Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 432: Memory and forgetting are painful

Although the duel of Grindelwald in the Lemay family did not appear in any newspapers, many wizard families, especially those with close ties to Europe, were aware of the news. "Grindelwald's failure", this is how it was described. But exactly how Grindelwald failed is only a guess, not a precise process.

If the results of the reincarnation technique were better, and if the resurrected apprentices were still humans, then even the news would not be released at all. Old Flammel also has his own considerations. In order to prevent future troubles, he must "inform" other families of this matter to some extent. However, the old man kept his promise, and did not say a word about whom Grindelwald lost to, and how it was defeated, and strictly forbid anyone to say. It is possible that the person who could not control the leaks directly erased the relevant memory with the forgetting curse, but it was a hundred.

If there is a secret, there will be an attempt to decrypt it. Some people analyze the movements of the LeMay family characters, and they will naturally notice Barbara and Zhao Mai. This "eighth grader" seemed so abrupt and unconventional, which aroused the interest of many people. However, Zhao Mai really had a "low-key" life, except for classes at Hogwarts and running a potion shop, and did not go to other places at all.

Because of curiosity, many "spies" bought some products from "Empty Brand Magic Drug Store" and went back to try them out, and found that the results were surprisingly good! They began to think that the reason why Barbara of the LeMay family got close to Zhao Mai was nothing more than the sprout of adolescence and his excellent potion ability.

Grindelwald did not say, Zhao Mai did not say, Le Mays did not say, so the duel is still a mystery, the only advantage is that Zhao Mai inexplicably increased a lot of orders, and soon his wallet appeared slowly. Obesity phenomenon.

Every Friday night, Barbara leaves Hogwarts and comes to Hogsmeade's Potions Shop. At this time, the shop belongs to her alone. She opened the window on Saturday morning to usher in the first light of the weekend, then hummed and swung her wand to clean. Zhao Mai usually goes to Oxford once in the morning, and then waits until noon on Saturday before coming to the potion shop. Barbara's favorite thing is to open the store door for him and experience the joy of "dove occupying a magpie's nest".

Zhao Mai came this time with an animal on his shoulder. A gray night owl closed his eyes, shrugged his head, shook his body slightly, and was napping. "Barbara, help me buy some fresh meat, Grey Wind is too tired."

Tolkien lost the memory of the past and forgot that he had such a bird. The Night Owl is a hunting bird of prey, and Gray Wind is one of the best after Zhao Mai's training. The sharp black claws can easily catch a barking stray dog ​​to death, and then bring it back to the nest for dinner. Tolkien couldn't stand the smell in the attic, and despite his perseverance, he let Grey Wind leave.

Grey Wind did not leave, and kept wandering outside Tolkien's house, sleeping and sleeping until Zhao Mai found it. Although Tolkien did not write the store sign for Zhao Mai as scheduled, the magic drug store still has his shares. Zhao Mai would go to see his partners every week and leave dividends and manuscript fees—for watching "The Collection of Lost Tales", he also had to pay money—so he saw the gray wind. "Come with me, you can't do anything if you are weak like this." Zhao Mai can understand the feelings of animals, so he said to Grey Wind: "I will not be your master, but you need a place to stay. I hope to be able to Become your landlord."

In this way, Zhao Mai brought the bird back and cleaned up a habitat for it in the attic. He carefully helped Grey Wind tidy up its feathers, healed the wounded patients with the force of nature, and then mixed some anti-inflammatory and sterilizing herbs to make meatballs and fed it to him.

"This is Tolkien's messenger." Barbara watched Zhao Mai take care of Grey Wind, his soft eyes and soft hands, and felt that he was very gentle at this time, not like the warrior fighting on the grass. . "He won't come to class again, will he?"

"Yes, he has forgotten magic."

"If you forget it, it won't be painful, remember it." Barbara said suddenly.

"Who said this? It's just bullshit!" Zhao Mai waved his hand abruptly, "People who never remember, because of pain, don't let others forget! Those who cast the Forgotten spell are all wizards who remember the spell! There is pain, but it is clearly not enough!"

"Don't be angry, I'm just talking casually." Barbara was taken aback and waved her hand to explain.

Zhao Mai glanced at her and sighed a long way: "Sorry, I am more sensitive to things related to the Forgetting Curse. I was a little too excited just now."

"I understand. I know how it feels when a good friend doesn't remember me." Barbara said: "I used to run around, left the manor, and went to the next village. A family thought I was a lost girl. , Took me in. I lived there for a week, and then I was arrested and returned. After that, the whole village did not remember me."

"So, I pretended to be lost again, and I was taken in by them again. At that time, I couldn't control myself, I just kept crying...crying. They thought I was sad because I couldn't find a home, but in fact I cried But because I found something."

"I didn't wait for the people in my family to come to me, so I left. I don't want them to be erased from memory, so even if I only leave the image of a stupid kid running around." Barbara said: " I don’t know why a wizard invented the oblivion spell, so I went to my grandfather and asked."

"What did he say?" Zhao Mai frowned.

"He said it was invented to forget the magic. Many wizards are unable to protect their children, for fear that they will be treated as heretics and sent to the stake, so let them forget the magic, forget the spell, so it is safer." Barbara Said: "Grandpa Grandpa said ~www.ltnovel.com~ this kind of history affects the image of wizards too much, so it is not reflected in the history of magic. Wizards were killed by Muggles so badly."

"Why would a wizard who knows magic be afraid of a Muggle who can't do it? Is magic a burden?"

"This...I don't know, I haven't thought about it." Barbara tapped on her chin, lost in thought.

"G... Gu Gu..." Grey Wind scratched Zhao Mai with his paw, then flung his wings. It looked at the meatballs on the plate, tilted its head and started grunting at Zhao Mai.

"It seems to talk, it's so interesting! My owl is not like that."

"If you are willing to send me a letter, I will be very grateful." Zhao Mai nodded to Huifeng: "Of course you can visit Tolkien at any time, and there will always be a window open for you in the attic here."

Huifeng nodded, and then began to eat the meatballs on the plate. "Can you talk to animals? Can you teach me?"

"I will try to teach you." Zhao Mai said: "The more people who can understand animals and nature, the better." (To be continued.)

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