Sword Among Us

Chapter 961: Sword exposure

Chapter 961 Sword Method Exposure

"Old seven?"

The three elders and the thirteen elders came to the side of the evil man, but they did not relax and stare at the happy sword: "What happened?"

"The information is wrong. His "Devils and the World" may have had a bit of fire. The power is not inferior to the ordinary swordsmanship."

The evil man told the two men with a dignified look.

Three elders, the thirteen elders flashed a touch of color:


"It is said that he has only been able to break through the situation for less than a week. Even if he is stepping up cultivation 24 hours a day, he will never be able to rush the unique swordsmanship to seven or more layers."

"My "Black Devils and Clouds" is also a secret, and the offense and defense are not low. Otherwise, do you think that the attack of seven layers or less can mix my arm and shake my arm?"


I noticed the dignified gaze of the three people, and the happy long sword shook: "The people who came here are always a bit like."

Just now, he did intend to sneak a sinister man in one breath, but did not expect that the other party not only acted decisively, but also repeatedly made odd moves, almost let him suffer.

Since entering "Jianghu", I have encountered such a hard idea for the first time!

"But this time, I won't give you another chance, you three, let's go together!"

"Kid, you are quite arrogant, even if we are an elder, we still want to be an enemy three?" Responding to the happy is not a distant blood league disciple.

Several people stood there, screaming in madness.

The words of these people did not affect the mood of happy water, and they looked at the evil man as usual, and suddenly the figure disappeared from the place.

Under the horror of a group of **** disciples, the happiness that should have fallen into the wind, actually arrogantly attacked and rushed to the three elders of the blood league.

Hey! !

The three elders reacted the fastest.

At the foot of the foot, fluttering and retreating more than ten meters, the sound of killing Ge quickly rushed out of the hole in the hole, swept the audience;

Hey! Hey!

The evil man and the man with the thick armor and the giant axe slanted back and forth two steps at the same time, and the fierce gunshot burst out instantly;

Character formation!

The tacit understanding and fighting consciousness of the three people is really not high.

Seeing the reaction of the three people, I suddenly felt a sharp and continuous dangerous atmosphere...

The sound of the hole is in the ear, and the feeling of poor blood is constantly impacting the blood in the chest and limbs;

The heartbreaking needle of the chest with the **** conflict, in a faint pain.

boom! !

The happy vision suddenly turned into a blood red, the pain swept the whole body from all sides, and constantly drilled into the body, desperate;

At the same time, the black bullets are like a nest, tangled and staggered...


The tongue screamed at the spring thunder, and the happiness was finally at the same time as the voice was in the ear. At the same time, the operation of "Yi Jin Jing" forced all the pain and sorrow to be suppressed, ignoring the rolling guns and the black Jian Jian. Fierce and without hesitation, he crashed into the bullet.

"……you wanna die!"

The evil man is furious.

The shooting method is the same as the axe method. It is the best attacking power in all the same level martial arts cheats...

Happy is actually using a sword that has not yet reached the perfection of the master to harden him, so that he is both uplifting and angry with Xiaoxiao!

Dangdang! !

The swords and swords intersected, and the air suddenly staggered with countless dense sparks, like scattered fireworks, full of broken and beautiful feeling.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

"Follow me, why are you!"

"The level is not high! The weapon is not good to me! The bones are far from you! What do you want to play with me! You don't want to move the old thirteen, I don't pick him today!"

In an instant, the two men collided together and played a dozen strokes. The mad laughter of the evil man resounded through the canyon passage...

The laughter lasted less than three seconds and stopped short!

The third and the old 13 looked carefully. As the evil man took a move, he suddenly slammed into the arms of the old seven. The advantage of the long gun suddenly became a disadvantage, and he was happy to hold his shoulder.

The old thirteen eyes are a glimpse, without hesitation, lift your feet and step on the ground!

Boom! ! !

Dark and vigorous!

At the same time, suddenly a surprising speed broke out and rushed toward the battlefield of the two.


Happy has always paid attention to the action of the guy who took the axe closest to him. When he saw the other party's movements, his brows were tight and twitching, and the volley flew, and the palm of his hand fell to the ground.


The face of the evil man flashed a sick red blush, and the blood spurted out. Although the attack of the dragon claw hand was not strong, it contained the dark power, and the fierce darkness from the ground impact was directly broken. His defense made him directly vomiting blood.

The darkness of the old thirteen was happy.

However, the old seven and the third child are relieved.

Because if it is not the timely darkness of the old thirteen, I am afraid that the neck of the evil man will be cut off.

Seriously injured, finally lost.

The old thirteen came with the wind and rain!

Step on!

A thick-skinned man walked calmly and his eyes were deep. He did not wave his axe like a fighting machine, but he dragged his axe and chased it.

The attack speed of the axe is very slow, and the flaw is very large. However, the 13-year-old elder of Blood League obviously has a deep understanding of the axe method. With the indestructible thick armor, he regards himself as a moving tank, and the axe becomes a backhand, as long as Anyone who dares to bully and greet him will be a fatal blow that he is determined to win.

