Sword Among Us

: Returning to the feathers

Chapter 937

The jagged brother's one hand 'mad magic cut' combines a bit of tears and rain, and the water does not enter the violent power, but in the rivers and lakes, this method of hiding the flaws and strengthening the power can only be regarded as a small trick, or can be combined with Double the strength of the upgrade, and four or five of the same level of masters, but in the face of the real master, two people are still two people, flaws, still exist.

Among the rivers and lakes, the high-level opponents, the winners and losers are the lessons learned from the death of their own lives, as well as the super-strong fighting intuition, and the other is the skill and strength.

Happy, I didn’t intend to lift the two enemies like the clown in front of me.


Just the moment when the two men were attacked by the attacking offensive at the same time, avoiding the sharp edge of the serrated sword, a knee hit the face of the serrated younger brother on the left side to bloom bright flowers.

This attack was not fatal, and it could not even be ruined, but the jerky jealous brother was torn away.

The serrated knife crosses.

The shadows left by the happy did not hinder the advancement of the serrated knife, and the serrated slashing of a shocking scar from the younger brother’s chest.


Although the pain is alleviated, the response is very timely.

The jagged little brother looked at himself and was almost pulled open to reveal the chest of the white ribs, making a terrible horror.

The jagged brother took a breath of cold air, but his body was stiff, but he was sucked by a powerful force. His neck was cold and he was fastened by a steel-like palm.


system hint:

"The other person's root bone exceeds 285 points, and the judgment is unsuccessful and cannot cause injury!"

Get a warning from the system, happy not to show the horror and the heart of the heart, change to twist, a dark force into the latter.

A pain in the throat, the jagged brother only felt that the nerves of the whole body seemed to be destroyed, and the consciousness was quickly annihilated.

"I said that the battle has just begun."

A palm of the hand to kill the jagged brother, happy horses to the serious injury to the undead jagged brother...

The latter has already produced a lot of blood, and there is not much left.

To be honest, happy is a fancy to the latter root bones, perhaps a good equipment.

The jagged younger brother’s companion also wanted to rescue, and was happy to spread the darkness. He retreated more than half of the time and also completely shook the jagged younger brother.

Five people are falling...

"It's your turn."

Turning his head, he broke into the remaining dozens of blood league disciples.

The dragon-shaped dragon and the dragon-long hand frequently display, and then three people are kicked in the blink of an eye, and the three people are kicked and flew. The technique is crisp and neat, and the suffocation makes people breathless.

"Oh shit!"


"The two brothers are both dead, we still have to stay here! Funeral! Flash!" The peripheral trap maker spoke.

Several people on the side of the blood alliance who are still trying to support themselves suddenly turn around without hesitation.

But I have to ask if I am happy.

Although I am happy, I don’t know that this group of people is not sent by the blood coat. However, for the **** alliance, such a group of rookies have been so eager to look at themselves, and now they have no intention of staying at hand - hands and dragons!

The two men were detained, and the dragon claws were torn from the necks of the two people as quickly as electricity.



The bodies of two others were laid down.

Looking at a few blood league disciples who ran away and fled, they glanced at the ground in front of them, and the tone was cold: "When I go back, I will tell you the blood suit! Look for me early, otherwise, these people are his end!"

A group of people did not dare to stay in the scene, and ran away without stopping.

Happy and resolutely turned back.

Good luck, find out a few pieces of equipment from the bodies of several **** disciples on the ground!

Two pieces of 4 pieces of equipment, and a 3 piece of magic.

The quality of a product is almost the same as that of a silver shirt, but because the shape is not very good, I don’t care, I directly income into the Qiankun bag, and I am ready to go back to the city and sell it to the market;

But this magic weapon is good...

The 3rd piece of the magic weapon, obtained from the jagged brother.

Jade Boots of Jinmao: (3 pieces of the next product)

Defense 1250 points;

The innate attributes are each increased by 25 points;

An additional 10 points increase in bodywork;

Dodge increase by 10%;

In this world, the martial arts people's own equipment defense is generally higher than the finished equipment in the rivers and lakes, but there is no improvement in innate attributes.

This has caused two differences in the choice of equipment for martial arts people...

A person chooses to take the innate attribute route, sacrifice defense, and enhance his innate attributes;

Another type of person chooses to take the defensive route. Although there is less improvement of the innate attributes, the defense is much higher and the survivability is guaranteed.

Only those who are lucky, fortunate enough to get a good attribute of the magic device (high-level npc body), in order to meet both requirements at the same time......

Happy in the past, there is very little opportunity to deal with the mythical powers. In the low-level magic equipment and the four-stage equipment, the decisive choice of high defense, stability, and then rely on their solid strength to win.

but now.

