Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 872: Of the stick

Ulrich City is built on the hillside of a towering mountain, overlooking the crater of an extinct volcano. Bayi Middle School? Literature? Net W wo wo wo. ? 8㈧1㈧ZW. The high mountain and the volcano of COM were caused by the battle between Hamana and the former "Rajat's fighter" Mylan. Hamana built his castle in the highest position and deliberately used eight towers arranged side by side to make the castle look like a throne. He was on the throne, looking at his territory with satisfaction, enjoying the worship of the people.

Every witch king has his own method of ruling. Karak relies on a loyal and efficient templar group, while Hamana claims to be a servant of the true god, a natural ruler and teacher, and is bestowed on the throne by the gods. Unlike Tyre Templar who use more magic and psychic powers, Urik has more priests who use elemental magic. Hamana manages the entrances and exits to the Elemental Plane, and these priests can only display their powers if they pay piety to him. So on the surface, Hamana seems to have the ability to bestow magic.

Zhao Mai has been the **** of Arda and Glarion, and he can see through the tricks at a glance. There are also three or six or nine grades of gods. Those gods who rely on believers to maintain their strength are simply too far away from the rules of the world, and they have not been able to complete the integration. And Hamana is even worse. Although there are believers, they will not get strength from the prayers of believers at all, saying that God is not qualified at all and it is appropriate to add a stick.

Atasi did not have a true god, so these **** clubs took advantage of it. In order to establish a stable rule, apart from cheating, it is natural to kill. Those who do not obey will kill, those who make mistakes will kill them, and they will still kill the monkeys when there is nothing wrong. In that volcanic crater, countless skeletons and skeletons piled up into sharp mountains, silently telling the mighty and brutal rulers here.

Flesh and blood are precious, of course they cannot be wasted. The terrible city of Urik is an efficient slaughterhouse. Prey, livestock, and old and erring slaves are all hung on stone hooks, waiting to be dismembered. The dead are naturally motionless, even if they are still alive, they dare not even groan, let alone struggle. They have been instilled with a thought since they were young: the troublemaker will suffer longer and more cruel torture, more terrible than death.

"Praise the mighty power of God, your fire of life is ignited by God, and you can only be born with the blessing of God, and then you have your own consciousness. Therefore, you belong to God, both body and soul. Give in this life. Labor, loyalty, and flesh and blood, the soul can be rested and rewarded by the gods." From the foot of the mountain, Pastor Urik was preaching these things, over and over again, repeating them, so that lies can become "truth". "God's thoughts are too profound for mortals to touch directly. Only by relying on the loyal and wise Hamana Witch King, we can understand the case. Obedience brings peace, sacrifice in exchange for joy, present suffering is future blessing... "

"The·che" changed into a tracked car pulled by a round-shell beetle, and Zhao Mai did not let it be the driver. The preaching of these pastors continued to pierce the ears of others with the power of deceptive magic. Zhao Mai waved his hand and used his psychic powers to prop up the filter barrier and organize them to influence his companions. "Remember, as long as you say good things to you, and kill you and enjoy your flesh and blood, such guys are all liars and bastards."

"We know, you don't need to say it." Tyrion was covering his nose with a handkerchief, but the smell of death and pain still burrowed into his nose. "Boss, have you seen enough? If we want to fight, we can at least seal the car, the air will be better. If we don't fight, how can we go?"

Xiaohua slapped Tyrion on the head: "You are just a lot of nonsense! Zhao Mai will be able to know more information after a while, and will be more confident. What are you urging!"

"Actually, the boss has made a decision in his heart. He either doesn't know it or doesn't let it go." Tyrion pinched his nose, pointed at Zhao Mai and said, "Look at him, he has defined Hamana as a liar and bastard. Now, the next step is the dead body."

Zhao Mai shook his head, jumped from the coachman's position, and came to the compartment. "I didn't come to you to analyze me. Now that I see this city, what kind of methods do you think can be used to reduce the harm to ordinary people?"

"Hamana must die, and his pastor group must be destroyed as much as possible. Then you have to send a powerful army and enough officials to maintain order in the city, and then you have to fight with the powers who have local resources. Negotiations, the transition can be smooth." Tyrion blinked: "Unless you are willing to wait, you will not be able to do the following. According to my opinion, Hamana is not a god, and neither are you. It is better to believe in people. Survival and your own ability. The current situation reminds me of the difficult problem that Dojian gave me: an unmanned car, either ignore it, let it run down five people along the road, or give it a turn Let it run a person to death."

Zhao Mai blinked and asked with interest: "How do you choose?"

Tyrion snorted: "I will make it change direction. And, since I did this, I will do it thoroughly. Who put the car out, who set the scene, I One finds it out, the one that should be beheaded, the hang that should be hanged, not let go. This world always has cause and effect, the possibility of unborn never judges people, only the completed past can determine people Guilt. I am a small person, I can’t save everyone, I can’t do all the good, but I will never be wronged by others! I am wronged, and I have a debt. I was born a dwarf, but I am not a sinner."

Zhao Mai laughed and gave Tyrion a thumbs up. He immediately took out his phone and tapped twice, and the taxi was restored, protecting everyone in it. "Dogian, take care of them, I'm going to fight."

"If you win, come back again~www.ltnovel.com~Dogian smiled. Sadili said: "Don't go to a crowded place to fight. It's always good to have fewer poor slaves. "

Zhao Mai looked at Xiao Hua, "You have nothing to say?"

Xiao Hua blinked, and squeezed out a word with great effort: "Play handsome...Don't let the Witch King run away, otherwise it will be very troublesome, um, I will say so much." Duojian dragged the little flower in his arms, and kept asking: "What is the concept of being handsome? Blushing! You are so cute!"

"Wang!" The reserve grain also joined the fun, howling in front of Zhao Mai.

The window was rolled, and the whole car was closed. Although the indestructible attribute belongs to the advertising slogan, Zhao Mai did not spend less money to repair the car, but as long as it does not involve the power of the rules and the will of the world, the car is actually quite solid. Besides, if the scale of the battle continues to escalate, the car can still drill down in the past, using the earth as a shield.

The deformed car caught the attention of the preaching priest. He shook the holy emblem composed of three "6s" in his hand, and shook his head and head towards Zhao Mai. "Your pity from God..."

"It's unappetizing." Zhao Mai threw a punch, and the man disappeared.

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