Sword Among Us

Chapter 933: Surprise under the predicament!

Surprise under Chapter 933 Dilemma!

It’s just a matter of opening the door, and it’s already facing the four-layered chain of traps, so that the family of hunters outside the house is secretly happy.

The agency comes from four different directions...

Left and right, overhead, right in front.

Even if it is a top expert, it is difficult to block the four-wave hidden weapon in an instant, and it is so accurate to evade the past, not to panic.

This made them very fortunate, but fortunately, there was no idea of ​​finding into the house of Wan Beast Villa.

It’s so tricky and dangerous to open the door, not to mention the danger inside!

A group of people stared at the quiet room, and did not want to leave for a long time...


"Good and exquisite organs."

Happy is also inspired by the care outside the door.

But when I settled in the room, I quickly smelled a weird, dangerous atmosphere in the room, a bit fragrant, and a refreshing fragrance.

This fragrance is unsettling and the movement is slow.


poisonous! !

I noticed that the smell in the house was wrong. When I was happy to try to get the detoxification, the ground suddenly came with a feeling of rapid pull.

The foot is slippery.

The pattern on the floor suddenly came alive, like a huge **** mouth, and slammed it tightly, and bound it happily.

"Heaven silk?"

Under the circumstance, I was so happy that I was suddenly recruited, and my whole body was tightened. I was **** like a scorpion and hung up.


puff! puff! !

The trap of the silk was touched, and immediately caused the sound of the spring in the four directions of the hall, and the black lacquered opening opened, and the cold arrow spewed out.

Dozens of arrows were shot from all directions when they were happy to be trapped from the ground and struggled...

In an instant, the dead end is formed!

"Fine loyalty to protect the country!"

Under the stimulation of life and death, happiness finally forcibly woke up from the strange smell in the house, and the eyes were cold. At the moment when the cold arrow fell to the outside of the body, the golden bell floating body appeared, just right to shake all the arrows.

The arrow slammed into the ground.

Various organ traps are triggered!

There was another frenzied burst of fire in the room.

a flying needle that is shot from the doorway next door; a smashing arrow that is nailed from the box to the wall, and a red mist ejected from the jewellery box; even a room next door falls directly down a steel fence, and the door and window blast Closed, the inside is burning with a raging fire...

See here.

Rao is happy and daring, and is also scared out of a cold sweat!

Looking at the room where the wolf was in danger, and the heat wave rolling in the room next door, it took two or three seconds and swallowed hard.

"Which black-hearted design is so many **** organ traps?"

Happy heart has a curse: "No wonder even the top players don't want to come in for adventure. This is an adventure, it is to die..."

Fortunately, I was just quilted in, or I was tossed by so many strange organs in the house. Maybe the whole thing would be mad.

There is also the room next to it, obviously there are two big boxes inside, but the steel fence falls, the doors and windows are closed, and immediately becomes a steel chamber with high sealing performance. Now it’s hot and hot... I really want to go in, who? Can't come out,.

Half a minute passed...

The quirky scent is still blowing in the nose.

Happy has a feeling of being sleepy and fascinated.

"Day... still use poison."

Happy has an urge to kill people...

There is no glimpse of what treasures you have come in, and the mortal organs have encountered three.

One is a poisonous aroma that can cause nerve numbness and slow movement;

One is a closed flame metal cage;

Another one is the silk trap that binds itself now!

When I think of the silk that binds my own, I can't wait to ruin the Hu merchant to death.

Such expensive and noble things are actually used to kill people. What is even more abhorrent is that the silk of the sky, the general sword can not be damaged, and the best weapons are difficult to split...

Once people are bound, the more they struggle, the tighter they will be bound!

In the end, you can even bind a life student to deformation and suffocate and die!

"No, I have to find a way to get rid of this **** silk..."

"The other side of Chen Kaixin can read the message directly from my mind. If I was told by this little bastard, I was so happy that I couldn’t have some peerless martial arts, and finally I was trapped by the silkworm. fling in teeth……"

Looking cold, happy to start using various methods!


It doesn't work...

The silk is extremely flexible, and as you shrink, it immediately tightens, and it makes no sense at all.

Golden bell! !

The body is activated.

A feeling of being trapped by countless sharp objects was immediately introduced.

The **** sky silk also has an effect on the body, completely restrained.

But it is very strange.

At the moment when the body is traumatized, Happiness suddenly feels that the "Yi Jin Jing" in the body automatically runs.

A weak airflow slowly flows through the body's meridians.

In addition to a slight slowing of the pain in vitro, the meridians seem to be slightly happy and widened, and even the house full of strange and awkward aromas has been expelled a lot, and the spirit has been a lot of cheers.


This strangeness makes you happy and inexplicable!

Looking inside quickly.

