Sword Among Us

Chapter 931: Hunter family

Chapter 931 Hunter Family

The lion and the white tiger are called beasts, but under the cultivation of the animal trainer, there is a baptism of drugs, which is comparable to the beast.

Although it is still not comparable to the spirits of the nine-tailed fox and the squid, the strong body and roots, as well as the arm of the king of the forest, are not able to be robbed by ordinary martial arts masters.

More than three hundred and fifty roots and arm strength, plus the body of absolute strength, there are not many weaknesses in itself.

The team in front of me is probably because it is impossible to make up a team with the top strength that can compete with a team of animal trainers. This is the second choice for the team that has suddenly exploded.

but now……

The situation is embarrassing.

After receiving the help, I have been eager to move. I intend to support the happiness of the white tiger and the lion. I can’t wait to close the mount and rush to the two lions on the left side.

"Thank you for this brother-in-law to help!"

"do not!"

When the captain looked at the strange player and did not hesitate to pounce on it, first of all, but soon the horror color: "Be careful! Don't be close to them..."

The other party did not even take out the weapon, and directly rushed to the lion.

A group of people are in a hurry.

The escaping organator has even prepared the hidden weapon to help save people...

Several people rushed to the rear to set up a trap.

Happy in the screams of a group of people, unreservedly greeted the lion with a big mouth full of stench!


I can smash the claws of the giant rock and rush to the moment in front of me.

Intensively poured into the body of the male lion;

The body miraculously slides under the lion - the diamonds!

Use both hands and feet.

One lead and one lead;

a trip;

Four or two dials!

The roar of the lion turned into a panic mourning, and the huge body turned a half circle in the air, and the back fell to the ground.

boom! !

The sturdy percussion almost trembled the earth.

Amazing air currents and dust splashed.

This is not over yet.

With the roots and flesh of the male lion, this fall can not hurt the bones, at most it is some minor injuries...

Roar! ! !

A lion turned over.

Happy to retreat two steps at a faster rate, just to avoid the lion turned over.

At this time, a group of organs behind him had been shocked and stunned...

The technology of four or two pounds, many rivers and lakes will be good, but it is extremely difficult to flexibly display them on the beasts of Wanshi Mountain Villa.

As a result, these beasts will not easily vacate and reveal flaws, and the heavy body will make it difficult for many masters to use the cleverness to achieve the essence.

The amazing roots, the threatening arm, and the sharp beard of the beast and the striking mouth of the beast limit the play of the martial arts master.

But when you see happiness, you don’t think that the burly and strong body shows the skills of one or two in a single stroke. How can a group of people not feel shocked?

Roar! ! !

After the lion turned over, his feet trembled, like a sudden locomotive, slamming into a happy, **** mouth, fangs, ready to go.

Small dragon shape.

I avoided the lion's close-fitting claws, and happily laughed and grasped the lion's hind legs as if...

Before the lion looks back at himself, he uses the inertia of the lion to rush forward.

The poor lion once again had a very close contact with the earth - this scene, so that a group of organs behind him could not bear to face, there is a sense of horror of facial disfigurement.

On the other hand, because of the happy containment, the organ division used the dark weapon to harass and attack another male lion, and the situation is still controllable;

Others took the opportunity to arrange several institutional traps.

"Hey, friend, you can bring it over."

Someone is happy.

Happy did not answer, but when the lion rushed over for the third time, the latter fell to the ground again.

Three times in a row, one time more than one force, wounded and wounded, the male lion who is physically strong is also too much to eat, and the cockroaches climbed up, shaking his head very much, and his footsteps were so bad.


Seeing this, happy no longer hesitate, take the initiative to rush.

Hey! !

The lion once again bit in the air.

Twisting and retreating, it seems that there is jealousy, and I want to avoid being thrown to the ground again.

But this time, happy obviously did not mean to continue to wrestle, at the moment the lion retreated, kicked the lion's face.

King Kong Volt.

The speed is too fast!

In the twinkling of an eye, the lion was even in the middle of the four legs.

If the lion is not strong, and the anti-strike is amazing, I am afraid I will be kicked off my head...

"so hard!"

Happy and bloody.

"Come back!"

The beast with such a high bone is still the first time to come across, and the war is out of control.

The claws of the animal flashed in front of them, rubbing their faces and plunging into the empty space;

Happy is a smile in the moment of life and death, one hand and one shot, rushing into the body of the lion.

Taking advantage of the moment when the latter's strength dissipated, a rohan leaned over the back of the lion and used the jacks...

The poor lion suddenly sinks into his waist.


Kick in the chain!

The lion is once again miserable.

Under the anger, a beast kisses and bites...

"be honest."