"... another difficult guy."

Even if you are in the shape of a dragon, you can't easily take the initiative to attack and bully.

The attack of the giant axe covers a wide range, and this kind of light and evasive dodging is not necessarily able to avoid...

Under the rapid impact of the old thirteenth, happy and not stopped, the crazy retreat, quickly pushed to the vicinity of the mountain.


When the old thirteen eyes were bright, I noticed that I was happy and slowed down. The hands holding the axe were more forceful, and the eyes radiated hot red light.


Just when he was allowed to take the shot, happiness suddenly accelerated, and he did not hesitate to use the mountain.


Turning back is a sword!

It’s too late, it’s fast.

The timing and momentum of the old thirteen shots were slightly slowed down due to the slowdown and acceleration of the speed. The extremely demanding masters of the timing finally inevitably showed some slight flaws. They were happy to use the mountain to force the sword at an amazing speed. First, the amazing black rushed to the door.

not good!

The old thirteen moments realized that they had missed the best time.

The attack speed of the axe is far less than the swordsmanship. When he keeps the inertia of the front, he is forced into the danger by a sword that he is happy to return.

At this time, the continuation of the attack is that they are stabbed to death by a sword, and the other party does not hurt the ending.

Do not say anything, forced to let this sword, a standard iron bridge! Finally, the brain is prevented from being broken by a hole.

I don’t care if I’m in the thick old thirteen, and I’m rushing forward, and I’m pulling away more than 20 meters in an instant, rushing to the evil man and the third.

This hardest bone is left for final resolution.

Now the primary purpose is to solve the boastful third and the injured old seven.

However, the scene of happy and old thirteen has made the **** people depressed...

I can't understand it at all. The tough happiness is actually chased by the old thirteen at the beginning, and even the tricks are hard to pick up. But with the beautiful man who turns back, the swords are one, as if they had rehearsed thousands of times in advance, each other. Well water does not make river water, two people pass by.

"What to do."

"can not read it!!"

"The old seven is careful, my voice doesn't work for him."

The old man's face changed greatly, holding a short jade, but he was completely afraid to confront the happy face and stood in the distance to voice the police.

The old seven-faced face is bitter.

Two dark spirits collided in the body as if a small-scale earthquake had occurred, and now the blood is so tight that it has not been immediately suppressed.

The old thirteen ran a circle with the person but gave him a back. It was his turn to face a happy person, saying that no pressure is definitely a lie.

However, at this time, you can only force the gas, and then use the trick to delay, waiting for the support of the old thirteen. "Breaking the ground!"

Did not wait to be happy.

boom! ! !

A heavy shot slammed the ground!

Countless broken gravel splashes and flies, sandstorms are as dense as a hood...

This move may be effective against others, but it is obviously too reluctant to be happy.

At the moment he started to raise the gun, he already knew his purpose, and the moment when the darkness broke out, the hole step started...

The afterimage was pierced through countless holes, and the happy body bypassed the sandstorm and rushed to within five meters.

Crazy magic turns!

The evil man’s pupil shrinks...

At the same time as the feet plunged, the long gun danced like a disc in front of him.

At this time, the blood alliance people still did not see the problem.

The old thirteen has already rushed into a place less than fifteen meters behind the happy body, as long as the happy pause for a half second, is the situation before and after the pinch.


No worries, happy to drink, the sword in the hand with an amazing rhinoceros point in the middle of the stroke steamer.

The hot wheels trembled slightly.

With the horror of the evil man, the hot wheels of the wind collapsed instantly, and the rifle of the palm of the hand fell to the ground, and the sinister man’s face was pale and stunned.

"Seven Elders!"

"Old Seven!"

"Seven brothers!!" The **** people were shocked.

Before the most beautiful front and back pinch, the evil man was happy to abolish one hand and lost his weapon.

"I want your life!"

The old thirteen was furious and the tank rushed over like a rumble.

"This is for you!"

The happy horse turned over and whirls, and the long sword accurately provoked the weapon of the evil man. The rifle was as spiritually as the old thirteen.

Turn over, pick a gun, shake, and get it all in one go...

The old thirteenth momentum is stagnant.

Under the collision, he did not hesitate to wave the axe and prepare to open the weapons of the Seven Brothers;

As a result, at the moment when the axe collided with the pike, a powerful dark power rushed into the body of the teacher who had no defense.

With a sigh of sighs, the old thirteen squats back, the axe almost disengaged, and the flaws were revealed. Obviously, the loss was not small.

Seeing this scene, the deep exclamation of the **** crowd again!

But happy is a cold smile, a non-stop rushing to the evil man of the broken palm.

"you dare!!"

The old thirteen eyes flashed a smog and was very angry. I didn't expect that my performance didn't make me happy, my palms were tight, I held my arms, and I was rushing to the fun.

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