Sword Among Us

Chapter 981: Go to the door

Chapter 981 to find the door

Heaven and the Devil

One of the most prosperous altars in Yipintang, because the Devil's Secret Cave is rich in the rare consumption of the 'fire unicorn blood' and 'fire unicorn scales, the devil's altar is not only in the position of the second altar, but also Throughout the Central Plains, it is quite famous!


Amazing wealth, nature needs to be guarded by more powerful force and strongman!

Yipintang has arranged more than 10,000 disciples in the devil's altar. Every time, the online master has never been less than five thousand...

These 5,000 people can be equivalent to the current masters of the first and second streams of the rivers and lakes martial arts, each with its own means, and even any group can easily impact the magical caves, and even through the entire day of the magic cave!

In addition, the four masters of the devil's altar, each week will organize a 'slaughter dragon action' - the target fire unicorn.

Find ways to get more blood and scales from the fire unicorn...

Although the number of successes is very rare, the four masters are the core members of Yipintang, each of which has a full set of 4 magical warriors, comparable to the current top players.

There are four top masters and thousands of disciples who are elite, and few people can get close to the Tianmen Gate site, or even the devil.

Over time, there has been a faint sign of becoming an exclusive area of ​​Yipintang! Can be seen the means and strength of Yipintang.

this day……

As the past, the disciples of the demon and the altar are distributed in the vicinity of the ruins of the Tianmomen. In addition to some extravagants who use the gangs to practice their martial arts, there are only ordinary disciples who are left behind in the round, but there are no big people or When important things happen, people who usually go to the altar will not easily return to the altar, but will always practice group training.

"Mom, it’s the turn of Lao Tzu to stay, today is the weekend, the four King Kong have action in the afternoon ... wrong, can not participate."

"Get it, you have a monthly round, once and a half days, what is a good complaint, really do not want to, tribute something to the gang warehouse."

"Go to yours, that is not all cheaper for your animals!"

"So much nonsense."

"Not as follows to practice the sword!"

"Let's practice, who is afraid of who, I heard that you are currently practicing the most fast sword, just as I practiced the Yuejia gun method, let's make a plan!"

A burst of speech, the disciples of the devils have fallen to the ground.

Knife light sword!

More than a dozen days of disciples and disciples are bored in the martial arts field surrounded by wooden stakes. You come and go, you can find the fun time.

After a short time, suddenly a rush of hooves approached quickly!

One of the disciples in the contest has not paid much attention to it, and still immersed in the intense discussion. After all, there are many people in the devil's altar. It is quite normal to come back one or two or a group of people occasionally.


The hoof is still going away when it is close to the periphery of the devil.

"Who is this?"

A group of people finally left their minds and stopped.

Looking at the sound, it is just to witness one person and one ride, and the people and horses leap from the piles...

"I don't know the rules of the devil's altar?!"

"The horses are forbidden in the scope of the horses! Which division are you!!" The one-of-a-kind disciple who led the head lit up the scorpion.

With the status of Yipintang in the Central Plains, no one has dared to go to the door to find a long time. A group of people are still coming from other tribes.


With a few sounds of crisp and empty sound.

The flag of Yipintang collapsed like a broken kite. The plaque of the devil's altar was also shattered by the darkness contained in the flying knife. It was stunned by a group of Yipintang disciples with horror and anger.

The black pigeons descended on the shoulders of a group of Yipintang disciples...

This is an alarm that the altar was attacked.

"What the **** are you!!"

Although Yipintang disciples were shocked and angry, their eyesight was not bad. At first glance, it was obvious that the people in the chain had a strong skill, which was not used by ordinary people. They all stopped anger and did not immediately rush.



The man who came from the horse came over, and a pair of ice-cold scorpion snipers hit their faces like a sneer:


"The rules of Yipintang?!"

"Today, Laozi is here to give you rules!!"

The murderous words are smashed out, and the people of Yipintang will be stunned if they are indifferent.

"It turned out to be a door-to-door search!" A group of people changed their faces: "Brothers, go! Take this arrogant guy!"

At the same time, a group of people took the sword and sword from the altar of the heavens!

Happy and even the eyelids did not move, the condescending people looked at the people in front of the match:

"Oh, there are ten minutes anyway, just play with you."

With a double palm, people vacated from the back of the horse!

"Look at it!"

