Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 855: Full of power

The taxi came to Z Worm's base with all the Zhenjin reserves, and now it has begun to take shape. The soil has expanded more than one kilometer in all directions, and for the sand sea, this area is only a drop in the ocean. However, such an area has been able to ensure that the Z insect can survive every sandstorm, and even the most terrifying sandstorm can survive.

The refining room is working at full capacity to extract hydrogen from all surrounding materials and then make water. At present, the lack of water resources is still the most important factor hindering the growth of Zworm population. The refining room can produce water, but it is certainly not as deep as the ocean buried deep underground.

So Zhao Mai began to dig a well. He first summons the local gardener dragon, just like summoning the local **** of the land. The little gardener dragon wagged her tail. Through Z Worm’s exclusive soul radio station, she was very happy because she felt Zhao Mai’s happiness, even though she could not fully understand what it meant by "Sati Li is pregnant with a child". A pair of big blue eyes flickered, with a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Where the soil has the deepest roots, point me to it."

The Gardener Dragon had a more thorough understanding of the growth conditions of the soils than Zhao Mai, but Zhao Mai was naturally stronger in terms of transformation and manipulation. With a stroke of his hand, Xi Yang gave up a round open space. Below the purple-red roots is the ground that has begun to harden and agglomerate.

Bend down and leaned down, Zhao Mai placed his hands on the sand, and then began to use the ability of material transformation to transform sand into water. The soil stretched out the tentacles, quickly sucked the water away, and transported it to the incubation room and gene pool, leaving a deep hole constantly buried by sand.

Only God can complete the next work, so Zhao Mai lit his hair and jumped into the pit with a blue light. He turned the land under him into water, turned the surrounding sand into hard rocks, and then lifted the water up with psychic powers. Xi Yang tried to follow him, hanging down his tentacles to absorb the water. The florets are controlled and directed on the ground, ordering the workers and insects to cut off the surrounding soil that is not necessary and urgently needed, and transport them all to the entrance of the cave to increase the length of the local soil tentacles.

However, this growth could not keep up with Zhao Mai's decline, and it was impossible for Zhao Mai to lift up the created water indefinitely, so he was soon submerged and turned into underwater operations.

The surrounding area is dark, the pressure and temperature are getting higher and higher, the water accumulated in the potholes is also increasing, and the pressure on the surrounding well walls is also increasing, which has begun to affect Zhao Mai's work. In this situation, he began to excavate horizontally, increasing the density of the soil and rocks to reduce the volume, thereby saving space and creating holes for storing water. After draining the main tunnel, he continued to dig down.

Going deep into the ground, everything seemed depressing and monotonous, but Zhao Mai thought of his own woman and children, and he would not feel alone here. I haven't turned on the BGM of the phone for a long time, and this time is right to listen to it. I don't know why, no matter what song it sounds at this time, it sounds pretty good, and it can always make Zhao Mai hum along.

When this song reached the ground from the deep hole, it had already turned into a dull roar, vaguely and rumblingly. Xiao Hua lay on the entrance of the cave and looked down, of course she could not see anything. Immediately afterwards, she heard a crackling sound coming from behind, and while she was busy hiding herself, she looked back and let out a long sigh of relief when she saw that it was food reserves and small flowers.

"Zhao Mai is down?" Xiaohua asked knowingly. "How deep has he dug this?"

"The maximum extension distance of the soil here is two kilometers, and the owner has already exceeded that distance, I don't know."

"Reserve food, let's go down and look at him!" Xiao Hua pushed the big dog's **** hard, but the reserved food was not stupid. She glanced at the deep hole and shook her head vigorously. He needs vision to teleport. Once he jumps below, not to mention whether he will fall to death, even if he is immortal, he will be unable to teleport because he can't see things, and he will be trapped alive.

However, their voices spread along the hole and were heard by Zhao Mai. He didn't understand either, but he could probably distinguish Xiaohua's voice from the "Wow" of the reserve grain. Moreover, he is already on the edge of the lava field, and red hot and softened rocks are beginning to appear around him, and the mineral poisonous gas has also begun to increase. Why should he notify the people above?

He used the Apparition to move back to the ground, and then waved his hand and said, "Get out of the way, it's probably poison gas coming up in a while..." He was stunned in the middle, and then patted his head. "I'm so stupid. Whatever I tried to convert into water, it turned into hydrogen, and it floated up on its own. Ignite on the ground is not water!"

"You were so happy, it affected your ability to think." Xiao Hua said with a smile: "The few people were discussing the issue of having children, and I didn't understand the food reserve, so I came to see you. You are now How is the progress?"

"Fortunately, everything is going well. It seems that Artas' world will doesn't mind if I hit such a deep well." Zhao Mai touched Xiaohua's head and comforted her: "Don't be nervous, even if I have a child, The same is that Zhao Mai. My ability is stronger than before, and I can take care of more people. I will not stop taking care of you just because I have children."

"I don't have such an idea." Xiaohua said, "I am very happy that you can have children. After all, Zworm is different from real children. And with children, I can be an aunt, which is not very good. Thing?"

"Then you are not the youngest. You have the responsibility to take care of the children." Zhao Mai scratched his head: "It's not right. As a tree of comprehension, you are already very old, older than us. Yes, in so many virtues. In Rui Rui’s experience, is there nothing about having children and raising children?"

"Only about animals~www.ltnovel.com~ not about humans, elves, orcs, and dwarves. It is generally believed that intelligent creatures can take care of themselves, and druids pay more attention to ordinary creatures that have not yet formed wisdom and community. "Xiaohua said afterwards: "But I feel that even with the understanding, I am afraid that it cannot be applied to this child."

"Yes, he is unique." Zhao Mai summoned the car, opened the trunk and carried all the Zhenjin out. The wealth of a whole country will be used to save a world, and this transaction is very appropriate.

"Xiaohua, do you know what my biggest gain is after having this child?" Zhao Mai asked and replied, "I became a Z bug, a very efficient colony creature, which resulted in the loss of many emotional aspects. Relying on the help of you and the food reserve, I have recovered my needs for survival, life and relationship, and the appearance of this child has reactivated my sense of family. You are not only my companions, but also mine. Family. Now when I think about this, I am full of energy!"

While talking, processing those vibrating sheets. Zhao Mai pressed them thinner and stretched longer with his hands. Only with his blue-ray hand and continuously using the power of ice can he possess such a rapid processing speed. Originally at this time, he would soon feel tired, but this time he did not feel that way at all.

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