Sword Among Us

Chapter 954: it's me

Chapter 954 is me


In a spacious valley with eight spiders and scorpions, the hunter family members and happy have begun to practice and are on the right track;

The entrance to the valley has been erected with more than 30 chain traps, and some are set up on both sides. The hidden organs, half an hour down, no one bothers...

Yu Long is right. The eight-headed parasitic spider here is really very powerful. Whenever the small spiders that he released are slaughtered, they will be filled with ten at a time, and each one has no weaker combat power. Cooperating with the mother of the peak of incompetence, it is a very good cultivation object, and it is also an excellent cultivation place for the high-level martial arts of the auxiliary type of "Feng Ling Xuan" and "Smart and Eight".

The outer shell of the scorpion is very hard. It is hard to hurt anything under the full blow of "Magic Guardian". It is fun to shuttle between a group of scorpions and spiders, and it is moved back and forth, and is attacked by the corners from time to time. Invincible body shield madness.

Unlike the attacks in the gang prisoners, these spiders and scorpions are full of deadly attacks, and the number is dense, and the happy round of flying at least attracts dozens of attacks. It is easy to ruin the body. .

If it is not "Yi Jin Jing" can quickly provide internal forces, and when you are happy to prepare a surprising amount of medicinal herbs, it is also afraid to play such an adventurous action.

"The Devil's End of the World" is almost always greeted by a few scorpions around, the speed of growth is generally...

The new purchase of the practice of "Dong Xuan" is also very slow;

However, "Yi Jin Jing" and "Invincible Body" have each raised half of the realm in less than half an hour. The internal strength and innate attributes are growing faster than the average person, so that happiness is quickly immersed in it. among them.

In the other direction of the valley, a group of people has gradually become numb!

They are not seen in this kind of cultivation. Many martial arts masters like to use this kind of extreme cultivation method to lead a group of strangers, arbitrarily attacking and practicing light work and martial arts, and do not avoid attacks in all directions at the fastest speed. Improve your body.

However, this method of cultivation is very dangerous, and it is very expensive to consume. Even if it is a famous person on the rivers and lakes, it cannot be maintained for a long time. One day, the medicine must be worth a million yuan.

The hunter family's cultivation methods are more conventional!

A group of people take turns to attack the scorpion. Most people can pour and attack without any scruples, and slowly raise the level of martial arts in a long and peaceful environment...

Xunzi is a kind of very tough, defensive, and not easy to be knocked down. It can withstand a long time. This kind of treatment is equivalent to a group of inaction prisoners in the gang. Therefore, it is sought after by many non-gang members and non-gang members. .

Regular has the general benefits!

Safe, low-cost, easy and frugal, and you can chat from time to time...

Happy to practice, the mind is tight, every move and attack need to pay great attention, and must be alert to the number of internal forces and the extent of the body, in addition to the need to avoid fatal injuries, so that the process is very difficult.


As time goes by, the results are abundant!

The members of the hunter family can clearly see that the body mask of the happy body, as the number of strikes increases, seems to be broken at any time, but the color is gradually deepening and seems to be tougher. And the amplitude of the subsequent attacks falling on it is also weakened a lot.

In addition...

Happy every few minutes, the offensive will rise, killing a group of spiders with the damage, and happen to solve all the spiders when the eight-headed parasitic spider can carry out the next incubation.

Half an hour ago, the sword was light and seemed to have no power, but after half an hour, the black scorpion on the sword suddenly became conspicuous, even under the cover of gray-black suffocation, it was a faint The hot and weird swordsman, when it falls on the spider, will bring out the burning sound of the cockroach.

"The third level of the sword law... speed and damage are gradually reflected, but if you really want to get the countertop, with the effect of black scorpion, you need at least the seventh layer."

""Yi Jin Jing" is a rapid progress. Under the frequent attack of the heartbreaking needle and a group of innocent monsters, the speed of promotion is more than 50% faster than the other side! It has broken through to the sixth level... ... "Invincible Body" is also very good, starting to scale, even if the original attack against a group of spiders will not have problems, it is only a matter of time to catch up with the other side."

"It is that the drug is consumed a little faster... On the other side, it is basically unnecessary to use the drug, but after all, it is worthwhile to have a heartbreaker."

While thinking about my own progress, I don’t dare to have the slightest scorn in my hands...

He started to like this place a bit!