One person in the hall seems to be waiting for this moment, and half of them raise their hands to play the hidden weapon...

Happy, but even the dragon shape is too lazy to start, one step ten meters, and turned back to the one-class disciple who rushed out from the altar of the devil.


The hidden weapon hits the happy body like a hail.


Although the lethality of these deadlocks is good, it is far from enough to break through the defenses of the four-segment magic device and the eighth-level realm.

The master of Yipintang who rushed to the front saw this scene, and his heart suddenly slammed it.

A high defense!

Come is the master! !

This thought has just flashed from my mind, and the violent figure fluttered to the front with a bone-killing murderous machine.

The head of Yipintang master even knows how to avoid the knife of his own, and the consciousness is already annihilated;

The last picture in memory is the pair of ice cold eyes filled with endless killing eyes!

The slain did not see what was going on, but the people next to it were clear.

They clearly saw that when the companion broke out, the other side was almost blinded by the knife, and the sword was from the bottom up, and the person’s throat was penetrated into the uninhabited place!

dead! !

Killing the first person, happy, half pause, never had a sword out...

The black waves are strikingly drawn! The squirting swordsman shrouded all the disciples.

This is the strength of happiness - the posture of the sword has not yet begun, has quickly launched a second round of more rapid offensive! It’s so simple that it’s impossible for a group of people to react completely.

The action of the shot has already appeared, and only the scalp can be used to start the support.


Happy attack is so good?

boom! boom! !

The sword is over the body, and a group of people are struck by lightning! Many people spurted blood on the spot! Almost even the arms that are unstable are dying.

Since the cultivation of "Yi Jin Jing", happy release of the darkness is more and more handy, this time release two dark powers at the same time, one on the other, one bright and one dark, if these ordinary one-piece hall can withstand two The road is dark, then it’s a ghost...


This confrontation let them know who their enemy is.

"It's fun!"

"damn it!"

"Fast pigeons are called the altar and they return to help!!"

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

In the exclamation, a group of Yipintang disciples were white and shunned, and several of the disciples were quickly evacuated from the battle circle and released the pigeons.

When flying pigeons, more than a dozen people have been stabbed to death!

After all, "The Devil's End of the World" has reached the middle of the tenth level of the realm. It is only a step away from the great consummation. With the darkness, even the top players may not be able to stand up.

"Since the news has been heard, you will die."

Happy and deliberately took some time to catch up with a few disciples who gave out the pigeons...


A group of Yipintang masters in the ruins of the Tianmo, have clearly cleared all the disciples in the temple, and when they are ready to start the demon orders, they are suddenly shocked by the black pigeons descending from the sky.

"what happened?"

"The altar is attacked?"

A group of people face each other.

"At this time, who's mischievous!" The devil's altarist 'Ink' frowned, looking to the brother below the steps: "Who is today to stay behind? Ask what happened!"

At present, in the Central Plains martial arts, no one has dared to attack the division of Yipintang for about two years. Therefore, when the black pigeons come, the first thought of a group of people is not to return, but to subconsciously think that there is a mischief.

As soon as the voice fell, the following group of people had already quickly released a homing pigeon...

Less than half a minute!

Several homing pigeons came to the hands of several divisions in the heart and the team.

The moment when the pigeons arrived, the heart of the heart was squeaky...

If the brothers who are left behind are replied, they must reply to the disciples who asked the openings, instead of directly transmitting the news to the four giants!

The following group of people have also changed!

"The altar owner, is it the people who attacked the wind building to come to the trouble again?" The entire Central Plains, only the people who attacked the wind building have always been worried about the Yipintang occupies the secrets of the heavens, and will come over once in a while.

However, there will not be such a situation. It is clearly a direct attack on the altar, which is equivalent to a declaration of war.

"Not a wind building..."

Yinxin glanced at the contents of the note and lifted his eyelids again. The eyes shot the sultry mankind: "It's happy."


The crowd is horrified.


"He has nothing to do with the devil's altar!"

At the same time, the other three deputy altars are also looking at the warning letter, looking at the warning letter: "This guy is very courageous, actually directly looking for our devils, is it that we are like a devil bully?"


"That is... we are not a place where I can go anywhere with a single shot. I think that a little reputation and skill will not put the heroes in the world."


"Cancel this action, all the members return to the devil's altar, I have to see, he is happy to do what!!"

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