Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 812: Collision of power


Text Chapter 812 The collision of power (monthly ticket 300 plus more)

There are always a thousand words, and whether it can be destroyed or not is an irreconcilable contradiction, so the battle around the Supreme Lord of the Rings is inevitable. Lun gathered the entire power of Mordor to form his own armor and weapons. If he takes back the Lord of the Rings, then these powers can become his permanent body and regain his image in this world.

Zhao Mai pulled out the hunter's blood spear, and the blade of the light energy buzzed. It dashed forward, and the area wrapped in the Worm Heart Ring crashed into the will of the dark world. Everyone couldn't observe the middle process at all, but saw Zhao Mai's light spear and Sauron's mace collide with each other.

The light spear spun, and molten red iron dripped down continuously, but suddenly disappeared in midair. It is not real steel that blocks the weapon, but Mordor's world will. Sauron tempered this will into a real thing, just as he tempered the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

The two people refused to yield to each other, and there was a stalemate. Zhao Mai didn't believe this, but as long as he increased his strength, Sauron would also increase his strength, and slightly more than that. The continuous exertion made Zhao Mai muscle pain, and even the strengthened body organs would be damaged by his own strength. Fortunately, the regenerative strength continued to recover, so Zhao Mai would not crush himself.

He slammed the hunter's blood spear, pushed the mace aside, and slammed it. Sauron used his free hand to directly grab the iron-shaved light spear. Hearing the sizzling sound, the light spear pierced Sauron's palm, but it stopped in his arm armor. Zhao Mai felt as if he had been pierced into a never-ending vortex, no matter if he continued to move forward or back, there was no sense of force. Sauron's mace was smashed down at this moment, giving people the feeling of falling stars. Zhao Mai's scalp tightened and felt danger, so he used ice to shape a shield to block it.

The mace smashed the shield and hit Zhao Mai's body. The evil world will launched a full blow, and Zhao Mai used his body to block it. An indescribable force wanted Zhao Mai to fly away, but Zhao Mai stood firmly on the spot, only being pushed away by one meter.

Behind him, outside the field of Worm Heart Ring, the ground cracked open. The strong earthquake turned the solid volcanic lava ground into surging waves, and everything standing on the ground was overturned. The rumbling sound is continuous, but it is not the thunder in the sky, but the wailing of the earth. This was the force that had escaped from an attack, and Zhao Mai took most of the rest.

If he was beaten out, of course he could take off more impact, but it also meant that Frodo suddenly lost his protection. Moreover, Xiaohua and the reserve grain were on the sidelines, Zhao Mai would rather be broken into pieces, and would not allow himself to expose them to the threat of the enemy. The force of nature quickly healed Zhao Mai's injury, and the quickly adapted genes began to show abilities. A layer of ghost spaceship armor appeared on the surface of Zhao Mai's body, which not only played the role of overall protection, but did not affect the movement of the body.

Each side of the carapace will not stay silly to withstand the impact, but will immediately shatter when encountering an attack, thus taking the damage away. Zhao Mai's body continued to swell, and soon surpassed Sauron's height, and the Hunter's Blood Spear was no longer suitable for this body type. He opened his mouth, and fiery flames gushed out, covering Sauron's head and face.

The heat twisted the air, and all the light and shadow became blurred. The black armor stood firm in the fire, but the land behind the Dark Lord was plunged into flames. After the magma of the Doomsday volcano cooled, this land was formed, and now it was ignited again by Zhao Mai's flame eruption, slowly returning to the form of magma.

Sauron feared death and continued to attack without hesitation raising his mace. Zhao Mai learned his experience, even if he had a shield, he couldn't stand it stupidly. His speed was still above Sauron, his arms were entangled one by one, and the flowing water generally pressed the mace to the ground.

This time, the impact force completely acted on the earth, and all the soil outside the Worm Heart Ring was lifted into the sky, forming a wall tens of meters high. With Zhao Mai as the center, the earth was blown into the air round and round, there was no fire, no flames, only a scream of continuous explosion. As the soil, flesh, bricks, wood, and steel fell from the sky back to the ground, deathly silence emerged.

A hundred meters in a radius turned into smoke and dust, two hundred meters of stumps had broken arms, and three hundred meters of grass did not grow. Zhao Mai cocked his mouth and shook his head: "The strength is great, but the hit is crooked."

Sauron was furious and drew the mace from the ground. Zhao Mai retracted his fists around his waist, pressed his legs into a horse step, and quickly punched out in an angry shout. The shadow of his boxing has surpassed the recognition ability of the human eye, and the scene left in other people's mind is just a shot of Zhao Mai straightening his arm, but in fact there have been thousands of punches. Beside Sauron and Zhao Mai, all the material was squeezed out, the smoke and dust swept away with the high temperature, and there was a dustless vacuum between the two. The force of the recoil turned Zhao Mai's body's unloading carapace into fragments, and was thrown out of the fighting space together with the dust.

Zhao Mai retracted his fist, his two hands had been burned into coke by the high temperature. Sauron maintained the posture of holding the mace high and was fired like a cannonball. He hit the ground, before he had time to rebound, he was squeezed into the ground, and kept moving downwards and deeper.

Shaking off the coke under his wrist, Zhao Mai took the time to regenerate his limbs. The Legion Bread fell out of the portable space, and Zhao Mai opened his mouth and swallowed it directly. He doesn't care about his image anymore. The fortified cells throughout his body begin to directly absorb various nutrients to supplement the body's needs. The quality of the bread almost immediately transformed into the quality of Zhao Mai, and he ate almost half a ton of food without stopping.

"It's not easy to fight." Zhao Mai said right after eating almost: "I should listen to Saruman and wait for Aragorn and the elves to fight in. This is not a traditional competition of power, speed, and skill at all. , But the consumption of the will of the world. Single-handedly fighting evil has always been a thankless thing, and I was stupid enough to take it all over myself."

"What should I do? Sauron won't be uninjured?"

"The injury must be an injury, but it doesn't matter to his dead man~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhao Mai moved his newly grown hands and shook his head slowly: "It seems that it will take a long time to tell the winner. . It's better for me to say it myself, but after a long time, there may not be enough energy to protect you. "

Sam raised his hands and said, "Then we will go to the Doomsday Volcano to destroy the Lord of the Rings, which happens to wipe out Sauron.

"Go? You can walk on this land without my protection? Look at the traces of destruction around you, don't you want to have no bones?"

"I can protect them, as long as you can hold Sauron." Saruman walked over quickly. He held his staff, and the gray light shielded Serandius and Zeratul. "I can only form a small area, but it is enough to protect these people. If I do this, I can't fight against Sauron's attack, so you must block it and not let the damage come directly to me."

Seeing that Zhao Mai still hesitated, Saruman said: "You can only believe in me for this matter to turn around and the Lord of the Rings can be completely destroyed!"

Zhao Mai glanced at Frodo. He was limp and closed his eyes. The Lord of the Rings could take his life at any time. Zhao Mai would rather believe that Frodo can sustain it, rather than pin his hopes on Saruman. "No, I will defeat Sauron, I will cover you guys, watch it!" r

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