Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 440: Great music

Players from all countries will depart from their schools and travel to Atlantis to meet through the transmission channel prepared by the competition committee. Everyone will have five days to freely move around, adapt to the local environment, talk to each other, meet to obtain information, and even form alliances or become rivals. After five days, the competition will really start. And the result of the game will be together with the course of the game, and will be known after all are over.

The Hogwarts door was full of classmates who were seeing off, and Barbara, Rose, and Jie Ding were the focus of everyone's attention. Especially the sweet-looking white girl Barbara received the most blessings. With two backpacks on her back, she kept looking for Zhao Mai in the crowd. In the end she saw a chubby bald head, so she relaxed, feeling that she seemed invincible.

"I wish our classmates a victory and a final victory!" the principal Dippet said loudly. Immediately, a rainbow-colored beam of light descended from the dome and bombarded the grass at the entrance of the school. "The contestants come with me, this is the transmission channel of Atlantis."

Zhao Mai's mobile phone vibrated, and it displayed "Atlantis sub-world, received."

This is the first time garbled characters appear on the phone. Zhao Mai guessed that it might be because the car has not fully recovered. There is only one OK button on the screen, and Zhao Mai can only press that one. The rainbow beam of light trembled as a result, and it crackled with thunder, which shocked everyone. They waited for a while to see the rainbow beads stabilized, and then wandered in. They smiled and waved goodbye to everyone after entering.

"I want to go too! I should go too!" A student suddenly pushed everyone away and rushed towards the rainbow pillar. The teacher did not have time to hold him, but the students just cheered in unison. His figure successfully rushed in, and then disappeared with the rainbow. Everyone celebrated wildly, thinking that Hogwarts had a fourth player. It's just that Zhao Mai can see clearly that the student has a painful and terrifying expression in the rainbow pillar, and seems to have endured great pain. Even if he can go to Atlantis like everyone else, he doesn't know if he can withstand the torture along the way.

The students are still celebrating, and the teachers have noticed something wrong. The professors exchanged eyes with each other, and Dumbledore nodded and hurried away. Okay, it's right to disappear now. Zhao Mai left the school, "" was already waiting for him in advance.

"Secondary Origin World: Arda" shows its uniqueness everywhere. First of all, its toll is 0, which has made Zhao Mai overjoyed. Then he can travel to that world only if he has the lost story collection, and he is relieved not to be disturbed by other possible traversers.

After selecting the destination as Arda on his mobile phone, Zhao Mai also received a prompt message. "The Alliance of the Rings solemnly reminds: the origin-level world is the most precious treasure of the multiverse. Any attempt to destroy the origin-level world is regarded as a declaration of war on all the detached and the alliance of the rings, and will be the most complete and irreversible. Fight until it is completely wiped out. This message will be the only and final warning."

Zhao Mai took a long sigh, then pressed OK to open the navigation. ""Accelerated slowly, then rose into the air and entered the space channel. This is a bright passage decorated by nebulae and the Milky Way. The wheels are driving on the trail of the comet's tail, and the exit of the passage is a glowing rainbow. Zhao Mai's eyes widened, admiring this rare wonder. I don't know if this is unique to the Origin World or the scenery hidden behind all spatial passages.

The other people in the car also looked intently, and even the eyes of Addo and Dogian were full of brilliance. The most magnificent beauty in the universe is shown in the eyes of everyone. As long as you open your heart and embrace this beauty, you will be rewarded in your heart.

"Wait, do you hear the sound of the song?" Zhao Mai said suddenly. Everyone shook their heads, indicating that they had not heard anything. There is only one sentence: "It seems that there is a sound, are you sure it is a song?"

Zhao Mai suspected that it was a malfunction of the car. He tapped on the stereo and looked at the phone again to make sure that they were not playing songs. The music library and the car were integrated. They would play at the same time. The sound in my ear is very similar to the b function of a mobile phone. I can't hear the source. No matter how I turn my head, it lingers in my ear. Even if my ear is blocked, I can still hear it. It is a beautiful and magnificent chorus, which can easily become immersive. It possesses a coordination of "I don't know why it is like this, but it should be so", and it seems to be telling all the secrets of the universe.

This sound penetrated the car's shell and drifted in, but only Zhao Mai heard it completely. He closed his eyes and listened attentively in a way of perceiving the beauty of nature.

But an inharmonious singing was added, destroying the overall feeling of the movement. This is also a change, which makes sense. Perfection is never the ultimate goal of nature, because perfection itself is a kind of imperfection, and is synonymous with the lack of continuous development and change. Because of this discordant singing, the music entered the second movement, and a corresponding singing was added, entangled, confronted, merged, and learned with the previous singing, forming a new style.

Whether it is the movement itself or the entangled singing, the language used cannot be translated. Zhao Mai listened carefully and felt that they were similar to ancient magic spells, but more graceful and harmonious, or closer to the nature of nature. He didn't understand what he was singing, but he felt space, time, matter and energy. He felt a world~www.ltnovel.com~ After the second movement, there was a little silence for a while, and then the third movement began. This movement has only music, without any sing-along sound. In just one second, Zhao Mai was completely immersed in it, completely forgetting everything around him. He shed tears of excitement as he listened, as if only in this way could he express his emotions. After a while, the little flower was also immersed in it, the delicate petals swaying from side to side, following the music to the beat.

Ador tilted his head, sticking to the glass window, smiling and falling asleep listening to music. Dojian opened his eyes wide, the starlight flickered in his pupils, and the corners of his mouth trembled. After a while, she also shed tears like Zhao Mai, flowing along the nose and cheeks, warm, but could not stop.

The stored food lay on the seat, raised his hind legs, and scratched his ears to re-grow hair, which made him feel itchy all over. Then it yawned, changed a comfortable position, and was about to take a nap.

This piece is called the big movement of Ainu. After the three movements are completed, the father of the gods, like Iluvita, said: "That's it!" So the three movements merged into one and became a world . This world is called Yiya, and Arda is the living star in it.

That is, Zhao Mai's destination. To be continued...

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