Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 868: Distracted

? "Why should I suffer this sin too!"


   Only by supporting himself with psychic powers can he avoid the embarrassment of being trapped in the sand. At this time, Tyrion is thankful that he is small and short, and that he is on a diet recently and is so light. I don't know what kind of madness Zhao Mai went. He threw the car into the desert. Everyone carried their own things on their backs, and they all had to follow the Crimson Army. The sun in the sky is hot, roasting the marching team without discrimination. No, it's not equal treatment-Tyrion thought angrily-I am not a deserter, how can I stand this sin!


   But he was surprised to find that he could bear it. The team found a sand dune sheltered from the wind to settle down at night, and Tyrion found that his physical and psychic powers were left, which made him quite proud. He knows that he is smarter than others, but he has never had any confidence in physical strength. Tyrion cocked his mouth and looked at the strong and staggered gladiators. Although he had only been walking for a day and they were fighting continuously, it was enough to make him extremely happy.


   A pair of beautiful legs between white and wheaten color blocked his way. The boots and greaves made of vibrating gold are not easy to mess with, let alone the light spear that can track the enemy. "Master Dojian, what's the matter? I won't be so stupid to run away in the desert. Shouldn't you look at Zhao Mai and Sadili at this time?"


   "Don't be silly, he must be thinking of women not in his mind now." Duojian snorted and said: "Let me analyze it. Zhao Mai asked everyone to walk all day. Why?"


   "Oh my God, you can just ask him directly, why torture me?" Tyrion tilted his head and looked at Dogian. The expression on her face was still serious, and she didn't mean to let him go. Tyrion knew that he couldn't get over the confusion, so he said: "His strength is completely beyond the scope of my understanding. If his thinking all day can make me understand after a few glances, then I am also a god! Sister, can you let me go? Don’t look at me standing still, it’s just because I’m relatively short, and there’s not much difference between lying on the ground and standing. Look, Satiri has already gone to find Zhao Mai, you just Let me relax."


   Duo Ji'an turned his head away, and Sadili walked in Zhao Mai's direction, still holding a pot of water in her hand. God, does he need to drink water? Dogian turned around, Tyrion had already slipped away at this moment. From his actions, it was obvious that he was going to be convenient and convenient, and Doujian was not allowed to follow. Although it was a little wretched, this action at least showed that Tyrion was at ease, which meant that Zhao Mai was fine.


   An astonishing scene appeared, Zhao Mai stretched out a hand to signal Satiri not to approach. His gaze was still focused on a certain point in the void, not on any person or thing around him at all, relying solely on other perception abilities to determine the position of Satiri. Zhao Mai looked like this when he was meditating, but he had never stopped others from approaching, especially Satiri and Dojian.


   Satiri looked quite surprised and disappointed, standing still not knowing what to do. Dogian sighed, knowing that he needed to walk over to comfort her. It is that Satiri is not such a sensitive person, she has always been very strong, and she is also the person with the strongest will to oppose slavery and the clearest goal. It's just that pregnancy affected her mental state, and the unfinished puberty made her more prone to excitement or depression.


   "I just want to give him some water, he hasn't drank water all day." Sadili felt that she was particularly wronged, like an abandoned cat or puppy. She herself completely forgot about the things that could summon lightning or throw fireballs, and a tendon got into the horn of "How could Zhao Mai bully me like that".


"His guy eating sand is equivalent to drinking water. What do you care about him?" Dojian rolled his eyes and said, "You don't know, he doesn't have enough brains, and he becomes a fool when he thinks of a problem. The statue is still stupid. Just ignore him at this time, anyway, it’s okay if he falls into the erupting volcano. Keep the water, and then he asks to drink it. Good..."


   Sadili bit her lip and gave a hmm, leaning on Dojian’s shoulder lightly. Dojian blew his whistle twice and called over the grain reserves patrolling around with his tail wagging. However, Duojian didn't want a dog, but a small flower. "Xiaohua, come out, you have something to do!"


   Xiaohua hid herself from the scorching sun all day, and condensed her body when she heard the call. "Go to Zhao Mai and ask him to drive over. It's fine after a day's walk. You can't fall asleep on the ground like the Scarlet Army at night!"


   "Let me try. He doesn't bother when he meditates. If he is scared, he will fight back. I can't bear a punch."


   "None of us can bear it, but you'll be fine even if you are broken." Duojian reached out and touched Xiaohua's red hair and said lovingly.


   Sound, light, and psychic powers can't wake Zhao Mai at this time, and only the natural force can try. Xiao Hua entered a green dream and approached Zhao Mai, but was drawn into a bizarre world.


   Here, every creature has a halo, which is the light of vitality, a comprehensive manifestation of health, longevity and physical fitness. Because of their psychological state, each person makes the halo show a different color. Xiao Hua looked at herself, she still had red hair, a white body and a black dress.


   In addition to her three fixed colors, Zhao Mai's halo is always switching between flaming blue, rocky purple, and radiant gold, changing from time to time and dazzling people. However, with the help of his constantly changing light, Xiao Hua can vaguely see a rainbow-colored thin line above everyone's head, connecting all the way to the sky, mixing with the sky.


   "That is the power of the will of the world." Zhao Mai saw Xiao Hua and said, "Is there something looking for me?"


   "Well. Satiri gave you water just now, but you rejected it. She was a little sad."


   "It seems that I'm sleepwalking again~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhao Mai looked up at the sky, "Understood, do you need a car to rest when you are in a resting place?" "


   Xiaohua nodded: "It's like this, but how did you know? Is it related to this weird halo?"


"Of course it doesn’t matter. These halos are formed by colliding Atas’ world will with the power of my own domain. It is like a kind of energy scan, which is convenient for me to understand and perceive the world. To car this thing only needs to be normal. Human brain can figure it out, and it is not necessary for me to use the domain."


   Xiao Hua snorted, and finally said after a while: "Zhao Mai, will you choose to be a **** again?"


   "Of course not!" Zhao Mai was very determined.


   "But I always feel that you are getting more and more distant."


"That is definitely your illusion!" Zhao Mai replied with a smile: "I am thinking about something, because it is more complicated than the problem I faced before, so my brain is not enough. But I would rather never find the answer, or not Alienate you."


   He gave a thumbs up on his chest. In the green dreamland, facing Xiao Hua, Zhao Mai relaxed and put on a silly pose: "A genius like me has almost figured it out. Iluvita is right, although the world will be strong , But it’s the easiest to deal with. Even a guy with high initiative, stinky and hard-tempered like Artas has his life, and I can basically be sure of what it is."



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