Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 626: Spirit suck, blame?

At the 1919 New Student Conference, Zhao Mai changed a perspective. Last year, he was still in the audience, waiting for the sorting hat to decide which college he would go to. This year he was sitting on the stage, waiting with all the teachers for students to join. However, he has the lowest rank among all the teachers, so the seat is on the far side, beside him is the flying teacher Kama Witch. Zhao Mai has only attended one of her classes and even caused the collapse of the covered bridge.

Zhao Mai opened the psychic power field and began to receive emotional signals from everyone. In different moods, the body will show different states, from heartbeat, breathing, small movements to the smell of the body. It would be better if they could access their minds, but Zhao Mai didn't want to alarm the wizards here, so he just passively felt the feelings of other people.

One of them has the most complicated feelings. Zhao Mai followed the psychic signal and looked at it. Isn't that Barbara? She was promoted to a level again, and again waiting for the arrival of new students below, but this year was different from the past, and the excited expression on her face was no longer seen. After being explicitly rejected by Zhao Mai, Barbara fainted, and when she woke up, she denounced Zhao Mai for not being a gentleman. "Girls should say rejection. How can men treat women like this?!"

Zhao Mai couldn't answer that question, and Barbara didn't go into it anymore. After that, the relationship between the two people quickly cooled down, and the embarrassment slowly heated up. Zhao Mai has been paying attention to Barbara's emotional signals, but she can feel embarrassment, she also gradually calmed down and began to slowly accept the changes in reality.

"Teacher Longhou, Teacher Longhou?" Kama yelled in a low voice, then touched Zhao Mai with his elbow: "Are you interested in leading a Quidditch team? Teacher Chekov will have a baby this year Now, Gryffindor’s Quidditch team has no leader. Are you interested?"

"Thank you, I'm not very interested in Quidditch, so I won't delay the students."

"No? It's actually a good job. Watching the students flying around in the sky, you fight for me and sweat." Kama smiled involuntarily: "Every time I feel like I am as young as them. , That kind of feeling cannot be exchanged for more gold coins!"

"When the leader I don’t know what to do, the Gryffindor students will eventually blame me. Well, when you lead the Ravenclaw Academy, can I go and see it? I must at least know the leader first. What they do. You know, I went to school for a year, and I was still running around. I didn't even participate in the team. It is very inappropriate to be the team leader."

"Then what do you do in your spare time? Come to the teachers' party if you have time. I know some wizards want to know you very much. You can tell us about life in the East!"

"Okay, you must call me if you have this kind of opportunity." Zhao Mai pointed to the rostrum. Principal Dipeter had already walked to the center, and it seemed that the new student was about to arrive.

The door opened, and the first-year freshmen walked in with cheers and applause. Like last year, the lights in the hall were dimmed, the ceiling was hidden in the clouds, and the floating candles brought the effect of starlight. Zhao Mai saw this scene again, without the slightest surprise or touch. But the emotional signals of the new students made up for his lack of feeling, and an excited teardrop slid down the corner of his eye.

Principal Dippet stretched his arms to quiet the students. He took out his wand and waved it, and a new pennant appeared on the roof, "Champion of World Wizarding Youth Championship." The orange-red light shot diagonally from the banner, just covering the principal.

He gave an impassioned speech, talking about the achievements of Hogwarts last year, and placing high expectations on the new students. He also clicked on the names of Jiebao and Zhao Mai, and the two had to stand up and greet the people present. In the warm applause, Zhao Mai was also officially introduced as a teacher of physical education.

A few untimely laughs came into Zhao Mai's ears, even in the applause of the main melody. This kind of emotion can be understood. If Zhao Mai changes positions, sitting down and watching his classmate suddenly become a teacher, he will also show some distrust at this time.

Next is the sorting ceremony. The old and wrinkled sorting hat sang a song first. This is a new song that it came up with after staying in the cabinet for a year. The tune is out of touch. The students came forward one by one, with longing, excitement and a little nervousness, sitting on the chairs one by one, let Dumbledore buckle the sorting hat on his head. Zhao Mai relived the emotions of those students, and the memories in his mind came alive. I still remember my smile when the Sorting Hat shouted "Ado", and the joy of everyone when I was assigned to Ravenclaw.

He glanced at Barbara secretly, and the little girl clapped her hands vigorously, welcoming new students to join. From her emotional point of view, it seems that she has temporarily forgotten the gloom of this period of time. Yes, youth is short-lived, so the sentimentality in youth is also short-lived and will soon be replaced by new things.

After the sorting ceremony, the grand banquet began. Zhao Mai had been waiting for this moment long ago, psychic powers enveloped the audience, greedily drawing everyone's emotional signals. This year’s banquet is still rich, piles of sweets represent the happiness of piles of mountains, and the flowing beverages are the flowing laughter. Everyone is immersed in it, releasing the most relaxing and pleasant pleasure of the year-only Zhao Mai Is an absorber. He drew a little bit from everyone, and when combined, it was a strong and complex emotional feeling. Just like dozens of cakes, dozens of gummies, and dozens of roasted chicken drumsticks, the flavor erupts in the mouth.

"You can eat, it's called alive!" Under the strong stimulation, Zhao Mai slowly recovered the feeling of "being a human", and finally realized what is good or bad. He picked up a French fries with his fingers ~www.ltnovel.com~ dipped in bright red ketchup and gently put it in his mouth.

Still not delicious.

Frozen three feet is not a day's cold, and Rome is not built in a day. Zhao Mai knows that he still has a lot of work to do, and now he has to start with the thought signals of the students.

The next day is Thursday, and there will be Zhao Mai's physical education in the morning. This day was a very rare sunny day. The autumn sun shined unimpeded on the Quidditch stadium at Hogwarts. Twenty students who were curious about the new course - and a few who did not have a course to visit. Ten people are all enjoying the comfort of the sun.

Zhao Mai has only one requirement for all students: wear light and comfortable, and different people have different understanding of this. People who know Zhao Mai better, such as Barbara and Jiebao, chose the rider's suit: a hard shell round hat that can be tied to the chin, a close-fitting shirt and jacket, tough breeches and boots, and gloves. Others mainly wear wizard robes, and some wear sweaters directly. Since it is an elective course, they come from different grades and colleges, and many of them have not attended classes together, so they keep on twittering.

"It's about to go to class, why haven't you come?" Jie Bao looked anxiously at the entrance of the stadium, and then saw a huge black figure approaching.

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