Sword Among Us

: Kill alone, try again

Chapter 957, killing separately, try again

The demon baby poison, in the sneaky is indeed a strong headache!

For the cultivating team, killing the baby insects not only wastes a long time, but also requires a lot of manpower and cost.

Because the demon baby insects are not only flying monsters, they are hard like iron, and they always emit a kind of effect that slows down the movement speed and attack speed by about 10%. It is difficult to exert the original strength itself, and it is extremely tricky; more dangerous. Yes, the word "poison" of the demon baby poison, the body is accompanied by a demon poison, once touched, naturally stimulated, with the sound of the demon baby drums directly into the enemy's blood, resulting in enemy strength reduced The effect of 30 points and the drop of blood.

The attack of the demon baby poison is not a terrible horror...

Therefore, the demon baby insects will usually change the target after the enemy is poisoned, and will destroy the enemy within the field of vision.

The vitality of the demon baby poisonous insects and the strange and powerful toxic effect made the martial arts people encounter extremely headaches. A long time ago, someone killed the demon baby poisonous insects, but it paid a lot of price, probably hundreds of martial arts masters, and then from the demon The body of the baby insects only got the material that was disproportionate to the poison sac and the forged sword equipment.

After that, many of the demon baby insects are basically like this. It is hard to kill after a lot of hard work, and it is a little bit of something that makes people heartbroken!

Therefore, even if some high-end training groups encounter this thing, they will leave without hesitation and hide far away.

But when I first came here, I was not willing to waste time searching for new cultivation places in the ghosts. This would be a stupid stay to deal with the evil baby insects.


Although the happy swordsmanship is not high, it has to be said that the black scorpion damage effect of the unique swordsmanship cheats is very obvious, which is equivalent to raising the lethality of the two realms, and with the happy and savvy swordsmanship trend, It can also cause some trouble and pain to the demon baby.

Happy attacks are very rhythmic and purposeful!

While ensuring the distance between them and the demon baby insects, half of the swordsman pours on the steel-like wings, and the rest is constantly trying to explore the whole body of the demon baby insects, looking for flaws and breakthrough points...

After two minutes of temptation, I finally got some understanding.


The weak point of the demon baby poison is the face, the horrible baby face.

The giant of ******, it seems that the skin is so smooth and tender, naturally become the focus of happy care...

A group of people in the hunter family have been surrounded by the big Pang Xiao Pang, two people sit down for their healing and poisoning, others eyes staring at this side.

"Happy boss, what is this? The face of the demon boy is the most difficult to break. It seems that there is a body protection, and all attacks will be weakened by invisible power."

"This, I seem to have heard of..."

"Yeah? You see, the face of the demon baby bug has turned black."

"It is for the happy boss."

"It seems like a little effect..." "Don't be noisy, it seems like brushing the scorpion and the spider again. You used to take care of it."

When a group of people spoke, there was a group of monsters in the suffocating air.


Swordsman spilled.

Happy every time I flew out of my hand, I felt an invisible force weakening my sword, effectively blocking the piercing of the long sword, as if the face of the demon baby insect covered an invisible protective film.

This effect is completely different from other parts and looks more difficult to break.

But happy, but also noticed that each time you violently attack this layer of invisible protective film, the demon baby insects will be more harsh and sharp, and will occasionally spray an unpleasant venom.

This is a very angry and panicking performance!

Although it has not been broken yet, I am happy to believe that the other parts of the demon baby insects are like steel. The face should not be so. Once the invisible protective film is broken, it is the time when the demon baby is seriously injured.

Quietly, happy, while continuing to attack, while rushing to avoid the poisonous liquid spray of the demon baby insects...

This lasted for about ten minutes.


The wind is coming behind me.

"Be careful!!!"

Yulong looked at a sneaky sneaky suddenly appeared behind the happy, and scared a cold sweat.

The happy body miraculously twisted, and the sneaky fierce slammed directly fell into the air, almost hitting the demon baby poison...

After a series of spiders and scorpions that were killed by Yu Long and others, the valley suddenly became lively and tense.

"Happy, I will help you to open them."

"You continue to practice, lead a few heads in the past, can't deal with the left, I have no problem." Happy to talk is crisp and neat.

Although the flying baby insects fly with scorpions and spiders, they have a greater threat, but they have a deep understanding of the sneaky and eight-headed parasitic spiders. Their speed, the prejudgment of each movement is in the heart, and they attack very much. It is difficult to pose a threat to "Invincible Body."

"it is good!"

