Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 818: Historical exhaustion

"He has always been like this?" Aragorn asked Xiaohua, pointing at Zhao Mai. August 1 Chinese? Net W ㈧ W ㈧ W. 81ZW. COM Xiaohua nodded and said, "Most of the time. But if you ask him something, he will still stop and talk to you. However, he used to be motionless when he was thinking about problems, so he didn't pay any attention. External affairs."

"Well, I heard the Treeman also say about this." Grofindale nodded: "After releasing Saruman, Myron sat on the steps of Osancta and kept reading Saruman's research notes. How many days... at least two weeks, until we pass the battle at Rohan Pass."

"What a magical person." Hidden said, "He seems to be in trouble with a wise man, and I, an unqualified soldier, can't help much in this regard. But, sweet girl, you have any other needs. You can ask for help. My knight is nearby, and Rohan is also nearby."

"Thank you." Xiaohua nodded politely. "Let me arrange a place for you. Part of the castle has been completed. The environment there is much better than here, and it must be better than the Evil Black Tower."

"Wait, don't go." Zhao Mai said suddenly. He walked over quickly, and then said to Hidden, "King Hidden, you are the youngest among us, so I first ask you one thing: Can you tell us about the history you know?"

"History? About what?"


Zhao Mai felt that there was something wrong with things around him, but he didn't have enough intelligence to directly find out the crux, so he had to adopt the most stupid method. Just as Dojian collects various historical and news materials and compares them with the records of the neural auxiliary network, Zhao Mai will also carry out this work. Alda's history, he is a bystander, but also a witness. Unless there is another person who returns here from the future, there is no one who knows Tolkien's works better than him.

The history of the origin world and the reality of the parallel world are mixed in everything. At present, this is the biggest doubt that Zhao Mai knows. There is always a cause for an effect, and the sequence of cause and effect exists in a fixed order, and there should not be two pasts simultaneously. Different causes should have different effects, but now there is only one, so where are the other effects?

There is another thing different from Zhao Mai's memory. When the Lord of the Rings was destroyed by the Doomsday Volcano, the entire volcano was blown up! Now, the volcano is still erupting step by step, but it has experienced a skyrocket, but it did not explode. The Doomsday Volcano is famous for casting the Supreme Lord Ring, and also has an important position because it can destroy the Supreme Lord Ring. This volcano is still there, is it because it has an unfinished mission?

If on the earth, if a mountain has any mission, Zhao Mai would definitely not believe it, and would say that this person is stupid. However, in Arda, the will of the world is real and powerful, Zhao Mai has to believe. He grabbed Xiurton and asked him for three days from morning to night before letting him go. Seeing this scene, Grofindale couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. Although Gandalf's life was much longer than him, Gandalf no longer remembered Villino and saved a long history. The history of Seaton’s 70 years or so took three days to finish, and he had a life span of 6,000 years. The workload was not small.

Despite the trouble, none of my friends said that they were not helpful. Even if Aragorn still has many kingdom affairs to deal with, he also recounted his 87 years of life. Zhao Mai listened carefully, remembered carefully, and often fell into contemplation. During the time he was thinking, Hidden asked Rohan's cavalry to take an extra trip and brought all Osanke's books on history. If Saruman shows something in it, then Zhao Mai may be able to show some clues.

Zhao Mai never let go, especially the star Elf Serendis. Her unique memory may be the key to all these mysteries. In particular, she always followed Zeratul, who had been guarding against what Zhao Mai would do to his sister, and at the same time constantly complaining about his sister's historical knowledge, so Zhao Mai was able to show doubts without any effort. At first he thought this Zeratul was a bit annoying, but later he thought he was very important.

Only those close to them can perceive small differences, and the two of them have lived together for a long time, and they should have the same experience, but they have different memories. Through them, Zhao Mai gradually found some context and began to dig along the context.

After Saruman's books arrived, they were stacked in the castle under the volcano. There is constant temperature and humidity, and the air composition is extremely stable. Not to mention mice and moths, even molds can't even think about passing through the soil protection and the powerful filtering ability of the refining room, which turned out to be the best place for book storage. Xiao Hua classified and numbered these classics. Workers and insects carry books for Zhao Mai every day for him to read and use.

Zhao Mai imprisoned himself in the Doomsday Volcano, reading a book while warming up. He would play with Xiaohua and the reserve food every day, and ignore everything else outside. The halfling returned to his hometown, the elves began to cross the west, and the dwarves re-occupied the mine of Moria. None of this was as important to Zhao Mai as history.

Everyone has something to pay attention to, except for one person. After sending Frodo and the others back to the Shire border, Gandalf turned around and returned to the Doomsday Volcano and became Zhao Mai's neighbors. He also likes to read books, so the two people often lit their pipes on the suspended platform of the volcanic crater, and they read with the red lava light while holding a chilled ale. Two people rarely talk, but as soon as they start to talk, they must be full of wisdom on history.

"As a white-robed wizard, your task is to stop Sauron and prevent evil from occupying Middle Earth, right?"

"Well, I remember this clearly. Our five wizards all came for this, no matter what the color of the robe, what specialties each has, the purpose is the same."

"Do you think that something hasn't been done, and it's in the place of Doomsday Volcano?"

Facing this problem at first, Gandalf just smiled and shook his head~www.ltnovel.com~ and said that he was here just to hide. But gradually, he became serious and could no longer answer this question easily. He came and went, walked and came again, and brought another wizard, Rhidagast in the brown robe.

"The creatures here are very interesting, very interesting!" Radagast sucked his nose with his fingers, and exclaimed sincerely.

"Then put down the larvae hidden in your sleeves, don't say that the insects crawled into the folds of your clothes." Zhao Mai shook his head. Through the worm heart ring, he can hear the larva's cry for help.

"Can't take it away!" Radagast was obviously disappointed. "Gandalf, what do you call me for."

"Take him a history lesson." The white-robed wizard lit his pipe.

"Speak carefully, I can let you take a gardener dragon when you leave."

Gandalf explained: "It's the kind of creature outside that looks like a little girl, with blue eyes, horns on its head, and an electric tail behind it."

"That's great!" Reda Gast said with a smile. "I think they take care of the garden very well!"

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