Sword Among Us

Chapter 908: Scarlet Mountain Road

Chapter 908 Scarlet Hill Road


Not a poisonous technique, but in the rivers and lakes, it is regarded by many people in the rivers and lakes as a very deep poison.

The purpose of ordinary poisoning is to poison people and then die...

However, this poison can't be separated from all kinds of grammar, and it is very dangerous; but the sorcerer is different, it pays more attention to the understanding and control of cockroaches.

Be able to play with the enemy as you like, and play the target in the palm of your hand.

Ordinary sputum, can make you have a headache, fever, and poor body; powerful cockroaches, like the purple heart of the mysterious cloak woman, is a group of drug-free release, through the air, the sorcerer's body is spread to the In the air, it quickly becomes a terrible poison after inhaling the body, and the lethality is amazing and rapid.


This kind of viciousness is so great that it is difficult for the operator to control itself. It can only be used to identify the mother, and there is no cure.

This method of happiness is still based on the experience of many masters of this past life. When it was decided, I finally let Xu Xin escape.

Originally, I was happy to prepare for the tears of the surgeons, but after touching the horrible appearance of the latter's cloak, I suddenly took a deep breath and held my breath, stopping the dragons falling to the neck of the latter. Knife, killing inexplicably calm down: "You are not a person of the hall..."

There is no gang gang emblem on the other side's chest, and the other person's body is not very persistent, even under the disgusting atmosphere, it also hides the gentleness and peace of mind. This kind of person makes happiness impossible. Got it.


A woman cares a lot about her appearance. No one will take the initiative and willingly cultivate the sorcerer's way that only men can practice in the past.

And the woman in front of me does not look like a person with a crazy personality.


The mysterious cloak woman stood quietly outside the pavilion, and within the range of happy attack, she was surprised to see the joy of stopping her hand. After a few seconds, she nodded and shook her head and answered:

"I am not a person in the hall, but I am the sister of Mengyun."


Happy brows!

The mysterious cloak woman did not answer:

"Even the purple heart is not effective for you, other delusions must not invade your body, I can not complete the task that my sister gave me, you kill me." For Xu Xin, she did not go to see more.

Although Zi Xinzhen is very deadly to ordinary people, Meng Yun’s task before her is to deal with happiness, not an unrelated woman.

"Let your sister to cultivate the evil sin, this woman... is not worthy of calling her sister, one for his own purposes, has been unscrupulous, humanity is distorted."

This sentence, happy to infuse the internal force, clearly into the ears of everyone present.

For a time, the crowd was at a loss.

Even the lineup of Yipintang has seen some slight waves, and many people secretly watched the reaction of Mengyun.

Although Meng Yun did not lose her mind, Tie Qing’s face still showed her anger:

"Sister, still don't do it, what are you waiting for!! Killing happy and his woman!"

Another meaning behind this sentence is that it is ordered to the woman of the mysterious cloak, poisoning the woman who is happy...

When I heard the dream of the dream cloud, the mysterious cloak woman looked at her in distress:

"You don't do it anymore, she really will die."

Between the words, the hand stroking the sorcerer in his hand.


Happy closed eyes and sighed.

The mysterious cloak woman seems to be aware of it, the action is a meal, closing her eyes and waiting for the moment to come, with a few decompositions and relief...


A shadow of the soul of the soul, using dark power to shoot into the unprotected mysterious cloak woman body, without hindering the earthquake to break the latter heart, gave her the fastest and most decent death.

At this moment, happy finally knows the name of this woman.


An ordinary, but very gentle name.

Looking at the body of the jade softly on the ground, the happy mind suddenly recalled the moment of the previous life...

Surrounded by many masters of Yipintang.

An angry, irrational self, rushing out from the Wu Temple again and again;

Once and for all, the consciousness was annihilated, and in the reincarnation hall, I saw that my body was desolate and clung to the earth...

Although the encounter of Yulu is different from his own.

But she is also betrayed by her own trust and intimate people. It is also very sad and helpless. At this moment, she cannot control her own destiny.

When I think of it, I can’t help but lose my heart...

Feel the warmth of the small hand clenched the strength, happy to meet Xu Xin worried eyes, this is a relief, patted her hand back comfort:

"Reassured, I am fine."


"This waste!"

After Yunlu’s death in Yulu, there was both a kind of betrayed anger and some body chills.

Yulu’s career is indeed arranged by her.

In order to obtain the title of 'Wufu disciple', Meng Yun let the only sister who passed the test of 'the poisonous body' suffer the locusts, and is the most evil kind of sinister evil, which can increase the locust by 30%. Survival time and lethality.

