Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 829: What to toss about? !

Dojian’s "boudoir" is very simple, more like a military camp than a military camp. ?W㈠W㈧W?. ㈧8?1㈠Z?W?. ? C㈠OM a single bed, white bedding and pillows; hangers, mirrors, six alarm clocks and a bottle of water on the bedside table. In addition, there are only metal walls and floors, not even a carpet.

Zhao Mai stomped his foot and used psychic powers to shape some temporary chairs. He released the natural force to improve the air and environment here, so that everyone feels less depressed. Dojian smiled and enjoyed all this, and then said: "You have left this time, there have been eleven retrospectives on the earth. Each time it makes me and Addo feel more painful. Fortunately, we are affected by the status of the crew. Protection, there is no other effect besides the pain." She folded her legs gracefully and shook her head slowly: "However, every time I look back, something will change. This is actually the third time I have encountered a country. The War of Independence. It’s 1927, right? Actually, for us, you and Xiao Hua have been away for 16 years."

"Sixteen years? Are you sure?" Zhao Mai rubbed his chin: "We have also been in the Alda world for about sixteen years. However, the time flow over there should be eight times that of this world, so we thought it was only here. For two years."

"Oh, you have also passed sixteen years? Then I am more psychologically balanced. However, every time I look back in the world, some details will become different, and even some of the laws that I have issued will change. Therefore, every time Once I look back, I have to re-examine everything. Therefore, for the media companies in Europe Big 6, I don’t care about the specific operation and management. I just grab the equity and distribute the dividends, but the dividends will increase every time. Yes. My energy is mainly concentrated here, producing the vibrating Wakanda."

"Your choice is right." Zhao Mai said. "Eleven times...this is absolutely abnormal. What is the record on the relevant ministry?"

"There is no record of these eleven retrospectives. I don't think the people who have taken off will be erased, right? Is it because the record is wrong?" Dojian frowned: "This kind of constant tossing is really unbearable. For example, the yellow fly flying around, I have seen him die three times, and there is nothing new."

"But how did you cause the independence movement that tried to overthrow you three times? Could it be that you couldn't absorb the lesson?"

"Bah, what an independent movement is actually a rebellion!" Dojian said: "I have basically solved the problem of food during these years in Wakanda, abolished slavery, established the constitution and many advanced laws, and eliminated tribal lynching. I have built a modern army and a gold-based currency. Among the largest six countries in Africa, Wakanda is not the most powerful, but it is definitely the happiest and most promising one. The purpose of the rebels is actually to boost gold. Oh, by the way, how to use Zhenjin is still my technique. The rebels simply don’t know how to use it. They just want to dig up the soil and sell it at a low price to exchange money for themselves! Hmph, it's a sigh of relief!"

"Can they beat you? I think your psionic blade level is very high, plus vibration gold, you should have an advantage!"

"A group of flies-like mercenaries and war brokers. Of course, there are also some multinational groups that make trouble. Each time is a different person. I am so annoyed. This time the head is a blue fool, about a An Egyptian, who calls herself apocalyptic. But the woman you know from the Big 6 Hotel, Serena, is pretty good. She mediates several times to avoid the situation from getting worse."

"If I encounter this situation, I will be very annoyed. What is the old man doing, why keep looking back? Is there anything particularly serious in the world?"

"Where is it? I have been collecting news from the world through the Lex Group channels. I haven't even let the lace news go, but nothing is unusual."

"That's weird..." Zhao Mai blinked suddenly, got up from his seat, and looked around in confusion. "What kind of energy field can penetrate vibrating gold?"

"Here again." Do Ji'an sighed. "What else can it be, backtracking. Although I don't know why you can know in advance, only the power of backtracking can penetrate vibrating gold. I built this room and originally wanted to test whether its ability to isolate energy can resist backtracking. , So that I can keep some more things. But it failed. It can't even relieve the pain."

Dojian opened the bedside table and took out a hard rubber rod. Then she tore the bed sheet, simply wrapped it outside, and handed it to Zhao Mai. "Yes, biting can be better. If you are so painful, your psychic powers will explode and cause a serious threat. We are not as powerful as you, and even if something happens, you can subdue us."

Zhao Mai squinted and sighed, and threw the rubber rod into the portable space. "I don't need this thing, I'm not that vulnerable yet."

As soon as the voice fell, the traceback appeared! Zhao Mai only felt that it felt very familiar, he had experienced it! He only felt that he seemed to be torn into two at the molecular level, one staying in the present, and the other thrown into the void of cause and effect. It's just that he is the only one, and there are stronger rules to ensure that he will not appear in two places. Therefore, he is like an anchor, firmly fixing the members of "The·che" in this time and space.

He experienced the feeling of going back in time for five seconds, and then raised the Worm Heart Ring. The purple golden light filled the vibrating room, and everyone's pain stopped immediately. Zhao Mai opened up the field to protect everyone. The time goes back outside the Zhenjin room, and inside becomes an independent world. Everyone used to be struggling in a sea full of ice floes, but now they are safely sitting on the boat.

Approximately three minutes passed by subjective time, and time retrospect is over. Duojian sighed: "It's the twelfth time, and it's nothing. I don't know how long it has been since this time."

They opened the door and walked out, seemingly no different from the past. After seeing Dojian, the loyal guard immediately saluted and said in unison: "Welcome your Majesty the Queen!"

"Convene a meeting of ministers~www.ltnovel.com~ Let the ministers summarize the latest news and send them to me, immediately!" Dojian raised his eyebrows, and the queen's aura deterred the audience. On this point, Zhao Mai is completely incomparable.

"Ah, sir, we have been looking for you for a long time, why are you..." A high-ranking templar who is absolutely unscrupulous ran over: "The special envoy of the Ministry of Magic of the United Kingdom of Great Britain is still waiting for you. The queen is not ordering Can't you neglect?"

"Don't you see that I am also performing the queen's mission! Let them wait first." Zhao Mai immediately entered the role. But he opened the telematics network and dragged all his companions in just to complain.

"Why is Dogian still a queen? What kind of chief am I? What kind of chief is it?

"I can guess about it," said Dogian. "Xi Templar is just like my official position under Karak. This is not bad for you. Once I had a few more personal maids, especially the one that was close to the body. Kind."

"Suddenly I want to find something to tear it!" Zhao Mai looked up and looked at the sky: "You are right, this feeling is terrible. How did the earth become like this!"

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