Seeing a happy and calm group of strange sloshing circles, Yu Long boldly led the two-headed parasitic spider to the past and left the scorpion.

Happy and secretly relieved.

If Yu Long is taking the scorpion, the spider that stays may be difficult to revolve because the number is too large. Now it is better. If it is sneaky, it is better to hang a follower.

Think of this, happy to take the demon baby insects and scorpions to cultivate!

While using the sword gas to continue to attack the big face of the demon baby insect, while maintaining a safe distance...

Although it seems to be very simple, but not once turned, angle, strength, and accuracy judgment, need to be very stable.

Time passes by a minute...

Da Pang Xiao Pang is finally recovering and is also engaged in cultivation.

The valley is calm again.

If it is not happy, it will be that the dragon and other people will not be far away. A group of people really think that the demon baby insects in the valley have disappeared.


After about an hour of grinding, the layer of invisible protective film on the surface of the baby insect was finally broken...

At this point, the disgusting big face of the demon baby poison has been covered with criss-crossing black marks, which look even more awkward, more like a poisonous insect.

What makes you happy is that the moment the protective film disappears, the sound of the demon baby poison also loses its original power...

Happiness is a kind of relaxed feeling of putting down a heavy burden. The speed of the sword in the hand suddenly increases and the body becomes brisk.

"Haha! Want to run?"

The protective film broke, and I immediately noticed that the demon baby poisonous insects turned around and fled. He had already prepared for him. The two fast swords smashed the two insidious sneaks and chased the front of the demon baby poison. The weird crying may not catch up, but the speed is as normal as usual, and there is no problem in catching up with the demon baby.

puff! !

Sword out!

The demon baby insect is directly penetrated by the body.

"The big face of this bug is really soft."

Losing the protection of the protective film, the big face of the demon baby is like a water tofu, which is pierced by pleasure. The wings flickered a few times with control, and fell heavily to the ground, and quickly ran out of a stinking green liquid.


system hint:

"Successfully killed the mythical demon baby insects!"

"Battle assessment s level!"

"Comprehensive combat assessment s level!"

"I will improve my understanding by 3!"

"There was some comprehension in the battle, "Magic End of the World" increased by 5! The current level is 52.78."

"There was some understanding in the battle, "Dong Xuan" raised a realm! The current level is 41.39."


Continuous system prompts make you happy and surprised.

Actually obtained three s-level assessments.

Although I also got a s-level combat assessment in Wanshou Mountain Villa, I got 1 point of savvy improvement, but only improved a few levels.

After all, what is now cultivated is the swordsmanship, bodywork, and body protection. Even if you get the s-level battle evaluation, no matter what the realm, the level of promotion is very small, and the more you go back.

But this time, actually raised the sword level of half of the realm and the footwork of a whole realm...

The most terrifying thing is the footwork!

Footwork, in the past practice, there are very few steps to improve! !

"Get rid of?"

When the sound of the demon baby poisonous insect disappeared, Yu Long ran over and saw the body of the demon baby poisonous insect on the ground. He danced with joy: "Haha, now you can practice it well, right, the material on this thing is good, can Sell ​​about one or two million... I will collect it for you."

"...wait, don't be busy, I ask you..."

Happy to tell the strange phenomenon in his body, Long Yi said, the latter also stunned, deeply frowning: "I raised 15 levels in one breath? After the release, it seems that I have never heard of who can upgrade so fiercely Up to the end of the period, up to three to five levels in one breath..."


"The footwork is even more strange. The s-level battle evaluation, I have never heard of the promotion of the light footwork realm... The footwork cultivation is too slow. Generally, few people will repeat the training in the fight. Practice a liberation of light." Yu Long's expression is more and more weird: "Is it because of the devil's poison?"

"Why do you say that?"

Happy frowning, do not understand the meaning of Yu Long.

The latter quickly explained: "The body of the demon baby insect is very hard, the flying speed is fast, and the sound wave attack particularly affects the moving speed of the person. Usually the player is squatting... The only difference is that so far, you should be The only person who alone killed the demon baby and obtained the s-level battle evaluation."

Speaking of the back, Yu Long's eyes gradually have a look, as if to find reasons for happiness, but also explained his own doubts.

"That said, it also makes sense..."

I muttered happily here, and my tone turned: "But I want to try again!"


The jade faucet skin is numb--killing a demon baby is so troublesome, and the harvest is not too big.

But the happy next sentence made him shine!

"If it is what you said, the value of the demon baby poison is originally to improve the player's light power level... I can not only practice the sword, but also quickly improve the level of the body, and improve the internal strength and body attributes faster. ""

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