Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 822: Guest

Zhao Mai obtained the much-needed energy while continuously extracting materials from surrounding objects. W≈W≠W=. = 8 = 1≥Z≠W≥. ≈C≤O≥M≈The forces of natural force, psychic powers and spells work together, and there is no lack of divine help. He recovered quickly, opened his mouth and took a violent breath, then sat up with a whirr.

"What's so terrible?!"

"The bitter wine you brewed yourself." Iluvita handed over the entire bottle: "Come on, take it yourself. It's better to drink it all, I don't want this thing to leak out."

"You finally showed up, which shows that my calculations are correct." Zhao Mai pinched his nose and drank the remaining immortality medicine, sticking out his tongue and making three beeps. A few droplets fell on the ground, burning a deep hole in the ground and emitting dizzying poisonous smoke. Zhao Mai looked at the bottle blankly: "What did I turn this potion into?"

"A thing that is okay only if you drink it. Others will die if you drink it, including me." Iluvita said: "You collect traits from every **** and smelt it, isn't it Mirko that you get? ? That kind of corrosive and distorting power can be tolerated by no one but you. If you don't believe it, you can experiment with your friends around you."

Zhao Mai felt that Iluvita was not joking, so he also drank the part that was secretly swallowed in the portable space. Iluvita nodded and said, "What is the mess that you count on the wall? There are only a few things I can understand, and the others are totally unreasonable."

"In different perspectives, those calculations express different things, and I can't put you in my perspective, because I'm still alive in this position, and I can't let it out." Zhao Maira told Yilu Vita's hand stood up from the ground, "Thank you for coming and helping me."

"Didn't you say it, it's your calculation, you don't need to thank me."

"Don't mind, what I counted is just a possibility. Its nature is like a believer praying to the gods for help, and expressing gratitude afterwards. This is normal." Zhao Mai looked at Iluvita carefully: "After all What happened, who did it?"

The God of Creation closed his eyes and seemed to be caught in the memory. After a while, he said, "If it weren't for you to make trouble here, I wouldn't be able to find anyone doing tricks from beginning to end. The source of the problem should be your planet, someone He covets the power of the Origin World, so I want to forcibly open the channel to the Origin World."

"Can they bypass you to do this?"

"Of course not! The Origin World is my territory, and they have no way to go wild there. Therefore, they can only use deception to try to blur the boundary between a certain world and the Origin World. Because I am asleep, my perception is greatly reduced, and I am deceived. I moved the world without noticing it. If it weren't for you guy... my origin world might have been stolen."

"Yes. I have lived in Origin World for so long, and it has become an inseparable part of history, so I magnified the inconsistency here and made the flaws bigger and bigger. I dragged the Doomsday Volcano for 12 years without exploding, I guess Suppress it, right?"

"Yeah, so I woke up as soon as it exploded." Iluvita said: "You dare to jump into the Doomsday Volcano! Do you know I am going to save you? What if I choose to stand by?"

"Then I will crawl out of the grave and kill in front of you, saying that you don't talk about loyalty." Zhao Mai smiled and shook his head: "If history does not exist, things will not be messy. However, you are being bullied to your head. , Aren't you angry?"

"Of course I'm angry!" Iluvita raised her eyebrows, revealing an expression of anger that had never been shown since the beginning of the world. However, after a while, his eyebrows slowly collapsed again: "There is no way to be angry, I can't leave these worlds. So..."

"Well, I'll check it for you. Actually, based on who benefits the most and who is the most suspect, I already have a suspect. Have you heard of Atlantis?"

"I'm just the creator of Arda World, and I'm not from your side." Iluvita snorted. He then said: "Oh, yes. According to the agreement between me and the League of the Rings, the Rushzi match is over. Congratulations on your victory. You can choose a world as your reward. All the right of way is yours. ."

Zhao Mai almost spit out his saliva and pointed at Iluvita and said: "Are you still a guest guest of awards?"

"That's not the case. You should go to the contact center of the Alliance of the Rings in Alda World, but I can do what they can do here. Of course, going there can be famous and the range of options is relatively large. Would you like to listen to some suggestions?"

"Of course! I like to listen to suggestions, especially the correct ones!"

"Don't choose the origin world, let it continue to sleep, that is best for you. The origin world is the origin of trouble, and you will face the unlucky state of fighting for control with me." Iluvita snorted, then said : "Actually, I don't want you to choose any Alda world. Whether it is the creation **** or the whole **** system, they will compete with you for the management of the world. Reaching a compromise will be a long process and a waste of energy."

"That is to exclude the world of origin, the world with many gods, and of course the world with those who have escaped. What is left? What should I do if I encounter the world will?"

"The will of the world only cares about survival. It is more pure than the gods. The more attached to the will to survive, the easier it is to deal with. This is like a piece of white paper for painting. If you can't find pure white paper, at least pure colored paper will Colored paper is much better.” Iluvita said to Zhao Mai: “You can travel through different worlds, so it doesn’t matter what level a world is at now. After all, you can develop slowly. The foundation is very important. If your foundation is unstable No matter how high the pagoda is, it is unstable. However, I don’t have a suitable world in my pocket, do you have it? If you don’t have either, you have to go to the contact center of the Alliance of the Rings."

"Hmm...I really have such a world. There used to be gods, and then all ran away, leaving only an uncompromising world will. The planet environment is bad, and the world will is full of anger because it is about to die. I also help it. Have done things..."

"Treasure place!" Iluvita's aesthetic standards are absolutely different. "How about the flow of time in the world? Too fast is not good~www.ltnovel.com~It doesn't flow..."

Iluvita stayed motionless for a few seconds, then grabbed Zhao Mai's shoulders with both hands, and said earnestly: "It's her, you'd better make up your mind as soon as I don't want to grab the marriage."

"Why did my telepathy tell me that you used the word "she" that represents women?" Zhao Mai saw what it looked like for the first time his eyes were shining brightly, making his heart straight. "Okay, I'll choose this one! What do I need to do?"

"Just tell me the name of the world, and I will take care of the rest. I have more experience than you on how to control the passage of the traversers."

"Oh, thank you. That world is called Artas." Zhao Mai took out his phone to show Iluvita: "Look, this is the place."

"Understood." Iluvita shook her head and snorted unwillingly: "You are really lucky! How did you hit this magical coordinate?"

"How do I know? I don't understand these coordinates at all!" Zhao Mai's explanation was only exchanged for Iluvetta's suspicious gaze.

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