The silver shirt can no longer meet his requirements!

This ‘Jade Mouse’s Jade Boots’ is very good. I decided to stay and wait for the opportunity to get the ‘fire unicorn scales’, and then find someone to help the 4th segment.


"What should we do now?"

"People have no lessons, they have been taught a lesson, and ten brothers have died..."

The jagged brothers and a group of depressed and decadent companions have come out of the Wu Temple, the strength fell by 10%, and the face is not ugly.

"***, it’s been so long, I didn’t expect it to be so powerful..."

"So many reliefs are not his opponents. There is no room for counterattack. I finally know why the blood-shirt boss has not let us enter the altar."


"Now is not the time to say this, the key is that the brethren are dead, have not done anything, how to do it! This thing can not be said to go out, a bad blood boss to kill us again ..."


A group of people remembered that they had lost their faces this time, and they were ridiculed by the outside world. The **** face of the good face must not let them go.

However, they did not know, in fact, when they played, the hunter family had already recorded the whole process.

At the moment they discussed, rep has been freshly released.

One title is "The Return of the Master!" Dozens of blood squad members can not be murdered, and the post of happy waning beast is on the official website forum.

More than nine in the morning...

Happy to come out of the game.

Xu Yao immediately took the breakfast out and said: "When you play the game, the doctor has seen you and said that you have recovered well. However, he said that you should try not to be too obsessed with the game, and you should take more time to do rehabilitation. ""

"Oh, I know."

Happy and promised, put the helmet aside.

"Master wakes up?"

The ward door was opened with a small slit, and then Xiao Yi nurse and Qiu Ming walked in with the fruit: "Master, let's see you."


Happy lying in bed, licking his forehead: the two men have been openly called.


Qiu Ming then yelled at Xu Yao, who ignored him.

But happy suddenly felt that the mood is cheerful:

"Qiu name, come over."


"Master, generally have to have eyesight, I suddenly feel that you have the potential to become a master."


Qiu Ming was so excited to be excited:

"When did the master teach me?"

"I can't teach you, the road to master, full of loneliness and loneliness, you must go to comprehend yourself, grow and experience yourself." Happy and sentimental:

"From the beginning of the operation of the rivers and lakes, in the past three years, I have played thousands of battles, and challenged more than 300 masters of rivers and lakes. They were the top experts in the rivers and lakes at that time.


Qiu Ming reveals the excitement.

Xiao Yi stared at happiness and listened.

"Especially someone else's battle rep, which has three months, I have been comprehending the sword of an emperor, thinking about how to crack the sword of an emperor, but unfortunately there has been no chance to find him personally..."

"Boss, you are too powerful, actually want to challenge an emperor!"

"That is, although the first master of the Central Plains has been replaced by the phantom, but the phantom has publicly admitted that she is not an opponent of the emperor, you are challenging the first master of the Central Plains!"


I smiled happily, but there was a kind of excitement in my heart that said that I was in my heart for a long time.

In another world, happy and one emperor are equal, and even have surpassed an emperor in some way, overriding it.

Therefore, in the face of the people of the world, he will not say such words.

But in this world, the world that belongs to him, an emperor is still an unreachable mountain!

"Unfortunately, an emperor did not know where to go, and I don't know if you have a chance to meet him." Qiu Ming and Xiao Yi have no regrets, Xu Yao has been quietly taking care of happiness, feeding water, handing breakfast... ...

But the next sentence of happiness made Xu Yao, who had been extremely calm, suddenly moved.

I happily crossed my head with my hands and stared at the ceiling. The tone was serious:

"Reassured, I can feel his existence... He did not leave before he completely understood the "Thirteen Swords of Life" and did not defeat the evil emperor... In this life, I and the Emperor are destined to have a battle! ”


Xu Yao handed half of the hand to live.

It seems to have suddenly returned more than a year ago.

Happy has become famous in the rivers and lakes, the days of high spirits...

One morning, so proud and confident:

"After a battle with ... today, I will formally prepare and challenge an emperor. Although I know that I am likely to lose, but this day, I have been looking forward to it for a long time. There are few people in the Central Plains who are worthy of my challenge!"


The glittering tears flashed in Xu Yao’s eyes, and the latter quickly put down the breakfast in his hand and rushed into the washroom!

Closing the door, looking at the excitement, joy and self-satisfaction in the mirror, Xu Yao slowly held his face and sobbed silently:

Happy to come back!

The happiness that was not changed at that time, the proud and confident happiness came back!

Do not……

In the verbal expression, it seems more proud and self-respecting! Full of fighting spirit and vitality! !

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