The happy fist fell faster on the lion's nose.

Donate blood and splash.

Among the fierce griffins, the four lions and eight legs kicked the lions back and forth.

A group of people outside have already looked silly.

Only then did they realize that the strangers who were called to support them only opened up the realm of life and death, but they completely dominated the confrontation with the lion.

Every counterattack of the lion is expected, and then take advantage of the situation, more fists and legs winds quickly and quickly fall to the body.

"What to do, come help!"

The captain has already had a wounded person there.

The authorities here finally reacted: "Take them over..."

"We have to arrange a few more institutional traps!"

"it is good!"

But at this moment, the whistle came again.

Three long and one short.

The two lions who almost rushed to the traps of the organs stood in the footsteps! The eyes were fierce and unwilling to smash a circle of organs, bypassing the trap mechanism, and turned to the two cross-training Taibao, happy.

Although a group of people here are not threatened, their faces have become more ugly.

There are animal trainers in the dark, their organ traps will be nothing!

The two players who have crossed the Taibao are obviously a little late and the situation is in jeopardy.

"Be careful!"


Happy here, the lion under the handle has been beaten up and down, and another lion has come to see it, and his eyes suddenly become cold and his feet are hard.

Hey! !

At the foot of the lion's throat, he was suddenly crushed by the darkness of his hair, and he could not die any more.

The animal trainer apparently noticed that the only four lions left were one less, and at the same time they split their two heads at the same time. One after the other, let the two nervous and cross-over Taibao over there be very loose. Tone.

Happy naturally will not let the two lions rush to the front of themselves, a step, take the initiative!

The first lion only felt a flower in front of him, and then the body was pulled out of inertia by a sudden force, and the four feet rose from the ground.

The world rotates!

boom! ! !

The earth is shaking.

The lion slammed his head directly.

The lion took off his hands, and he was too lazy to take a look at it. He took a deep breath and made a force at his feet. He greeted the second lion without stopping.

Just draw the gourd.

Only the second-flying lion has a goal - the first lion ready to climb from the ground.

When I just climbed up, I was scared by the black objects that flew in the face.

Quickly avoiding.

bump! !

The ground is shaking.

It was too late to watch the injury of the companion, and the first lion screamed at the sharp fangs.

Four or two dials.

There are two male lions, and there is a lot of time pressing. I am not willing to make more pauses, and I will throw them out again after I slammed my hind legs.

bump! !

Hit the wall of the Beast Mountain Villa.

Not far away, a group of people looked at the two lions, you sang the offensive of my debut, but there is no way to unfamiliar players, and gradually see the famous.


"Tricks and rhythm, it seems to be very difficult, in fact, has been in control of the situation, hey, very good skills ... However, how I looked at him seems to have left a little strength."

"It’s too big. If our team can have such a master, it’s not as simple as playing outside the Beast Hill.”

A group of people interacting with each other while dealing with two other white tigers and a lion, the situation is not so dangerous.

Happiness has been completely immersed in the joy of cultivation.

In addition to improving the innate attributes, "Yi Jin Jing" also has obvious improvement and improvement effects in the battle.

The action is very smooth...

After the meridians are widened, the internal forces seem to be able to condense more quickly;

The use of darkness has also become easier, and the hand is coming;

In addition, the interaction with the lion, the back impact, and even the action of the object seems to drive the expansion and protection of the "Yi Jin Jing".

One breath and one suck, "Yi Jin Jing" constantly improves the physical condition.

Although it is slow, but the end of the three major days of the day, the effect of the improvement, although slow, is already very happy.

Because he is now at the peak of life and death, he will soon step into the solution...

According to the current speed, when the "Yi Jin Jing" enters the third realm, it is the moment to get rid of life and death!

"carry on!"

Happy to forget the two lions hard to get up.

Until the people over there used the hidden weapon to disrupt the manipulation of the animal trainer, and then used the poisonous poison to lead the two white tigers and a male lion to the trap of the institution. The battle ended, and the fun was thrown out of a prey, killing the second male. lion;

However, the animal trainer ran into the Wan Beast Villa.

“ reformer’s grace, Much represents all members of the ‘hunter family’ in mind!”

At the end of the battle, Captain Mudge came over:

"I don't know the brothers' high names."

"One small thing, the name is not enough." Happy is just trying to take the opportunity to test the strength of the Beast Mountain Villa and the attributes of "Yi Jin Jing". There is no deep meaning: "Do you not accept things?"

"Of course, the materials and equipment of the male lion can be worth up to 1.5 million yuan, but the two of you killed only one piece of equipment, which is a total of two million. This is a silver ticket. Please accept Ok." The captain readily agreed to come down.


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