Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 219: Disappear or disappear

It originally took a day to pass through the valley and then another day to climb the mountain, but everyone was willing to speed up for the sake of Sir Roderick, and even Tyrion was unexpectedly quiet, closing his ironic mouth. On the one hand, no one went to provoke him and gave him a rare silence; on the other hand, he was hurrying to think about countermeasures.

The horse galloped, Blinden "Black Fish" rode fast, but Zhao Mai could steadily follow him by his side. The car ran over the wet ground and formed clear ruts, often skewed to the left and right, but the people in the car didn't feel much shaking. This surprised both Caitlin and Tyrion. They had never seen this before. vehicle. Even the big car of His Majesty the King, with dozens of springs installed, can only keep it stable at slow speeds.

But Blinden was even more surprised. His horse carried him alone, while Mike's carriage used a horse to pull six people, but the speed was still not slower than himself, and it even seemed to have spare power. Heiyu glanced at the horse pulling the cart, and found that the animal didn't even shed a drop of sweat. "Hey, what kind of beast is this?"

"Don't pay attention to it, it only listens to me." Zhao Mai sat in the carriage, still chatting with Blinden in his leisure time. "Sir Blackfish, how long have you been in the Blood Gate? Have you seen any strange creatures?"

"Three years in the Blood Gate, before in other places in Aylin Valley. What do you mean by strange creatures?"

"Apart from the mountain people, are there no other monsters in the mountains?"

Hei Yu shook his head: "Bless the Seven Gods, there is no news of monsters coming out. But since Lord Jon Ailin passed away, the refugees in the mountains have become more dangerous and often attack trade roads and villages. You are too presumptuous to come. , I was shocked when I heard the news. Fortunately, nothing happened to you."

"Several people died, it can’t be considered safe. However, when we leave, do we have to make a **** way to get out?" Zhao Mai curled his lips and said to Blinden: "It’s not that I said you, but that The snow in front of the door cannot be swept clean, and the house will be buried and crushed one day."

Heiyu glared at him, then said nothing. He knew in his heart that what the "chariotman" said was right, the current guardian of Ailin Valley was just a six-year-old child. Not to mention frail and sickly, his personality is still very weak. Lord Jon Aylin suffered many misfortunes in his life, and there was no success, and his heirs died before him because of various things. It wasn't until he was in his fifties that he married the second daughter of Horst Tully, the sister of Caitlin. Finally, luck fell to him. After several miscarriages and premature deaths, Lysa finally gave birth to Robin Allyn for him.

He gave all his spoiling to this child, coupled with Lysa's overly caring motherhood, which made Robin a spoiled fellow. Now, after Lord Jon Ailin passed away, the terrified Lysa took her son back to Eagle’s Nest from King’s Landing City, and ordered the closing of the blood gate, and no knights were allowed to leave the east, even the new leader compared to the martial arts conference. No one can participate. Even if the refugees in the mountains are in chaos, she should not see it. As long as the Eagle's Nest is safe and all the knights are around to protect her and her children, it doesn't matter.

It is impossible to expect her to be like the tough Lord Jon. However, this matter can be said to Caitlin, after all, Caitlin and Lysa are both sisters and nieces of Heiyu, which can be discussed as a family matter to a certain extent. But in front of a coachman, Blackfish Blinden wanted to maintain the majesty of the lord, so he wouldn't say a word.

He speeded up again, letting the words dissipate in the wind. But the carriage still followed closely, and the sweat-free horse always seemed to laugh at Ailin Gu's mount. The horses outside were dumbfounded when they climbed the mountain! Hei Yu turned this thought in his heart, and pressed his mouth tightly.

The result of the rush was to arrive early, but even so, when they reached the fortified castle at the foot of the Giant's Gun Mountain, the sky was completely dark. The battlements were brightly lit with torches, and there were no fewer soldiers on patrol than during the day. The suspension bridge across the moat has been raised, and the iron gate has fallen to protect the bridge. Only the dark water surface slowly flowed, tearing the bright reflection of the torch into mottled fragments.

"This is the Moon Gate Castle. It is currently in charge of Lord Nestor. I think he should see our flag and will open the door soon." Hei Yu pointed towards the top of his head: "You live here tonight, I will arrange The hanging basket lifted Sir Roderick."

Looking up, the vertical rocks continue to rise and stretch until they hide and disappear into the night. Then it continued upward, constantly raising it, crossing the dark stage, and some lights appeared higher and farther, blending with the light of the stars.

It was the tower of the first castle, and it was only halfway up the mountain. Above that, there are the second, third, and fourth... Higher and farther places, only the eagle can fly to the extremely high altitude, a castle dyed white by moonlight stands at the peak. , Overlooking the entire Ailin Valley.

