they either stagnated or fell from the air!

More terrible, on the spot was torn into two by the crazy knife, a large piece of bright red liquid spilled over everyone's head.

The road that retreated to the field was still in the shackles of the sword, and looked up to see the amazing scene in the field, and took a breath into the chest.


It is definitely a unilateral **** slaughter.

In a short period of time, the radius of several tens of meters seems to have been plowed by the shells. The sulcus of a few feet is criss-crossed, like a trench full of blood and dead bodies...


At the same time, on the other side of the pavilion, Xu Xin has been surrounded by a group of masters.

However, Xu Xin relied on the pavilion as a barrier, and firstly stabbed two disciples of Yipintang, who had underestimated the enemy.

The people behind are suddenly shocked:

"Everyone is careful, this weapon in the hands of Nizi is estimated to be a level of the soldiers..." Many people stared at the eyes of Xu Xin in the hands of the magic blade.

There are pillars around the pavilion and stone tables. These things are made by Shaolin from the most sturdy granite under the mountain. It is very strong and the general attack can't hurt.

Xu Xin uses the stone table and the topography of the pillars to simply fight with people.

Under the care of happy, Xu Xin's martial arts are the best, not to mention the equipment, in the case of starting the body, three or five people have no way to take Xu Xin.

It is inconvenient to sneak up and move, and Xu Zhong is put down by Zhong Xin.

On the contrary, the attack of a disciple's disciple fell on Xu Xin's armor without much effect...

The thick eyebrow monk looks frowning again and behind!

I thought it was a soft persimmon. I didn't expect the woman who was happy to look gentle and weak. In fact, it was also a rose.

In a blink of an eye, a team of people here has lost half of it.

"Even a woman can't do it, a bunch of waste!"

The thick eyebrow monk personally shot.

Because the cultivation is the Buddha's authentic volcano magical powers, a cross-training is very solid, with the equipment is not inferior, barely able to suppress Xu Xin.

On several occasions, Xu Xin’s swordsmanship was pierced by the thick eyebrows and the body was stunned...


The appearance of the thick-browed monk made a group of Yipintang masters morale:


"Don't let her take medicine."

Several Yipintang disciples flew around to kill the past, but unexpectedly Xu Xin suddenly turned the sword, and took the sword across the road...


"Knife method!!!"

A few Yipintang disciples did not think that Xu Xin would be shot at this time, and the attack was much more fierce than before.

Four more fell on the spot.

In the pavilion, there were only Xu Xin, a thick eyebrow monk, and two discerning disciples.

The thick-browed monk only noticed that Xu Xin’s weapon was actually a bit weird.

Although the sword method has been used before, it is one-sided, and the shape is also suitable for slashing. It is estimated to be dual-use. "hateful!"

Xu Xin hurt several people in one breath, and finally grabbed a gap, and smashed the grain and returned to the minor eyebrows.

When the thick-browed monk thought about it again, he noticed that the open space outside the pavilion had been devastated, and at least two hundred masters of Yipintang had blood-stained land.

The people of Yipintang only dare to use dark weapons and bows to greet them in the distance.

However, under the shift of the stars, the people who suffer from countless hidden weapons, cold arrows, or Yipintang...

After the tragedy, the morale is getting lower and lower. Happy, like killing God, will wave the Dragon Slayer, and step by step toward the pavilion.

The thick eyebrows are like a earthy face!

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