Sword Among Us

: What happened to Chen Kaixin? Verify the shuttle ability!

Chapter 946 What happened to Chen Kaixin? Verify the shuttle ability!

"what's the situation?"

When I was awake from the ward, I suddenly sat up with a noticeable mistake and incredulity on my face, muttering in my mouth:

"Chen Kaixin discovered this kid's conscience?"

But very happy soon and I don’t think so...


In short, it can't be described.

Sitting in the hospital bed and thinking about it for a long time, happy when I suddenly remembered that I was being pulled over, it seems that I also thought of the things over there, and then I was dragged to the other side of the world one hour earlier;

When I came back, it was because I was very nervous, so...

Is it...

The body is stiff, and the happy eyes are shot in an incredible color! Some faint expectations in my heart are not certain!

But Chen Kaixin’s situation today is indeed very weird.

And the past and the return are unusually awkward!

"No... try it."

Happy to look at Xu Yao, who was sleeping next to the bed, couldn’t wait to lie down, closed his eyes, and the picture in the world appeared in his mind... bedroom...


After a while, the strong sense of pulling and the sense of darkness were once again coming.

Look at it in a blink of an eye.

Happy face horrified and stunned, not calmly and slowly from the ground up - the order to the other side is really triggered by him, and Chen Kaixin seems to be really absent, did not take over the body, so it led to the body directly fell to the ground .


Happy and silent...

Happy can't be sure what the reason is, but Chen Kaixin seems to really fall into sleep again.

In the heart of happiness, there is a slight uneasiness.

Whether Chen Kaixin was sealed for his own reasons or because of his own reasons, he did not know; and this time, I don’t know when Chen Kaixin will wake up again!


This night, happy is doomed to sleep.


"Dr. Li, I have a question."

In the shackles, happy to control Chen Kaixin's body to quickly resolve the breakfast, returned to his ward, accompanied by Xu Yao to the rehabilitation room, to find Dr. Li.

"Your spirit doesn't seem to be very good. Didn't you sleep last night? What are you talking about?" Dr. Li looked happy and answered.

"I just want to ask, if I am in the game, suddenly become a vegetative, what will happen?" The voice fell, happy to see that Xu Yao's body was slightly trembled, his face changed a little.

"...this question is very interesting. It seems that you are worried that your game will be changed back to the original way?" Dr. Li turned and smiled and answered: "But in theory, this kind of thing can't happen..."

“I mean, what happens to the patient if it happens?”


"In fact, the patient is in the state of vegetative people, just like falling asleep. Today's virtual games are very safe. There is no case of becoming a vegetative person after entering the game, but if there is any accident that causes this phenomenon, I am also If you say, other people can't find it... because it is in deep sleep, it takes a while to discover, for example, the body function gradually loses control..."

"So what about the game?"

Happy to ask.

Dr. Lee also seems to be interested:

"I can answer you this because many players often go to bed halfway through the game, and then the people in the game seem to be able to maintain their current state. Now many gang masters use this to cultivate their minds and bodyguards. In this, this is no secret."


Happy eyes flashed, it seems to be relieved.

"Is there still a problem? If not, start today's rehabilitation..."

"Rehabilitation treatment, I will come back later, Yao, help me back first."

The tone of happiness is very urgent.

Although Xu Yao was surprised and happy how to ask some strange questions suddenly, but did not ask, silently brought the happiness back to the ward.

But what makes Xu Yao surprised is that when I returned to the ward, I went back to the bed for the first time, picked up the game helmet and entered the game.

Xu Yao suddenly speechless!

But she didn't know that she was happy to go into deep sleep soon after entering the game—that is, happiness has gone to another world (good evil).


Going to the other side, I was happy and hesitated for a while, then I took the game helmet on the bed and entered the game.


Still appearing in the gang's gang prison.

Commanded people to mobilize the innocent prisoners of the ten boxing methods to a cell, happy to take a copy of the martial arts cheats in the gang warehouse, re-open the cell, and sit alone in the cultivation...

The realm is all open!

"Invincible Body" opens!


All the equipment was taken down, and I was standing in the middle of the cell, and ordered a group of vicious prisoners around me.

A group of prisoners looked at each other and did not dare to neglect them.

A powerful and powerful force is bombarded on happy!

In the storm, I am happy to stand still, with my own body and "Jiuyang Shengong" to withstand the fierce attack of ten people, while nervously paying attention to their own situation...

Under the intense and frequent attack, "Yi Jin Jing" really fluctuated rapidly, and the speed of operation was very fast, even when he was trapped in Baowu;

The entry of "Invincible Body" is also very fast, and the three rounds of supply have directly climbed two levels!


