Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 223: Jail

Bachelor Ke Meng had an "apprentice" inexplicably, and began to teach him "with all his heart", and even taught him whatever he wanted, without any difference, and allowed him to view all of his collections, which was completely unimaginable in the past.

Zhao Mai chose to study, the primary goal is pharmacy, followed by medicine. The ability to formulate potions with magical effects from ordinary materials without using the power of magic is worth studying. In terms of medicine and pharmacology alone, Westeros cannot be compared with Chinese and Western medicine at all, but the power here lies between "reality" and "magic fantasy", which is the most suitable entry point for Zhao Mai.

He is not a medical student. In the past, the most profound understanding of treatment was "drink more water when you are sick" plus "hurry up to see the doctor in the hospital." Later, after learning the natural force of the druids, healing diseases became "healing" and "eliminating diseases" spells, and there has been a lack of transition to connect the two. Now that he has some knowledge of Bachelor Ke Meng, plus Zhao Mai's skills in inductive classification, statistical analysis, and model construction, he has slowly formed a system based on the force of nature. At present, it is only a rough and unduly preliminary theory, but which theory was not like this at the beginning?

In normal times, he reads and studies in Bachelor Ke Meng's room. When he is hungry, he goes to the kitchen to find something to eat by himself, and then comes back to continue his study. The Extraordinary Mind Headband helps him always maintain the best learning state, does not reduce efficiency due to fatigue, does not interrupt his thinking due to foreign objects, and does not cause confusion in learning multiple subjects.

Soon, just by configuring the potion, he was already blue, thanks to his natural force and psychic powers. Bachelor Ke Meng needs to create magic effects from scratch, and the force of nature allows Zhao Mai to cross this boundary. As for those precise medicine operations, the body under the control of psychic powers is more precise than simply relying on the touch.

After surpassing the technique, the main thing left is the understanding of the formula and the grasp of the properties of the medicine. The former requires a lot of reading, and the latter requires a lot of consultations, all of which are water milling. So Zhao Mai temporarily turned his learning goals to mysterious subjects, such as runes and ancient history.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, Zhao Mai's move is completely a manifestation of "three-minute heat". I just gave up on medical skills, and so did pharmaceutics. It’s a waste to start reading those papers of no practical value. In particular, Bachelor Ke Meng, after being changed by Zhao Mai's psychic powers, always sighed for his choice.

Zhao Mai didn't need to explain and prove anything, only he knew the level of his own learning. But he ran into an unexpected problem at this time: Bachelor Ke Meng was very accomplished in medicine, but not very good in occultism. The book collection of Eagle Nest City began to accumulate when the Andals landed in Westeros. Ke Meng just kept it, and he didn't understand it himself, let alone Professor Zhao Mai.

However, it is not that no one in Eagle's Nest can solve Zhao Mai's confusion, and that person happens to have a lot of free time now.

After Tyrion Lannister was caught in Eagle's Nest, he thought he was greeted with humiliation or trial. He is not afraid of the former, because he is quite confident of his poisonous tongue, and humiliating him will only be self-defeating. The trial will give him a chance. He has researched the laws of all parts of the kingdom. There is always room to drill, there is always!

But in Eagle's Nest City, he didn't meet either of the two. Instead, he was thrown into the "Sky Prison" and tortured by a low-intellectual and cruel jailer every day. Now that Maude jailer held a plate of boiled beans with his thick fingers, and shook him and asked him, "Do you want to eat it?"

Tyrion, who was hungry, knew in his heart that no matter how he answered, all he got was beaten. He didn't want this vulgar man to get pleasure from torturing him, so he ignored the stomach protest. "It must be great to have a leg of lamb. Maybe another plate of salted green beans and onions, plus freshly baked butter bread, and a pot of warm wine to wash the food down. If it’s not convenient, beer will do. People are actually not too picky."

"Only beans." Maude said, "take it!" He handed out the plate.

Alas, it started again. Tyrion sighed. Maude's method is very simple, and that is to follow his own will. If you don't play according to his thoughts, just tap with a stick. No, Tyrion didn't want to take that plate, but as soon as he expressed this meaning, the stick was raised. He was too hungry to be beaten, so he reached for the plate.

So Maude smiled and moved the plate away and held it above his head so that Tyrion could not reach it. "Here! Come and get it!"

The dwarf stood stiff and slept on a cold, hard rock for a long time, covered only by a torn blanket, which made his joints hurt. "Do we have to play this stupid game every time we eat?" He knew that the final result of the game would not be good, but there was always something to eat. If you don't play, you will be hungry and beaten.

Maude slowly moved to the edge of the cell, put the plate in the air at the end of the cell, and smiled in his mouth full of rotten teeth: "Dwarf, come here to get it?"

The jail is a place with only three walls, and the empty side is a cliff. Taking advantage of the towering terrain of Eagle's Nest City, such a cell does not prevent anyone from being able to escape. When the cell was built, the outer wall was protruding, and the ground was inclined outward. Anything that could roll would eventually be captured by gravity, slowly reaching the edge, and then flying down. Tyrion didn't dare to get close to the edge of the cell, where the wind seemed to have only one direction: to **** outward. Moreover, he was afraid that Maude would push him gently on a whim~www.ltnovel.com~ and he would turn into a disgusting red stain on the rock.

"Think about it, I don't seem to be too hungry." He announced, and returned to the corner of the prison.

Maude released his fingers, and the strong wind blew away the plate, rolling and falling. The food was gone, only a few beans were blown back. Maud laughed loudly: "Look, I fed you dinner, but the wind is rushing to eat it, haha."

Even though he was laughing, he beat Tyrion when he left. Then, the heavy iron door slammed shut, and Tyrion heard the sound of the key turning-this idiot never forgets this, it is even more annoying!

The cell was very cold, the mountain wind roared day and night, he was hungry and cold, and lacked sleep. The sloping ground will make the sleeping person roll outside without knowing it, or even fall off at some point. Tyrion was afraid that when he opened his eyes, he was already flying in the air, and the earth and rocks rushed towards his head. Many prisoners are driven crazy in this way. Tyrion keeps saying "It's not me, it won't be me", but he doesn't know how long he can hold on.

He felt that he would go crazy at any time, and he was even afraid to think about it. And just at this moment a voice came from the air outside the cell: "Tyrion, how are you doing?" (To be continued.)

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