The castle was finally built with the hard work of ten generations of lords of the Ailin family. An unbreakable castle represents unbreakable rule. Despite being located on a high mountain, Eagle's Nest City still has safe and continuous drinking water, enough to support ten years of food reserves. When necessary, they can also use slings to establish contact with the mountains further away to obtain continuous supplementation without fear of the siege. The condescending strategic advantage will gradually wipe out the attackers. Any wise general will not choose to attack such a dangerous castle, so it is always safe.

After a while, the suspension bridge was lowered, everyone entered the city, and the basket had been lowered and waited. Usually, fresh vegetables, fruits, and piglets who can't climb mountains are transported up and down through hanging baskets. Although it’s okay to have two people inside, the wind in the mountains always makes the hanging basket sway, so this is never a comfortable journey.

Another way is to climb up steep stairs with both feet, or you can go up on a mule. Specially trained mules go up and down every day, even in the dark night, they will not make mistakes. In fact, it is the safest and most labor-saving way. But how many people can completely entrust their safety to the mule?

Stopped the car, everyone joined hands, tied Sir Roderick in a basket, covered him with a blanket, and stuffed a small pot of wine.

"I'm afraid you can only go up by yourself." He lay in the basket, there was no more room inside. Sir Nestor said with a smile: "If you feel lonely, I can put some more carrots or cabbage in the basket to accompany you."

Sir Roderick snorted, not amused by his joke.

The rope creaked, and the two servants held the rope under the gondola to prevent it from shaking in the air. This will be a thrilling and slow journey, and it will take a long time to go up and down. Moreover, there are not many places where the hanging basket can be installed, and there is a concern that the ropes of the hanging basket are entangled with each other, so only one basket can operate.

"Pray for Sir Rodrik to recover." Caitlin watched the basket ascend, and then said to Sir Nestor: "Thank you for your arrangement. We have travelled a long distance. If it is convenient, I hope to stay here for one night."

"Madam, please don’t be polite." Sir Nestor said loudly, "but your sister, Mrs. Lysa, came down from Eagle’s Nest and hopes to see you soon. Those who come with you can live here tonight. Send them up the mountain early tomorrow morning."

"How to get up? Climb up with a torch in the dark? This is too dangerous! Even mules rarely take people up and down at night, let alone an important guest like Caitlin!" Blackfish Blinden was obviously dissatisfied, he said Always go straight: "Don't you know the dangers of Lysa? Can't wait all night? Today is not a full moon, and the torch is shaking in the mountain breeze, making it difficult to see the path underfoot, and the mule is the same!"

"This is Madam's order, I can only convey it the same way." Sir Nest shrugged and continued to say to Madam Stark: "Please rest assured Madam, the mule trainer Mia is here and will accompany you. Let’s go up the mountain together. She is a clever and good boy and vowed to send you up. I believe her, she never taught me to be disappointed."

I am afraid that my sister is indeed in a hurry. Caitlin is actually looking forward to seeing her as soon as possible, so she agrees: "If this is the case, then I will give myself to this child named Mia. Master Nest, My prisoner is handed over to you, please take care of it strictly."

"Then trouble you to get this prisoner some wine to warm up his body, and another crispy roast chicken, lest he die!" Tyrion said loudly. "It's better to have another beautiful girl to help the prisoner tear the chicken, his own little hands and feet are cold!" The mercenary Bolong laughed after listening.

Baron Nestor did not laugh, but respectfully said: "Madam, everything is in accordance with your instructions." Then he looked at the dwarf, "Send Master Lannister to prison and help him prepare some wine and meat."

"Wait a minute, I will go up with you." Zhao Mai stood up: "I'm going to see the bachelor's treatment."

Caitlin nodded. This was what she had promised~www.ltnovel.com~ But Baron Nest frowned and said, "But Mia only brought a mule. You have to go up by yourself."

"It's okay, just walk up." Zhao Mai said, "This castle is very interesting. It doesn't seem to fly from above."

"Uh, if it falls, no one can fly, they will just smash into pie," Sir Nest replied.

"No, it's not that simple." In Zhao Mai's perception, the mountain on which the castle stood was emitting a faint light, and mysterious magical characters were looming. Through the perception of the force of nature, he can only see two functions: strengthening the stability of the mountain, and being unable to fly except natural wings.

Very interesting, the magic of Westeros continent actually enveloped the entire giant's gun. On the way of climbing, there are slightly shiny runes on the steps and the side walls. The natural force is flowing, and the mules here seem to be sensitive. The feeling of the natural force is like a beacon to them, which may also be one of the reasons why they can walk at night. Who said there is no magic? Zhao Mai glanced at Saffl, he didn't seem to see the magical light at all, and no one else knew it.

Magic has always existed, but for some reason, no one can see it. (To be continued.)

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