Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 839: Behead

Thousands of people came to watch this martial arts trial. They were all over the city walls, towers, roofs and treetops, not to mention the squares used for martial arts. The city guards and Yulin Iron Guards of King's Landing City pressed and drove them, and finally left enough space. "They all came to see how I died." Tyrion concluded, "If everyone who enters the hall receives a gold coin, I can immediately become a rich man."

"Yes. Dogian, food reserve and Xiaohua. I am not a spectator and I won't give you any money." Zhao Mai happily gave three gold coins to Tyrion, and then went straight to the end of the duel, which belonged to him. Inside the rest and preparation area. Dogian had already been there waiting for him-in a casual way. She found a recliner, basking in the sun very comfortably, with a glass of iced juice on hand.

Even the dog bowl in front of the food reserve was holding ice water, and the big tongue that stirred inside made the crowd dry. The Queen Mother Cersei slapped the plate brought by the maid with a slap. Although the red wine in it was of excellent quality, it fell completely without ice.

"That's the queen mother? It looks like a child." Zhao Mai stretched his hand to the juice, but grabbed a hole. Doujian took the juice before him and handed it to Xiaohua (the gardener dragon).

"Get it early and leave early. The food here is good, but the smell is too stinky." Duojian was referring to the terrible powder, perfume, incense, and the atmosphere created by the garbage and feces in the city. "By the way, the queen once sent a special envoy, hoping to talk to you late at night. I turned it down to you."

"Ah! What a pity. Since you have turned me down, you have to compensate me for speaking late at night."

"Yes. Wait until these two days are over." Dojian glanced at the opposite side of the venue, then shook his head: "Poor big guy."

She was talking about Zhao Mai's opponent this time, Sir Gregor, nicknamed "Magic Mountain." With a height of more than two meters, coupled with a full body armor, he is like a moving mountain fortress. As a minister of the Lannister family, Devil Mountain is a terrifying mace that can smash the head of any enemy. It was originally planned that after he completed the contest here, he set off for Hellenberg, where he would stop Stannis.

None of these plans will succeed. Tyrion stood quietly in the sun, feeling very quiet for some reason, as if all the noise around him could not affect him. He raised his head and looked at his still majestic father, his sister who gritted his teeth, and his brother whose eyes were full of worry. Of course, he also saw the magic mountain full of rage and fury in his eyes. "You know too little about what kind of opponent you are going to face." He concluded.

Duke Tywin's gaze slipped over his dwarf son, and this ignorance was more unbearable than disgust. Fortunately, Tyrion knew he didn't need to endure any longer. Duke Tywin raised his arm, and the trumpeter played immediately to calm the crowd. The archbishop wore a tall crystal crown and walked forward, praying for his heavenly father to make a decision for their innocence, and praying for the soldiers to give strength to the righteous.

"But justice is either inherently there or obtained through hard work. It has never been bestowed." Zhao Mai muttered to himself, and then looked at the sky. He didn't feel that any gods were paying attention here.

The Devil Mountain is equipped with a black iron shield, and the other is holding a giant sword. He never wipes these two things, so there are always red stains on them. Following heavy steps, Sir Krigan Gregor stood in the middle of the square, facing the archbishop, and then looked at Zhao Mai with contempt.

"It's time for me to play." Zhao Mai took the opportunity to leave a kiss on Duojian's lips, then jumped and ran up. He raised his eyebrows with a smile and looked like a tricky ass. It seemed that bullying Dojian was more important than a duel. Behind him, the eight-eye sword who wanted to make his debut hurriedly followed, twisting his body vigorously in the air, and slinging away the scabbard.

"Magic sword?!" The audience exclaimed, and this time the guard's horn was useless. Zhao Mai stopped, quickly grabbed the hilt, dragged the long sword on the ground and walked over. The heavy blade and the sharp blade directly cut and crushed the stone slabs on the ground, leaving neat and deep marks.

The bishop was stunned for a moment and looked at Duke Tywin with blinking eyes, and the latter glared at him vigorously. He concentrated quickly, explained all the ins and outs of the duel, and then began to pray again. Zhao Mai sounded drowsy, but this was one of the procedures of a duel, and he couldn't save it.

There are no gods on the head. Even if there is, at least the bishop cannot be summoned. When they finally announced the start of the duel, the two of them had to distance themselves, retreat to both sides of the field, and then wait for a trumpet to sound before starting to fight-a cumbersome step.

When Demon Mountain charges, he feels unstoppable, but when he swings his huge sword, he always looks like a beheading executioner: strength and speed are very good, but it can only be said that it is technology, not martial arts. Zhao Mai raised one hand and spread his five fingers, abruptly caught the huge sword that was slashing and nailed it in the air. Cracks spread from the sword, and the cup in the hands of the Queen Mother Cersei fell to the ground and became fragments.

Tyrion couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw the disappointed and angry expression on his sister's face. He also saw his brother James cast a relieved look at him. The relaxed expression was not a fake—it seemed that someone cared about him. At the same time, Tyrion had been paying attention to his father, but Duke Taiwen was still in a moody mood, only a moment of appreciation for Zhao Mai.

Sir Gregor drew back the great sword abruptly, only half of it was returned. He looked at the cross section of Broken Sword questioningly.

"I didn't do anything with your weapon~www.ltnovel.com~ because it was not necessary."

Zhao Mai lifted the eight-eyed sword and slashed across it. Whether it was shield, armor, body or soul, all two segments were neatly arranged. Gravity took over the work that followed, and these parts fell one by one.

A burst of gasps spread from the square, and then there was no sound. Because they couldn't believe everything in front of them, many people were still rubbing their eyes, and more people prepared a variety of cheers and cheers, but they all got stuck in their throats. Dogian yawned, finally got up from the couch, stood up straight, stretched out, and tidyed up his clothes. "Finally it's almost time to leave." The reserve grain buried his mouth in the ice drink, and Xili hurriedly cleared the field.

Tyrion looked at all this, and finally saw his father frowned and saw his lips tremble twice, but there was no gloom. that's it? The little devil felt that he could say goodbye to this world.

Zhenjin's sword was spotless, but the square had been stained red by the blood of the Devil Mountain. His sturdy upper body was still struggling and shaking, and Zhao Mai did not have the evil interest of torturing others, so he made up a sword and caused him to die quickly.

This is the process of trial by force, Westeros's roughest law.

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