Chapter 970 Jackal

The three masters of the wolf organization, after leaving the Wu Temple, have been drinking in the Yumen Building of Gusu City. The faces of the three people are very unsightly.

In this operation, in order to ambush Bai Xiaosheng's only disciple, 'Wind Bell', the wolf and the prophet designed it for a full two months, during which a large number of human and material resources were mobilized, and their precious dark lines in the Central Plains!

Seeing the ban on the wind chimes, the scorpion ‘ 驭 ’ 都 都 都 都 都 都 都 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’


Not much in the records of the wolves.

However, this time alone, it is to make the three people full of unwillingness and anger, so that after the success of the defeat, the three people will choose to stay together, instead of leaving the Central Plains for a time, get rid of Bai Xiaosheng’s pursuit as soon as possible. .

I don't know how long it took, the man whose mouth was cut into a rabbit's lips, while drinking, was dissatisfied with a cold cry:

"Do you want to do it, you think about it! Anyway, this mission fails, we three, wasting a whole two months of time and energy... Not to mention the financial resources, the loss of the light mission reward is as high as one billion, and now it’s gone. Going back without money, I can't afford to lose that person..."

"and many more!"

The person who was happily killed back raised a face full of frost, with a low tone:

"What's wrong! The task is not finished, blame me?" Speaking of the back, a violent breath stared at the speaker!

The latter is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It turns a blind eye to one side and knocks on the table.

"I only know that the three links of this mission, lurking and tempting, we have done very well... Successfully forced the mission goal into a waste, but the last link, the simplest one... something happened, Not only did you not kill the waste, but also told us that there are mysterious masters who have emerged and saved the mission to kill you." The ridicule in the discourse is already very obvious.

"Golden Rakshasa!"

The face was angry, the knifeman who was happy to kill back couldn't help but slap the table! :

"Don't give me the whole set of yin and yang! Well, I admit! At first I was a little underestimated, but the strength of that guy is beyond doubt. It is not for you, it may not be better than me."

"is it?"

Before the irony, the man with a rabbit lip called ‘金罗刹’ sneered: “I have a chance, I will have a moment to see how he killed our ‘blood knife.’”


"Okay! You two are less likely to say a few words!!"

Seeing that the two men were nervous and nervous, the people who had never opened the table finally came out to play round: "The blood prisoner and the guy we mentioned have already found out that it is indeed the No. 1 new top player in the Central Plains..."

"Is there really this person?"

Wen Yan, Jin Luozha slightly frowned, said: "How have you not heard before."

Although these "wild wolves" have to do the task of receiving mission information, performing tasks, completing tasks, and collecting intelligence, they have nothing to do with them. However, they have come to the Central Plains for a while, and they have not heard about the original period of time. Said this character.

"It is only newly emerging. The current state is just like us. It is also a slaying magic star. Now no one in the Central Plains knows his name."

"It’s only recently risen? Canglang, let’s talk about it carefully.” The blood prison knife seems to be very famous in the Central Plains. It’s already a lot of relaxation in the heart, but it’s more curious about the recent rise of happiness, and I can’t help thinking. More information to understand the next revenge - the loss of the wolf will never be dragged, will return when there is a chance.


Putting down the curtain, the wolf puts all the information and information that is happy, and what happened during this time, the original book.

There are things in this place that have surprised Jin Luochao and Blood Prison Knife, but also disdain...

It is still very surprising that the happy experience of recovering from the vegetative state and returning to the river and lake.

Although the wolf did not appear at that time, the grand event of the global Huashan sword, the emergence of countless strong people all over the world, is also a chapter of the times.

However, for some of the deeds after returning to the rivers and lakes, it seems to be scornful, but there is no shock to ordinary people...

In their view, a master with an amazing fighting talent and foundation, even if you lie down for a year, is stronger than those who don't know anything, and one realm can't explain the problem.

The Central Plains, whether it is a blood alliance or a person in the hall, may be a role in the eyes of ordinary martial arts masters...

But for a powerful organization of the wolf that has many gangs of power around the world, there is no need for financial organizations to be stronger than a group of ants.

In addition to the one master of the Emperor and the phantom, the Central Plains can attract their attention, let alone those who have heard the name.

Therefore, after hearing that the happy rep actually broke into the top ten ranks of the paid rep, Jin Luosha and the blood prison knife showed the envy and incredible expression.

