Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 472: Don't stand the flag

"Doujian, help me put the gold coins away. I_have_a_bad_feeling_about_this!" Zhao Mai overturned the car and pulled the front of the car out of the wall. At the same time, there were a lot of fragmented crystals and many things that looked like wires. . Crackling electric sparks continued to emerge, and the surrounding lighting also flickered.

They were in a rectangular room with empty shelves on all sides. The taxi appeared out of nowhere and smashed one of the walls. Zhao Mai saw the words "Atlantis Star City" on the wall, as well as a door with buttons suitable for human size. The buildings here are full of "modern" style, which is not sci-fi, nor magical, nor natural style, but a very simple and practical style of military base: metal plate walls, modular furniture and doors—— It's just that the modules used in the wall are mainly made of crystal.

No one seemed to know they arrived, and there were no active targets shown on the all-terrain map. Zhao Mai looked at the screen and knew that he was in a tower-like building. There was a corridor outside the room, and the outer wall was further away. The all-terrain survey believes that it is empty and should be air.

From the map, the tower is about two hundred meters high. Zhao Mai and the others are close to the top floor, and all-terrain detection can barely see the bottom of the tower, which is also the limit of all-terrain detection. The entire tower was empty, as if abandoned, without any moving objects. There are more passages at the bottom of the tower, and it should be possible to go to other places. The most conventional way to get there is to go down the stairs.

"The good news is that from the model of the door and the setting of the stairs, this is designed for humans or for creatures that resemble human forms. It is very likely that the outside air environment is also like this." Zhao Mai said to Dumbledore: " I'll get out of the car in a while and make sure that there is no problem before you go down. Trust me, my adaptability is stronger than you combined."

"Mike, you must be careful." Dumbledore also felt a little uneasy, but at least he understood the "Atlantis" on the wall and knew he had reached his destination. But where are the students? He tightened the sleeve of his right arm, and the corner of his robe was close to his leg to avoid affecting his actions. Holding the wand in his hand, he shook Zhao Mai: "Ultimate protection!"

He was kind, but Zhao Mai had long used psychic powers and natural forces to form his own protection system. After a burst of crackling energy fluctuations, the ultimate protection spell failed to touch Zhao Mai and directly failed. "Dumbledore, thank you, my protective spells are self-contained, blocking all external energy. You can cast protective spells on others, they need it."

Duojian raised his hand and said with a smile: "I! I need it!" The young maid was fully armed and had all guns and ammunition ready.

Zhao Mai opened the car door and went out quickly, and then felt the natural force around him. The environment here is very similar to Hogwarts. The force of nature is artificially adjusted, which means that the air, temperature, humidity and natural vegetation are all artificially arranged. A false ecosystem, but also an ecosystem, enough to support everyone's lives. In fact, the air composition here is more suitable for human activities than on the earth, and the oxygen content is higher, which can improve the efficiency of the body.

He waved his hand to signal everyone to get out of the car. "The·Che" can penetrate natural solids, simple artificial slate or asphalt is no problem, but the artificial crystal in the wall can't get through, which is why the car crashed into the wall and stopped. If you step on the accelerator enough, you can indeed pass through with the indestructible characteristics. But Atlantis is not Mirko's prison, God knows what the consequences will be if there is more damage. Since there is a door and a passage, walk over.

"What are we doing now?" Duojian snapped the gun up and said to the ceiling with his legs crossed and the muzzle of the gun. "Why don't you let Xiaohua scout?"

"I'm fine." Xiaohua said. Zhao Mai nodded, and Xiao Hua walked in front of everyone. "First, check if there are any windows so that we can see the outside. It would be nice if there is a panoramic view." Zhao Mai asked her.

With lightsabers and strange ghosts' ice weapons, ordinary gates are not enough to be an obstacle at all. Of course, Zhao Mai still minimizes damage as much as possible. Dumbledore waved his wand: "Fluorescence is heavy!" Tens of millions of fireflies-like light spots flew out from the top of his wand, flying further and further along the passage. "A place with fluorescence is safer than a place without fluorescence, at least my magic can pass." The professor smiled slightly and waved his wand again. A large group of chirping magic chickens ran around, as if they had a clockwork on their bodies. They pattered along the corridors, all open doors, and stairs.

"This is also used to find the way?"

"Yes. These are magical summons, not real life, but they are enough to trigger most traps in advance."

"But what if there is that kind of self-destructive trap? It might have been avoided." Zhao Mai said after thinking about it.

Dumbledore looked at Zhao Mai with slanted eyes, and Zhao Mai nodded: "Okay, I don't talk such nonsense, it will not affect it, it will not affect it."

At this moment, Xiao Hua flew back and pointed her finger in the direction: "There are outward windows over there. This is a tower, yes, there are five similar towers surrounding the main tower in the center. There are lights and Traces of human activity."

Everyone hurriedly followed her to a place similar to a conference room. Although there is no one to use here, there is no dust on the furniture, but it is very tidy. There are two full walls of glass in the room, you can have a sweeping view of the outside scenery.

This is a huge building complex, resembling a six-sided snowflake shape. At the top of each ridge is a tower group, which surrounds the tallest tower in the center, and Zhao Mai is in a ridged tower. There are countless windows in the center tower ~www.ltnovel.com~ with bright lights, you can vaguely see people walking around.

Zhao Mai focused his psychic powers on his eyes and saw the situation on the opposite side clearly after a few kilometers. He saw the humans in uniform uniforms, and the anxious looks on their faces. Several humans were looking in their direction with large telescopes on the balcony, apparently startled by the landing of the taxi. Zhao Mai knew, and went up to the central tower, it became clear what was happening here.

Looking farther, apart from the tower group where Zhao Mai is located, there are three tower groups that are completely dark. The entire Atlantis was shrouded in an orange opaque force field, and there seemed to be white streamers moving in the force field.

"Can you control the fluorescent flicker of the entire building?" Zhao Mai asked Dumbledore. The latter said that there was no problem, so Zhao Mai said, "Send in Morse code: We are from the earth."

"What is Morse code?" Dumbledore was stunned. "Or you can tell me what to do."

"Uh, I won't..." Zhao Mai only felt quite embarrassed.

Duojian raised his hand, pointed at the back of his head, and exclaimed excitedly: "I will! I will! I will teach you!"

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