Ten unsuccessful masters of the three hits also hit the fun directly into the internal injuries, a trace of blood slowly spilling from the corner...

"carry on!"

"Jiuyang Shengong" can only be regarded as an automatic body protector, restoring the internal force consumed by "Invincible Body", but "Yi Jin Jing" has some healing effects while widening the meridians, which is very mysterious.

One increase and one decrease, the happy injury is not deep!

If you are seen by an outsider, you must be stunned and stunned...

In the face of the violent attack of ten incompetent boxers, even the equipment is not worn...

Happy has been suffering from nearly seventy to eighty fists, standing still, Jiuyang Shengong is more frequent red light, for him to absorb damage, "Yi Jin Jing" quickly climbed.


With a happy drink, ten people stopped at the same time.

Happy to wait for "Yi Jin Jing" and "Jiu Yang Shen Gong" to automatically restore the body to the best state, then look at the time, again ordered: "Come again! Attack!"

The fierce boxing style of frequent cheats was heard again in the cell.

Ten *** hit down, happy again in the case of injury, told a group of people to stop, in situ waiting for recovery.

But this time...

It seems that the speed of recovery has increased a little faster.

"The third level of "Yi Jin Jing" is really faster than the recovery of the second layer, but to enter the fourth layer, I am afraid it will take more than a dozen rounds."

Happy thinking:

"But it's not bad. If you don't wear any equipment, the innocent attack is really much more effective than the damage of the sky silk. The ten people's ten hits are equivalent to a hundred strong blows, and the cycle can be upgraded by about one level. "Yi Jin Jing"; "Do not destroy the body" ... ah, "Indestruction" is faster and more stable, has reached the middle of the second realm, the defense will become stronger and stronger, "Yi Jin Jing" The resilience is also becoming more and more obvious."

Probably lasted for several rounds, the happy "Invincible Body" steadily entered the third level, and was able to catch up with the progress of "Yi Jin Jing".

At this time, the high defense effect of "Invincible Body" came into play, and the happy body could support more than fifteen rounds of attacks, and the recovery speed was reduced from five minutes to four minutes...

"Every 200 seconds attack, one attack 15 strokes!"

Happy to set detailed settings.

A group of prisoners can understand and shoot.

Everyone attacked fifteen strokes and then stopped, and then waited until 200 seconds to re-start...

Seeing this, I am happy to stand still, close my eyes, and my mind is on the side of the ward.

Sucking power is coming!

The surrounding environment has changed and people have appeared near the market in the city.


A white homing pigeon stopped on his shoulders and made a groaning sound. The people next to the boiler cast strange eyes from time to time, as if they could not understand. The guy who stood in the middle of the street for a while still had a homing pigeon...

"Happy big brother, when is it coming? Yesterday's goods have all been shot, the money is transferred to your account, we have now arrived at the old place of Wanshi Mountain Villa, come back and remember to leave a message."

It is Yu Long’s book of flying pigeons.

Happy, I quickly checked my funds, and the total amount has reached more than 80 million yuan, and the black iron epee can be reached.

However, I am not in a hurry to win this weapon that I can't use. Now I have reached the solution. I won the "Devil's Destruction" and I can enter the cultivation earlier.

On the spot, it took about half an hour to get back to the dragon. Then I sent a letter to the player who agreed to the 30 million trading swordsmanship yesterday:

"Where are you now? I am rich enough."

"Fast, I am still in the market, the old place!" The other party responded quickly.

Happy and happy.

I am in the market.

Following the route of yesterday, I came to the booth of the savvy businessman, but the latter blocked a few people.


I can see at a glance that the front of the booth has a signature of the hall on the chest, and it seems that the equipment is good and can not help but frown.

"Kid, I know that you are a business alliance, but our brothers know that you have the "Magic End of the World" in your hand, and we will not let you suffer from a loss of people, thirty-five million, I bought ""

He spoke for the first middle-aged man who looked like a good-looking man. His eyes were sharp, a bit lonely and cold.

"...this book was really booked."

The main face of the booth is difficult:

"And he has already come over and take it."

Although the business alliance is not a small alliance, but compared with Yipintang, it is obviously inferior. It is no easier to fool than the five poisonous doors.

The owner of the Xuan Tie Epee knows that this time he came to be a master of Yipintang. Without much words, he stood by and looked at him with cold eyes.

The middle-aged man snorted:

"I know that his booking price is 30 million, so I only buy 5 million more expensive, you will not give me this face?"

The words of Yipintang are already a little threatening.

"Who said that my scheduled price is 30 million? Brother, here is 50 million, "Magic Endless" gives me..."

Happy to come out from behind the crowd.

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