Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 690: There are always goblins

Whether it is relying on the smell of stored grain or Zhao Mai's green vision, as long as there is such a "gift-giving" team, it is impossible to escape tracking. Soon, Zhao Mai locked the target, and together with the grain reserves, he attacked them by surprise.

There is no need to elaborate on the process of the battle. There are only four orcs and six dire wolves in total. The fighting methods are based on instinct rather than training, and even the warm-up effect cannot be achieved. Zhao Mai was too lazy to kill them, so he stunned one by one and threw them aside.

The so-called gift is a fully loaded four-wheel truck with six bulging sacks and two oak wine barrels in it. Zhao Mai prefers two horses to pull carts. It happens to be a male and a female. These are the real treasures. In Mordor, there are too many wolves, too many orcs, and too few horses.

Increasing the reproductive rate of animals and reducing degradation are all druids’ job, not to mention that Zhao Mai has a huge gene pool of Z insects, using these two horses (see how accurate my words are) to grow wings. It is not impossible for a dragon and horse to breathe fire in the air, and a simple improvement of the pedigree is not a problem.

The food reserve was responsible for keeping these two horses standing honestly, and Zhao Mai jumped into the car. The oak barrels are filled with wine, the workmanship is very good, either from humans or elves, and certainly not Mordor products. Two bags contain air-dried meat, which is dehydrated with a lot of salt, which is very heavy, and the other bag contains unpeeled wheat kernels.

Zhao Mai grabbed a handful of grains of wheat and rubbed it with his hands, then put it under his nose and sniffed. The remaining mud smell and the breath of other natural substances can enter, which can produce an olfactory memory and help Zhao Mai find the other side's location in the future. But his keen senses discovered other things, a faint alluring temperature mixed in the fragrance of wheat.

Relying on the nose to search carefully, Zhao Mai found the source of this smell. The other party really didn't have any good intentions, and sprinkled medicated powder in these food bags. In the orc tribe, food may be consumed quickly, and various containers are always reused, so the powder in these bags will continue to affect more food.

It is impossible to conduct a detailed analysis in the wild, and Zhao Mai can only roughly figure out the effect of this powder on the orcs' addiction. Regardless of the effects of the addiction, the sinister intentions of the goblin can be seen. Especially those jerky, which are most suitable for wartime use. Zhao Mai has the highest possibility of leaving it or giving it to the strong orcs, and the powder content in it is also the highest.

"No wonder this goblin used so much salt and spices to cover up the taste. It turns out that there is such a conspiracy!" Zhao Mai snorted and said disdainfully: "Also sent a messenger to attack me when I was cleaning up ghouls. A misunderstanding. That ghoul was originally his ghost, the thief shouted to catch the thief!"

With precaution in mind, many things can be arranged and dealt with in advance. Zhao Mai kicked the stunned orcs and forced them to take their dire wolves, drag the carriage, and follow him back to the settlement. An orc wanted to sneak away, but it was quickly overtaken by the reserve. The corpse whose throat was bitten off gave other orcs a great warning, so the journey went smoothly.

The skins of these orcs are a little red, which is quite different from the Mordor orcs. The ancestors of Mordor orcs were all tortured elves, so their skin was always grayish white. The ogre blood will turn the orcs into black, and the half-orcs will be a little bit burnt yellow, and changes such as red and green will not appear on the Mordor orcs.

Zhao Mai wanted to know how the red skin of the orc came from, and what the goblin was doing to the orc. But considering that he is now a "reckless man without knowledge", curiosity still has to be suppressed. After returning to the settlement, Zhao Mai moved everything on the carriage into his tower, and the two horses became his possessions, and no one could move. However, he divided the weapons and equipment carried by these orcs to his subordinates, which was a surprise to them.

"Chief, these orcs should be divided, too. It's good to be slaves. The number of strong orcs in our settlement has been small." Darryl took a reflective steel dagger from the weapon pile, and stared again. This group of soldiers with blue noses and swollen faces.

"No. I look down on these red-skinned fools. Like the pack of dire wolves, they are tamed softies." Zhao Mai snorted coldly, "The soft dire wolves can also be used as mounts, and they can play a little bit. Some effects. Darryl, give them a dire wolf and let them all get out. The remaining dire wolves are locked in a cage. By the way, you can distinguish between male and female, right?

Darryl nodded. He can't figure out some things, but he never struggles, as long as he completes the task. In this respect, orcs are much easier to use than elves and humans.

The messenger whose arm had been broken was also released. Zhao Mai threw him a wooden stick and rope to make a splint, and then ordered them to get out. These orcs will definitely report what they see to the goblins, and make Heifoot, a powerful, simple-minded, grumpy but awe-inspiring image plump up. This is also Zhao Mai's original intention of acting. Of course, he would not let go of such a good tracking opportunity, ordering two jumping dogs to fall behind secretly, and confirm the position and path of the goblin as much as possible without being found. This information will always be used in the future.

After returning to the tower, Zhao Mai had time to carefully analyze the powder hidden in the sack, and with the help of the powerful sense organs of Z Worm, he finally understood what the enemy's conspiracy was. For a powerful enemy, it is always an effective method to cause chaos inside and consume power. The goblin wants to use this addictive powder to confuse the orcs' thinking, gradually reduce their mental concentration, and make the orcs become more lazy and irritable. Laziness is the beginning of all decay, and internal friction is a booster to accelerate the destruction of the empire. Zhao Mai didn't hesitate to incinerate all the bags, and then used a spell to remove the residue.

Now that the goblin has this method~www.ltnovel.com~, he will definitely use it again. The feeling of being remembered by the thief was quite bad, and Zhao Mai himself couldn't do it for hundreds of millions to watch everywhere. However, Z bugs have such potential. As long as they are used properly, this problem will be solved.

"Xiaohua, the food reserve has been disconnected from the spirit of Z Worm, how is your place, are you still busy?"

"Of course not, I'm still working overtime to design the fungus blanket guardian! Don't peek!" The little flower **** is mysterious, often busy for several days, unlike before, often appearing and playing with Zhao Mai. "What's matter?"

"Starting to spread the blanket." Zhao Mai finally made up his mind. "Order Z insects to start digging underground pipes and radiate out from the settlement. The pipes don't need to be thick, as long as the bacteria blanket grows. The initial goal is to surround the entire saltwater lake and slowly build our eyeliner in the entire south of Mordor. "

"It's not difficult. Just let the fungus blanket pass through about half a meter underground. The thickness of the pipe is about the same as that of a python. But the fungus blanket doesn't have the ability to observe, how to realize eyeliner?"

"I'll worry about this." Zhao Mai smiled: "It's time for you two to see the real technology!"

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