Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 805: The Lord of the Rings is mine

Genius remembers the website URL in 3 seconds【】

Pedestrians ran wildly on the wasteland, and the outline of the Doomsday Volcano was clearly visible, occupying the size of a palm at the end of the field of vision. =乐=文=The black smoke rising from the crater is clearly visible, and under the volcano, the orcs' camps are densely stacked.

It was just a camp, with only a few orcs. Sauron's magic eye is constantly covering the volcano with red light day and night, so there is no need to station too many orcs. Especially some time ago, Zhao Mai raided the orc camps of Sauron everywhere, and he had come to Doomsday Volcano three times, causing the orcs here to flee to death, all gathering in the direction of the evil black tower.

Moving in the direction of the Doomsday Volcano, the light gradually increased, as if the red light from the crater from time to time could light up the sky. Strong winds continue to blow from the west, bringing the stench from the ground to the sky. Frodo walked forward with deep feet and shallow feet. He felt that he was hot all over, but the ground was very cool, and he walked more comfortably.

The chain of the Supreme Lord of the Rings is getting heavier and heavier. As he walks around, pulling at his neck from left to right, Frodo feels like an untamed dog, using his last wild nature to fight against the power of the Lord of the Rings. . His neck hurts terribly. It was obviously an ordinary silver chain, but it left a circle of burn marks on his neck. After the wound festered, he even thought that his head was about to separate from his body. Frodo raised his head, barely seeing the shadow of the Doomsday Volcano in his blurred vision. He is afraid that he will go the wrong way, because he has no physical strength to make a mistake, and a wrong turn will prevent him from reaching the Doomsday Volcano again.

"Sam, I'm so tired, do you have anything to eat... Sam?" Frodo coughed a few times, then was startled by his own voice. It turned out that he hadn't spoken at all before, and those calls were just echoes in his mind. He moved his almost paralyzed tongue, "San...m...".

There is no Sam, only Gollum. He looked at Frodo with big eyes, his expression stern. Guru is not like this in the impression, he should be twittering non-stop, talking to others, talking to himself, and talking to his most cherished baby. Gulu is much quieter now, completely different from the loud guy before entering Mordor. Only those greedy eyes are still the same, there is no difference.

Frodo grabbed his chest with his hands, actually grabbing the Supreme Lord of the Rings through his clothes. The familiar touch makes him more comfortable, at least he feels happier than Gulu. But happiness is not as good as saliva and bread at this time.

"Sam, do we still have food?"

"Sam? He is dead." Gulu said coldly, "Can you continue walking?"

Frodo suddenly remembered that before Sam fell to the ground injured, blood was left on his big head, turning his brown head into red. he died? he died! Frodo staggered and turned vigorously, his back facing the direction of the Doomsday Volcano. "No, Sam can't die, he's not dead."

"He's dead." Gulu stretched out his foot and tripped Frodo, then coldly watched the halfling roll on the ground. He stepped forward and turned Frodo over with his feet, making him face up. "Can you still walk?"

Frodo was breathing hard, but he felt that volcanic ash had entered his lungs, and his sore muscles had lost strength, but he still didn't want to give up: "If you can't walk, you have to walk, you have to walk..."

"This sentence doesn't make any sense." Gulu twisted his body like ooze. Soon, he became another look, a handsome man with a golden head. "The wait is finally over, the Supreme Lord of the Rings is mine."

He reached out and grabbed Frodo's chest. He had seen the silver chain, and the end of the chain was tied with the Supreme Lord Ring. "You have been away for a long time, and all your vitality is almost consumed. Now, it is me who will help you out of this torture and pain."

Frodo watched the hand getting closer, instead of suddenly bursting out from there, opening his mouth and biting it hard. How could the opponent's blood be cold, like a cold spring, just to quench thirst. He tried to bite and not let go, even if his ears were being hit continuously.

"Let it go, let it go, you bastard!" Gellert punched a few punches and found no use. Frodo was like a dying crab who would never loose his teeth. He let the Buddha hear the sound of his palm bones being overwhelmed and shattered, so he quickly took out his wand and pointed it at Frodo's teeth: "Except your weapon!"

Several teeth flew out, spinning in the air with sticky blood. Grindelwald kicked Frodo to the ground and fell into a shallow pit. The volcanic ash was blasted into the air, and it was a mess. Gellert Grindelwald waved his wand and aimed it at the shallow pit, "Blast! Blast! Ultimate Blast!"

He wantonly vented his wounded anger on Frodo, and his heavy breathing was full of tyrannical joy. "Fool, that's mine, mine! Baby is mine!!"

However, the Supreme Lord of the Rings was still on Frodo, so Frodo did not die in the blasting spell. He was always on the verge of death, but he couldn't die, so he had to endure the pain of chakra. The halfling laughed and cried, and his tiny body was blown up in the shallow pit and flew up and down like a rag doll that nobody liked.

"This is not dead, the Supreme Lord of the Rings is really good." Grindelwald pointed at Frodo with his wand, casting a petrified spell, making his whole body stiff. He grabbed the chain and pulled it forcefully, taking the Supreme Lord Ring into his hand.

"If you can hold on for a longer period of time, it will be fine, then the Supreme Lord of the Rings' obedience to Sauron will improve and decrease. Unfortunately, halflings are halflings, which is really too weak." He threw the chain away, only Leave the golden ring in the palm. The Supreme Lord of the Rings was in his line of sight, slowly growing to adapt to the thickness of human fingers.

Grindelwald's eyes are full of the shadow of the Lord of the Rings~www.ltnovel.com~ The golden light seems to fill his pupils. "Hmph, Frodo, I really didn't expect you to be here. If it weren't for you, how could the Supreme Lord of the Ring be far away from the grasp of those strong and come to this deserted place where no one knows. You use your life and The soul helped me wash away the unwilling souls in the Lord of the Rings and gave me a powerful treasure. This is exactly the baby I need!"

"They all thought that the Lord of the Rings was afraid of the Nasir Holy Sword, but they were all wrong. The Supreme Lord of the Rings was only afraid of the halfling soul!" Grindelwald said with a slanted smile, "It's a real thing. The powerful intelligence in the Supreme Lord of the Rings would actually be afraid of the weakest race on the Big Six. Zoro strives to be the strongest, only the weakest can be defeated, and after both lose, the spoils are mine."

"However, be careful. I'm not that kind of reckless guy." Grindelwald held the Lord of the Rings tightly and looked at Frodo: "You can be free, and be free from the torture of the Lord forever, this Is your historical mission."

He pointed his wand at the halfling and was spinning around in the air. Suddenly, he had a warning sign in his heart, and he saw a tall object in the corner of his eye.

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