Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 870: Coming to the desert again is an outing

In Artas, in order to survive, everyone has their own battle to fight. Bayi Chinese Online?? W≠W=W≥. ≠8≈1≤Z≈W≤. ≠COM Some are related to deserts, heat, and thirst, and some are related to power, force, and oppression. Rikas' battle is to change from a slave hero to a general and leader, and at the same time reach a cooperation agreement with the dwarves hiding in the village of Kaird, so that the Crimson Legion can get time for self-cultivation and training. Zhao Mai's opponent is the will of the world, plus the Witch King.

Zhao Mai wants to play chess against the Will of the World with Sadili on his back. Although it is a little troublesome, Zhao Mai is willing. The support from Dogian, Xiaohua and Tyrion moved and comforted him, as did Satiri. Therefore, the relationship was more harmonious during our stay in Kaird.

According to the records on the map, Kaelder is just an inconspicuous small village, the kind that may be buried by wind and sand at any time. No one expected to meet hundreds of dwarves here. Rikas has a part of the dwarf blood. He is a Muir, which is a half-dwarf, so it is more convenient to deal with dwarves. Originally, the residents here left because of sand robbers and the weather, but the wandering dwarves moved in and became the new owners of this place. Therefore, both Tyre and Urik thought that there were no more people here, and the dwarf was lucky enough to get a "haven".

"Things are not as simple as the surface." Zhao Mai said to Rikas: "Under our feet, there is a huge city of dwarves, and we are standing on its dome. The dwarves here have dug up that city, and Many live below. Maybe they will tell you, maybe not, but you just have to know."

Rikas knew that Zhao Mai had many magical abilities, and he said that there was a city under his feet, so surely there would be. He has always been enthusiastic and sincere to others, whether he knows it or not he has always been consistent. Zhao Mai watched the relationship between Likas and the local dwarves get better and better, and the fate became more and more entangled, and he knew that the dwarf would soon tell Likas the secrets of the city and would like to help him. They will have their own adventure, step by step, until they defeat the Witch King, defeat the Dragon King, and defeat the Warlock of the Beginning.

This world has no gods, only world will, a stubborn and sensitive world will. After Zhao Mai communicated with it using his newly realized abilities, the context of the world was revealed before him, like a catalog and index of a book. The Crimson Legion will suffer defeat, and Rikas will do the same, but they will all be alive, so they will look for the power that can defeat the Witch King and the Dragon King. They will look for the remains of the ancient halfling, a device called the Tower of Purity. The halfling used that device to change the color of the sun and eliminate the brown tide that destroyed the ocean and threatened all life. It was also the culprit that turned Artas into what it is now. There, Satiri will undergo transformation and become a sun mage. Her ivory white skin will directly absorb energy from the sun, turning into black jade, and possess the power of unlimited use of spells.

no way.

If life can only follow the scripts set by others, passively waiting for things, what is the difference with salted fish? Sadili is currently pregnant, Zhao Mai dare not even give her the eternal life potion, for fear that Xiao Mai will have any strange changes, such as immortality and no longer growing up? In this case, how could he make Satiri some kind of sun mage?

Artas' sun is not an actual sphere, but a projection of the energy of the solar plane. The amount of solar energy that falls on the ground alone is not enough to support unlimited use of magic. This is only possible if the body is modified and connected to the plane of the sun, and energy is directly absorbed from there. Based on experience, Zhao Mai can roughly imagine the impact of that kind of transformation on the body. He himself has made himself inhuman, so Satiri will forget it. The left and right are just to gain strength to fight the enemy, he can do it himself.

Therefore, everyone rested in Kaird Village for three days, Zhao Mai waited for the world will stabilized, and then decided to set off. Among all of them, Xiao Hua knew about Zhao Mai's plan, and Dorgian and Tyrion had roughly guessed it, and Satiri still remained at a certain level of feeling. However, everyone agreed to visit Uric City.

Under the moonlit night, "The·che" ran on the old commercial road at the foot of the mountain, dragging a long cloud of sand and dust behind him. This road was deserted a long time ago because of the presence of dangerous desert creatures, and it cannot be found on the map. Kaelder's dwarves call it the "Road of Courage and Luck", which makes it easy for people to understand the qualities required to choose this path. However, if you have an indestructible car, courage and luck can temporarily sleep in.

"Look, there is a sand snake over there with a crown on its head!" Xiao Hua poked her finger at the car window glass, and said excitedly: "Look, it opened its mouth, it spit at us, bang! "

After tens of thousands of years of experience, he became a curious and easily excited child. Xiaohua is the pistachio for everyone. The giant snake was awakened by the car, thinking that there was a midnight snack, it attacked the car. A few hundred meters away, a mass of charged saliva mixed with venom and mucus hit the car accurately. The effect is also there, Zhao Mai stepped on the brake and stopped.

"The car is broken?" Tyrion retracted into his seat: "It's not the experience I want to be eaten by a snake."

"I just think this plasma saliva is very interesting." Zhao Mai grinned, his white teeth looked terrifying, even when compared with the strange snakes that kept walking over to prepare meals, it was even worse. . Sadili didn't know what she thought of, and said: "I don't know if this snake meat is delicious, why am I a little greedy?"

The importance of this snake immediately rose to a strategic height. Whether it’s Satiri or Xiao Zhao Mai who wants to eat ~www.ltnovel.com~someone," he must immediately perform the great duties of hunter and cook. Zhao Mai got out of the car and flew into the air, one plus rushed towards the giant snake, Target its head and cast Mind Blast.

For the snake, its sense organs are instantly overloaded, unable to see or hear, and everything around it is twisting and twisting. The black spots floating in the sky instantly expanded and merged with the night. It used all its strength to spray plasma venom into the air, but it had only one result.

The snake's head swayed in the air, then crashed to the ground. Its body twitches, always twisting into a weird form. Zhao Mai landed on the snake's head, and then cut a section of skin with the psionic blade. He split out the Z worm and got in, and immediately began to collect the genetic information of the snake.

He took a fancy to the snake's breathing ability. That group of plasma saliva carried four attack methods at the same time, electricity, poison, mucus, and impact. Both the range and the hit effect were very good. This was the result of continuous evolution for survival for a long time. The eyes are arranged in perfect equilateral triangles, the muscles at the back of the neck are strong, the movement control nerves of Da Da, and even the gill retreat structure similar to the barrel has evolved.

"Well, which piece is delicious?" Zhao Mai paralyzed the entire giant snake with psychic powers, and then touched it left and right, looking for the most essence piece of meat. This snake weighs about a dozen tons, and he only needs a few kilograms to eat enough for the entire vehicle (not including himself).

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