It's no wonder that it has become a great place to practice for countless advanced players. It's no wonder that even the high-end members of Yipintang will come here to practice.

Ghostly, the name is well-deserved!

"Blood coat, dream cloud..."

“It seems that we can cultivate to the ideal level for at least half a month, but let me think about it and see if I can get more school.” Someone began to wonder.


The practice of the sneaky is very good, happy to discuss with the hunter family time, only to quit the game to eat.

"Chen Kaixin, where did your kid go?"

In the ward, the wind and the cloud solved the food that Xu Yao handed, and I locked myself into the bathroom, sighed at the sky and rushed to the other side...

Continue to eat!

I don't know if it is a relationship between time and space. I feel that the bright living room seems to have lost a little bit of warmth.

Xu Xin’s poorly immersed in eating, didn’t have a bite, and stopped taking food in his own bowl. Even the sights were rarely seen. Xu Yao ate and sneaked a sneak peek at him while he was eating. Occasionally being hit and pretending to drink water, just like a thief...

"You two, what happened?"

I am happy to forget that I was the same as Xu Yao’s confession a few days ago.


Xu Yao almost drank water and suffocated her breath, held her chest, twisted to the side and coughed, and stared at her with a weird look.

At this time, Xu Xin seems to have come back to the soul. She stares at the happy eyes, and her eyes are deeply confused and uncertain.


In fact, after the opening, happy has begun to regret.

At this time, it is obvious that slowly alienating is the most rational. After all, the original owner of the body is not himself. This sentence Chen Kaixin has told him a few days ago.

Everything he is going to here now, if it is for Xu Xin, she should let her go, let her slowly leave herself in the cold...


Seeing Xu Xin's faint and soft eyes, he felt happy that his heart seemed to be stung by something, and the heart twitched violently.

"Xu Yao!"

The fierce gaze shot toward Xu Yao.

Although according to the normal development, Xu Yao here should be his own body girlfriend, but when Xu Xin was present, he was very clear that Xu Yao felt that he was a stranger.

As soon as I saw Xu Xin’s present expression, I thought that Xu Yao had already told Xu Xin that her biggest secret, and her heart was angry.

Xu Yao had been very strange after that night and was more concerned about this rookie.

But now, even if it is slow, it will react. Now the person in front of him is not the rookie in the opening, but the real boss!


Xu Yao finally recovered from the chest and looked at her heart happily. The neck shrank and she shook her head and said that she did not disclose any information to show her innocence.

Xu Xin naturally noticed Xu Yao’s silent communication, and his eyes stayed on the happy face for a while: "I heard everything you said that night."


As soon as this statement is made, there is a feeling of breathing and suffocation.

I noticed that the atmosphere between the two became strange and dignified. Xu Yao quickly put down the chopsticks in his hand and got up and left.

"Yao sister, you stay."

Xu Xin has always been very polite. Anyone who says anything will use the word, but this time, the tone is very firm.

Xu Yao seems to have heard the same sacred set of pulling his head and sitting back again, his eyes dare not go to see Xu Xin.

"Why are you coming back, I thought that you will not eat my meal again in the future."

Xu Xin really knows all the secrets.

It seems that these days, sleep is not good because of the shocking information that Xu Yao said in digesting happiness.

"Sin, sorry."

"You are not sorry for me..." Xu Xin spoke with a slight cry, his eyes filled with tears: "I can return to the original world, can come back with your girlfriend, I am happy for you... ...I thought you would not come back. I had already decided to leave here. Why are you coming back?"


Xu Yao finally couldn't sit still.

Happy, taking a deep breath: "I don't want to stare at you. I never knew that there was a soul in my body. I didn't know that I could go back to the world until after he appeared... I discovered that I couldn't bear to tell. You don't want to make you sad."

"Then don't come back!" Xu Xin got up with tears and his voice grew louder and louder: "I am ready to leave here silently, why are you coming back? I want to give me hope!"


Xu Yao quietly got up and gently smothered her heart and heartless uneasiness and powerless lover into her arms, and looked at her with incomprehensible eyes:

She remembered that she said to her that she would only appear after 12 o'clock in the evening to help Chen Kaixin here to deal with the trouble.

But happiness is now appearing again, and her heart is full of doubts.

Xu Xin was weak and weeping. I don’t know how long it was. In the heavy living room, I was happy and long and sighed: "I don't know what happened. He has not appeared for a few days..."

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