Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 848: Tyrion's psychic powers

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In Tyrion's mind, a black dot appeared on the white plain, and then a second. They are suspended in the air, bouncing up and down, just like a woman from Dorn (Southern Westeros).

Sure enough, a black, black-haired Dorn woman appeared on the plain, her waist swaying towards him, and the two black spots were still shaking. Tyrion opened his arms and was about to greet a warm and sweet hug, only to see the Dorne woman turned into a golden woman of the West, with his sister's face. Cersei was the queen mother, tearing open his skin with sharp nails, pulling out the internal organs, and stuffing it into her mouth to eat.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Tyrion yelled suddenly.

"Failed again? I told you to concentrate. Drink some water." Zhao Mai closed a thick book with a red cover, which contained the most insidious and terrifying psychic skills of the Witch King, far from mentioning. Leon can be contacted at the beginner stage. He took everyone back to Tyre and waited for the "deep water base" to take shape before going to build the Zhenjin Water Diversion Project. After running in the desert for a long time, I also need a combination of work and rest.

The dwarf sat up, shaking his head in both hands. "I know I have too many distracted thoughts and can think of many things at once, but I have never hated my ability like today." He picked up the water bag beside him, pulled out the plug and smelled it, with an expression of disgust. "Really water? Why, are you so poor that you can't afford wine?"

"You have to recuperate your body. Long-term alcoholism and indulgence reduce your height and destroy your health. These physical problems will respond in your spiritual world. Maybe this is what you haven't learned yet. The reason for psychic powers."

"Give me wine and women, I promise you will learn psychic powers."

"It doesn't matter to me whether you can learn psychic powers or not." Zhao Mai felt that Tyrion was a little slack in recent days, most likely because he left a familiar hometown and arrived in this completely strange world. Maybe a sense of urgency can restore him to normal. "All I need is your flexible mind and keen observation. This does not require you to have any magical ability, or even to live. This book records how to use psychic powers to extract souls and create spiritual crystals. The technology. Although the success rate is a bit low,...but this multiverse is not only one Westeros, nor is it only you a Tyrion."

"I just want wine and a woman, you have to replace me? I don't know who is more cruel, you or my father." The little devil took two sips of water, and then made an exaggerated retching expression. "This is too ugly!"

"That's pure water, what's so bad?" Zhao Mai shook his head and said: "Tyrion, this is not Westeros 6, no one knows the reputation of the Lannister family. Even in Wei What about Stello, your brother was cut off from holding the sword? Most people here have psychic powers, and the environment of this world is particularly suitable for generating and practicing psychic powers. If you can’t learn Yes, then you will easily be in danger."

"Didn't you give me some invisible armor?"

"Zone denier armor, that's its name." Zhao Mai shook his head: "That thing can prevent accidents, but it can't completely protect your safety. Even the best armor is just armor, it won't stop you from drinking. Drinking poisonous alcohol will not prevent you from being buried and suffocated to death. Even with psychic hypnosis, there are many ways to avoid the armor reaction, not to mention that I can punch through the armor."

Tyrion took a sharp sip of water, and then said: "It seems that my good days are indeed over."

"You have to get through the initial stage." Zhao Mai said to Tyrion, "What will happen when I just made my first trip? Even the language has to be translated slowly with a dictionary, and practice from the sound. Don't Speaking of psychic powers, I can’t even start a fire to cook. Don’t look at me better than you now, you just haven’t seen me when I was unlucky. You weren’t sold as a slave or forced to jump into a volcano, right?"

"Ah, that's not true. If something like that happens, don't forget to ask me to see it." Tyrion lowered the water bag. "Forget it, let's say something interesting. Have you noticed that the relationship between Dogian and Satiri has suddenly become better? Have you been together for three nights?"

"Yeah, do you want to learn some skills?" Zhao Mai said with a smile: "In fact, they are all small things, such as staying healthy, drinking plenty of water, exercising more and learning psychic powers. Leon, do you know what the most beautiful woman in the world looks like?"

"Oh, I like this topic!" Tyrion dragged a small stool and ran to sit opposite Zhao Mai.

"When you practice psychic powers to a high level, you can create her. What you like, only your own heart knows best." Zhao Mai said with a smile: "You see in the psychic powers conception Yes, it’s all the needs deep in your heart. It’s just that you have to understand the deep meaning under the surface and also have a way to control your own heart. Wild abilities are not small, but most of the users eventually become lunatics. The good ones are mental disorders and cognitive impairments. I don’t think you want to affect your aesthetic standards, do you?"

"Forgive me, don't say that what you think in your heart is a real need! Can someone who sees his sister in psychic powers be more frightening than this?"

"Didn't your brother also come over from the horror?" Zhao Mai teased.

"Even people in other worlds know the relationship between the two of them? This is another famous one!" Tyrion looked at Zhao Mai, and finally asked, "How can you be sure that you are real~www. ltnovel.com~ instead of the characters in other people's books?"

"I'm not sure. I will try to solve this mystery if possible, but it is more likely that I will carry this question throughout my life. In fact, I am more worried than you," Zhao Mai said, "At least your fate, It’s already different from Tyrion Lannister in the book. You have different experiences, different presents and definitely different futures. What else can you criticize about? Isn’t the so-called freedom that way? I’m still Can’t be sure if I’m free, or continue to follow a trajectory drawn by a certain will.

"Yes. I still have a chance to meet the author who wrote the book. You don't even know if the author exists." Tyrion grinned and said, "If you see the author, what would you ask for? ?"

"It was probably caught in captivity and let him write books all the time. If he doesn't obey, kill him, take out his brain and soul, and study how he knows about me. After all, I have a domain, which is difficult for the outside world to detect." Zhao Mai shrugged: "How about you?"

"I would throw a book about me on his face and laugh at him, celebrating freedom in this way." Tyrion said, "I have a feeling that the person who wrote about me is a fat man with glasses. "

"I also have this feeling."

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