Yulu has always been the trump card that Mengyun refused to announce to the outside world. The strength has never been revealed to outside players, and in order to test the strength of Yuluo 'Wufu disciple', even the savage killing was only known a few days ago. I personally experienced the life of the jade, 'Purple Heart'.

The ridiculous "Undead King Gong" can also support the attack of top experts for a long time, but under the "purple heart", there is no resistance, and it persists for less than ten seconds.

Just like the death of a group of masters of the class when Yulu was off...

Moreover, this is still the speed under the preparation of the murder, showing how terrible the killing power of the purple heart.

Meng Yun thought that he had pinched a trump card, a killer that could be challenged by the global masters, but she ignored a problem.

Although the power of purple heart is big, but everyone knows it is not deep enough, Meng Yun does not know, purple heart is the most savage "Jiuyang Shen Gong" such a strong and pure Yang's heart...

What I didn't expect was that Happiness has many experiences of past lives, and it happens to know how to restrain the sorcerer – Purple Heart is one of the more famous sorcerers.

When he saw happiness and Xu Xin was safe and sound, he had a very unpredictable hunch... but she witnessed her death in the wild, and she always had a hope of hope.

But the miracle did not happen...


Angrily biting silver teeth, decisively ordered to retreat:

"Leaving Lushan!"

The last secret secret killer was also destroyed, and Meng Yun didn't want to break the elite under his hand in Shaolin.

Low tide!

The group of Yipintang masters began as early as the beginning of the death of the dragon to kill the dragon, no morale, heard the orders, one by one turned decisively, without any hesitation, did not dare to sneak into the mountain road, it is like the river that draws the tide of the river.

"Since it is here!! I still want to go like this!?"

The bright anger is like a thunder, and after the self-defense of the people of Yipintang, it sounds close to...

A few people look back, the golden knives and Thunder are generally expanding rapidly in front of their eyes, flooding the entire field of vision, one by one.

A group of people in Mengyun walked in the front:

"After leaving some of your brothers broken, others will evacuate at full speed!"

At this moment, only in this way, lost the soldiers and guards...


In fact, the withdrawal was not so smooth.

The people of Yipintang realized that the current environment was irritating.

The pavilion is in the middle of the mountain...

No matter the up and down, the mountain road is very tight, even if it is difficult to display all the power, it is difficult to spend all of it all at once, not to mention the number of Lin disciples blocked up and down the mountain road.

For a time, countless people were stuck in the ball, and watched the joy of carrying the dragon and the dragon, killing and killing all the way.

Many of the disciples who are in front of the happy ones, the far-away ones are divided into two by the fierce knives, and there is no chance for even the shots;

Some people even shot, but soon tasted the Murong family's scholastic "Fighting to the Stars", their own attacks, according to a single collection, one by one or suffocating to fly out, or the thorny golden knife smashed through .


boom! ! !

The blood smashed into the surrounding mountains with the body.

No one can stop the pace of happiness, and in a shocking way, the happiness is like no one...

The screams, the exclamations, and the sounds of all kinds of light work, the infuriating sounds intertwined in the narrow mountain roads, filled with eardrums, and chaotic.

Countless Shaolin disciples are happy to watch the fun.

One by one, happy to kill, and actively avoiding one side.

Although it also provided the environment for the people of Yipintang, but more people were blocked behind it... Moreover, this mountain road did not divide.

In the blink of an eye, Yipintang has paid hundreds of lives...

A cross on the mountain road!

Happy at this moment is immersed in the most painful, helpless time remembrance and crazy revenge of the past life, Tu Longdao in hand, with Yu Zhong’s "Blood War Ten", screaming amazing power, chasing a character hall The rear of the crowd!

The **** red murderousness and the golden knives are perfectly combined, and the past has suddenly become the most tragic battlefield!

The Shaolin disciples, who had been watching by gloating and sorrow, saw that one of the masters of Yipintang flew to the sides of the mountain road under the impact of Knife Mang, or fell to the bottom of the mountain, or directly crashed into the mountain, completely unable to resist and hinder the happy pace. For a moment, they have pumped up.

"Dream cloud is over this time..."

Many people found it while pumping air.

Happy completely ignores the surviving Yipintang disciples, but stalks along the mountain roads, constantly reducing the distance from the elite core of Yipintang.

There are also some people who are frowning:

"It’s not a dream, I feel..."

"I feel that Yipintang is really dangerous this time."

"Two wars on the grassland, Yipintang was badly hurt; last night, Yipintang was sneaked and lost its initiative. Now it is happy to be ruined, and the north is going to change!"

Listening to the roar of the screams from the mountain, some people who started to fly the pigeons and published the news.

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