"Just pass me the rep of my murder, see if I can get some money, and get rich overnight..."

Jin Luosha's feelings have not been completed, he was satirized by the blood prison knife: "You kill yourself, the possible performance of the best-selling may be bigger."

The latter is looking at the blood knife:

"Blood knife... your hatred, I will report it for you."


The blood prison knife responded very simply.

Under the reconciliation of the wolf, the staleness of the murderous spread finally eased slightly.

But soon, the gaze has been paying attention to the outside of the street, the wolf is frowning:

"Sitting here for a long time, Bai Xiaosheng did not respond... Is it that we can ambush his apprentice, can he actually stand it?"


Jin Luozha's face was cold and cold: "The wind chimes are not dead. Instead, the three of us have hanged. I estimate that the ingredients of Bai Xiaosheng's happiness will be higher, and there will be no speculation. ”

" right."

The blood prison knife raises the eye to appease:

"Don't say that the wind chimes are not dead, even if it is dead, it will be hard to say whether Bai Xiaosheng will transfer people to death. He will not be unclear what it means to be together. We will be on the rise of these big gangs in Gusu City. Maybe you can kill it!"

"So I really don't like to deal with smart people. This task made me vomit for two months of failure. Afterwards, I will use the IQ to price it..."

Jin Luosha is not humming with humor.

On the desktop, the three were silent.

"Since Bai Xiaosheng is likely not to come, we have to get back the loss, only the way I said before..."

After a few minutes, the waves waved again.

His eyes swept back and forth on the face of the blood prison knife and Jin Luosha: "There is a comment now... If you don't say it, you will start."

"I agree!"

"No comment……"

The two men agreed at the same opening. Jin Luosha’s body leaned back and looked at his indifferent look. “This mission wastes me for two months. If I go back empty, my group of mothers must be at the table. I have to lose my pants and go out..."

"...We are not convenient to continue to contact the dark line. Only by doing one vote can we keep the effect of the slaying star and leave the Central Plains. If possible, let's go."

The three men passed the vote.

The three people suddenly got up, like the same Zun Zhai Tower, and left the Yumen Building indifferently.

Many players in the lobby of the first floor of Yumen Building looked at the whole set of 4 pieces of magical weapons of these people, and they lost their eyes.

However, Jin Luochao, who was murdered by the three men, swept his eyes, and the people who came into contact with his eyes shuddered at the same time, and they bowed their heads and looked away.

"Here is Gusu City. Can it be less fierce?"

Out of the Yumen Building, the wolf looked helplessly reminded Jin Luosha.

The latter is amazed:

"Ferocious? Are you sure you are not kidding? Didn't you see that I just smiled at the female partner around him?"

"Well, trouble you to smile in the future, try to stay calm before people... Well, it’s good now."


Jin Luozha's face is gloomy and almost oozes water.

"Look at what a blood knife."

The wolf noticed that the blood prison knife looked slightly different.

The mind is meticulous, and observing the micro is his characteristic. It is for this reason that he can grasp the Jin Luosha and the blood prison knife, and the leader of the three-person team.

The eyes of the blood prison knife are staring at a small stall not far from the front. It is accurate to say that the owner should be kept. The eyes are extremely dignified and alert. The whole body is very tight. This is only when you encounter a powerful enemy. reaction.

"The figure of that guy is very similar to the one who killed me!"

The words of the blood prison knife, Jin Luo, the wolf face changes at the same time.

People like them are especially accurate in judging the figure and temperament of the enemy. As long as they are at a glance, they will never forget.

Wen Yan, the two have tightened up! Infuriating in the body, watching around with vigilance, ready to explode all realms and forces...

If the person who kills the blood knife appears in Gusu City, it is likely that they have entered the encirclement.

Looking around, but the hearts of the three people quickly settled down.

This street is a bit like a market, mixed with people, and the environment is very complicated, not a place suitable for ambushing and setting the encirclement.

And there are many martial arts people walking around, but the equipment is generally backward, they are dealing with each other, there is no eye contact, and there are few people who can be seen as opponents.


The blood prison knife stared at the young stall owner standing behind the booth, slightly frowning:

"Weird! Different looks, completely different, and, the wolf you said, he cultivated Shaolin martial arts, but this guy, temperament is completely different from that person... Is it that I feel wrong?"

"Not necessarily, let's go up and ask him, don't you know what's going on?" The wolf was cautious, and sneered at the stalls that were lacking.

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