Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 835: Forget it if you don't understand

Although Dogian, Reserve Grain, Xiaohua, and Addo, the energy armor produced by the Alliance of Rings is sufficient to withstand most individual weapons. ? Bayi Chinese W? W? W?. ? 8 ㈧ 1 ㈧ Z? W ㈧. ?COM But those are all invisible equipment, and there is no vibrating equipment to attract people's attention.

Dojian’s weapon is a pair of vibrating gold daggers, which are usually hidden in the wrist armor. They can be ejected half as wrist blades, or all can be ejected as double daggers, and the hilt can be held in hand as a double-headed short sword. . This weapon fully demonstrated Dojian's talent in this respect, but compared with Zhao Mai's long sword that had been floating behind him, it was not enough to pull the wind.

Especially seeing Zhao Mai letting the long sword levitate on the ground, and then jumping up and stepping on the silly look of moving, it made Doji'an very angry. "I'll prepare a scabbard for you! It must be placed inside the scabbard and hung on the waist! Be careful not to injure others when you have the blades cut!"

"You are jealous." Zhao Mai had a premonition of what kind of scabbard he was going to get. It was definitely a very low-key, very inconspicuous, and possibly ugly one. "Don't be unhappy. This time I drank all the immortal medicines of the gods' characteristics, and my abilities have improved in all aspects. Why don't you let me improve your equipment. It's a pity that Zhenjin absorbs energy and can't portray the magic circle. Why don't I give it? How about you making vibrating guns and bullets?"

"Do all the characteristics of gods also include stupidity?" Dogian raised his eyebrows and said: "The vibrating warhead will absorb the thrust of the explosion, and it will either explode the gun or be like a misfire."

"Have you tried?"

Duojian gave Zhao Mai a white look and changed the subject: "Do you know why I dress like this?"

Zhao Mai shook his head and hurriedly delivered sweet words: "Is it because it looks the best?"

"That's one of the reasons. But I am doing this to be able to follow you. There is nothing important here in the palace, I think Ado is still very anxious. He dare not show it in front of you, for fear of disrupting your rhythm. "

"Well, I'll drive now, let's get out now!" Zhao Mai stepped on his long sword and flew out while he had no scabbard. He has always wanted to try this since he saw Jianxian with a glimpse of the relevant ministries. Do not say whether you are flying fast or not, the key is to feel good about yourself.

He went out for a round, and the crew members had already gathered. The storage space of the car is much more advanced than the psionic portable space, and the vibrato can also fit in it. It also includes the armor of Dojian and the grain reserve, but it does not include the long sword of Zhao Mai. Long sword didn't want to leave Zhao Mai's domain, and flew out by itself as soon as it was placed in the trunk. With its energy-absorbing properties and sharp blades, it can always return to Zhao Mai.

Apart from reluctance to leave, this long sword named "eight eyes" by Zhao Mai has no other problems, let alone scabbard, even if it is just a scabbard made of the Chimera spacecraft shell, it can be quiet. Stay still. "Eight eyes" means that the guard part of this long sword imitates jumping dogs and has eight eyes. It also has the meaning of "taking things, understanding, sincerity, righteousness, self-cultivation, family harmony, rule of the country, peace of the world". Doujian checked in the neural auxiliary network to understand what these mean, but she thought that Zhao Mai was not so knowledgeable, let alone think so deeply. So if he were to change to the "Eight Eyes" sword, he would probably accept it with pleasure.

Zhao Mai did not think so much, he was planning a route with his mobile phone. Owning a world of your own is not just as simple as owning a turf, it is also very different for the traveler and the ferryman.

With the right of passage to the world, there is only a new home for the traveler, and for the ferryman like Zhao Mai, Atas can be used as a transit point for traveling through various time and space. Worlds with different time flows and different spatial characteristics, plus countless parallel worlds, together form a complex multiverse universe. In this world, there are no absolute coordinates, everything is relative, but if you want to figure out this complicated relationship, the difficulty is far beyond what Zhao Mai can solve.

Iluvita helped a lot. Zhao Mai didn't understand how he operated, only knowing that from now on, all of Zhao Mai's passages will be based on Atas' time, and Atasi will also start to use Zhao Mai as a reference. Zhao Mai is the only one, which means that Artas can only target an absolute Zhao Mai. In addition, Artas' time flow is "relatively static", so it can achieve the effect of isolating events.

When Zhao Mai was not at Artas, Artas was completely motionless and would not move forward at all. When Zhao Mai entered Atas, the other worlds were also static relative to Atas. So entering and leaving Artas is like a "switching archive" process. Through this hub, Zhao Mai can travel through the world according to his subjective time. Unless special expenses are paid for time travel, the Westeros 6 he traveled from Earth in 1927 will still be the one he left in the 21st century.

"For a closed system, time is objective. But for a non-closed system, time is subjective?" Zhao Mai didn't understand these things either. Maybe you can ask Einstein? Einstein is still alive now, but Zhao Mai is worried about Einstein's ability to figure it out and is willing to explain to him, but he still doesn't understand what to do?

Let's take off with the gas pedal. The route has been planned for mobile navigation, and the toll is two gold coins. Ado lay on the window, and finally looked at the earth, with a little nostalgia in his eyes.

A black space crack appeared in the sky, and "The·che" rushed in. Many capable people felt the energy fluctuations of the space cracks and came out to investigate the situation. None of them could see the black cracks, let alone Zhao Mai and the car.

Serena was also one of the people who felt the energy fluctuation but did not see the black crack. She dressed up like an ordinary tourist, hired a local as a guide, admiring the jungle scenery of Wakanda while heading towards the capital. Although anxious in her heart, she did not dare to show it.

"The Big 6 Hotel is organizing the world shuttle again? If this goes on, something big will definitely happen!" Serena secretly clenched her fist~www.ltnovel.com~ her nails hurt her palms. "So many capable people gather, the Big 6 Hotel is really looking for death on its own! Mike, Mike, Mike, you are my last hope!"

She just showed a little nervousness when she was discovered. A purple-red light ball appeared on the side of the team out of thin air, pushing away the surrounding obstacles, and then opening in the shape of petals. The blue mutant Tianqi stood in the center of the purple ball with a strange smile on his face.

"Will you be my hungry knight?"

"En Sabah Nur, when you first cried because of hunger, I had lived for 13,000 years. Do you want me to be your knight?" Serena shook her head: "Like you I’ve seen too many people. Go find someone else, you can’t afford me, and in my opinion, your ideas are even more outdated than mine.”

"A new world for the capable, a ticket for a golden seat." Tianqi said: "What is the price?"

"Golden seat?" Serena touched her lips with her finger, and finally shook her head.

"Then I have to change a way of persuasion." The blue guy moved his shoulders and squeezed his fists.

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