Not surprisingly...


With the tightening of the silk, "Yi Jin Jing" automatically runs, and the level of Yi Jin Jing has begun to slowly fluctuate again;

In addition to.

The fluctuation of the root bone is faster than the first three days of the week.

It seems that pain and injury are still stimulating the roots and body of the happy body while stimulating the "Yi Jin Jing"...

This shocking discovery made you happy and happy, quickly calmed down from the tension, and began to no longer rush to get rid of the current predicament.

Happy to try to remove the "Golden Bell", purely with the flesh to withstand the binding of the sky silk...

But the pain is reduced, but it is hard to accept.

"Yi Jin Jing" also stopped working, and the drowsy aroma was once again drilled into the chest, making people feel awkward.

Start the golden bell again.

At the same time as the body was hard, I immediately felt that the silk was deeply stuck in the body, and the stinging came from all over the body.

"Yi Jin Jing" once again automatically promoted the valley, the meridians widened, the internal forces in the body crazy operation, relieve pain, the spirit also accompanied.

"Sure enough, we need to cooperate with the "Golden Bell" to re-energize the "Yi Jin Jing"."

Happy to completely determine the "Yi Jin Jing" changes related to the "Golden Bell", and at the same time related to the damage of their own silk.

"Very good! I can't get away now, I won't leave. Anyway, the toxins in the body have been excreted by the "Yi Jin Jing", just taking the opportunity to practice "Yi Jin Jing", impacting the third layer of realm!"

Happy and quickly got an idea.

Quickly recorded your current attributes.



Root bone 268 points;

263 points of arm strength;

258 points;

Comprehension 277 points.

Internal force 626 points...


When the eyes are closed, the heart begins to feel uncomfortable. "Yi Jin Jing" combined with the "Golden Bell" to counter the power of the silk to bring a wonderful upgrade to the body.

Under the "Golden Bell" practice, the surface is exceptionally strong and tough, but the more so, under the pull of gravity, the silk is deeply drawn from the body, and the body continues to suffer damage...

However, because happiness has never been moved, the damage will slowly slow down to a certain extent.

However, every time the "Yi Jin Jing" runs, widening the meridians and invigorating the flesh and blood, will quickly recover the damage of the body, as if the deep trap is pulled out.

But soon the silk was deeply trapped...

Fill in again.

So reciprocating, the level of Yi Jin Jing has fluctuated again from the 12.01 level;

The root bone attribute of the innate attribute also flows with time, and it beats from time to time;

At the same time, internal forces are slowly rising at an unremarkable speed...

One to two.

Happy almost half an hour a big Sunday.

The body bound by the sky silk hanging in the air is still the same, unable to move;

But the poison gas in the house did not invade at all, and the happy body was in a swell, and slowly stirred the air around.

In the room, the breathing is getting clearer...

It was like a huge monster making a rhythmic breath in the room.

Happy has been completely immersed in it!


Outside the house

A group of hunter family members waited for more than half an hour at the door to lose patience.

"How long has it been so long?"

"Will it already..."

"Maybe I am trying to solve the problem. We have never experienced it in the house. Who knows what it is."

"Are we still waiting?"

Someone is impatient.

Although I am curious about the ancient fame of the ancients, it is boring to wait so boring.

"Unfortunately, the houses are all organs, and the buildings are all metal structures. They are not easy to destroy and cannot be re-entered. Otherwise, they can go in and see. It is not good. Listen to the sound inside. Damn, the sound insulation effect is so good. ”

Some people are anxious and irritated.

Suddenly someone opened:

"In fact, you have to know if he has anything. It's very simple. Let people know when they help."

“The cost of investigations is getting higher and higher, are you paying?”

"Everyone is together, curious to get together." The prostitute's eyes sparkle.

A group of people nodded.

The cost of investigating a person is now very expensive, and it requires tens of thousands of dollars, but there are more than a dozen individuals, each of whom is one thousand two, and the pressure is not great.

A group of people decided to come down after a total.

At this time, there are many people on the rivers and lakes doing this kind of business, specializing in receiving and distributing information, and even set up a special organization.

After the captain issued a mission to ‘headhunter’, he quickly received a reply:

"Ha ha, today you are lucky, just now there are people who buy happy position news in a row, according to the rules, this time you accept half price... The person you are looking for is now in Wanshi Mountain Villa, the coordinate position is..."

See the intelligence on the pigeons.

A group of people finally put their hearts back to their original place.

The coordinates are very close to them, that is to say, happy is still in the house, no accidents...

"Wait, he said in the letter, is someone constantly checking the coordinates of the happy position?" The prostitute suddenly caught another message on the letter.

The voice just fell, and suddenly there was a burst of rumors and clothes in the courtyard outside!

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