Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 883: New product

One very ordinary afternoon, the blood-red sun cast cruel heat and light, and was blocked by the tall Legion mushroom. Relying on the double strengthening of the underground sea water and the sun, the Legionnaires of "My House" have reached the height of a coconut tree, and the open umbrella covers are layered, forming a rare shade underneath. In order to absorb more energy, the legionnaire evolves itself into black, making a sizzling noise under the sun every day, just like a barbecue on an iron plate.

Under the canopy, the native plants of Artas grow on the soil, lush and gratifying. The water and sunlight they receive every day are controlled by the gardener dragon, and the careful little gardeners ensure that they can be adequately taken care of while remaining wild.

Xiyang is constantly expanding, adopting new methods of packaging and relocation, coupled with the recognition of Artas' world will, and the speed of progress has greatly increased. Under the control of the soil, the flowing sand had to slow down the pace of movement, stabilize, and slowly be transformed by the refinery room. The sand particles are dispersed into the soil and become part of the new soil. Slowly, the soil not only spread in all directions, but also expanded downward.

The Great Impact Sandy Wasteland has begun to change, and the distance between any two oasis soils is no more than three days, and it is continuing to shrink. Because of the shelter in the oasis and the supply of legion mushrooms, this wasteland has become very safe-mainly compared with the past. The merchant had the courage to use the Xiyang Oasis as a springboard to cross the desert from any direction. Tyre’s external traffic has never been so convenient.

Jumping dogs can listen to underground movement. Workers and transporters can remove supports and block the exits. Therefore, no sand thief can form a scale. After several battles, the sand thieves found that their failure was inevitable. With the help of the recovery ability of the soil, the Z insect is not afraid of consumption at all, even if it is a thousand for one, it can be accepted, how does this let the sand thieves fight? They were forced to change their careers, either to join the Templar army in the city, or to do business with the little money they had accumulated before.

Everything is developing in a good direction, but it does not mean that everything is good. The messenger from the village of Kelder stopped in front of Petra Castle, the deepest place that outsiders could reach. He begged to see Zhao Mai, and Duojian heard him and then hurried to "My House". But as she approached the courtyard, her pace slowed down.

She saw Satiri sitting on the arch bridge, her bare feet poking out and constantly swaying the lake, staring blankly at the ripples. The android Xiaowei stood behind her holding a large white parasol to prevent her from being sunburned. The gardener dragon put down the little cake next to Satiri, still drooling and watching. But Satiri neither ate it herself nor gave it to the Gardener Dragon, which disappointed the little guy.

Doujian knew what was going on when he saw this scene. "Zhao Mai is operating on Xili again?"

Satiri nodded. "I really shouldn't have sneaked in to watch that time. I heard that terrible scream. Now as long as I know that she is undergoing an operation, I will remember the screams at the time and my heart will throb. Little girl, the pain is too great, I should stop him."

"Stop someone, Zhao Mai?" Duojian shook his head and sat down beside Satiri. She picked up the cake and broke it in half, fed Xiaowei and the gardener dragon separately, in exchange for at least two sweet smiles. In fact, everyone has heard Cyria’s painful screams, and everyone feels uncomfortable, and Shatiri is the most sensitive one. Dojian shook her hand and said, "Zhao Mai is not the kind of torturing guy. He wouldn't choose to make Xilia suffer so much pain unless necessary. You know this in your heart. , So you did not stop him. You just heard a scream, but Zhao Mai listened every day. He would have other thoughts, such as if he made a mistake, the pain would increase and prolong, and Shilia would It will be even more pitiful. He is under such pressure all the time."

"I understand, but I still feel sorry for the little girl Shilia. If it wasn't for me, she..."

"It's your reason? No, I have to talk about you." Dogian squeezed Satiri's head and turned her gaze away. "If it weren't for you, Zhao Mai would not go to Urik, nor would he kill Hamana. As a result, Shilia was sold to the slaughterhouse alive or died and was sent to the slaughterhouse. It was chopped up and put into the belly of a certain Urik. If you want to help, don't sigh. Let's take care of something and let Zhao Mai concentrate on proceeding with the operation, so that Shilia can complete all the operations as soon as possible."

"Oh... you asked me for help instead of Tyrion. What could this be?" Sadili blinked: "You just came back from the outer city, so it must be something outside. Will Zhao Mai agree to my handling of these things?"

"If you stay idle, you will have an accident." Duojian sighed: "The atmosphere is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more cases of stealing Legion mushrooms. Now Tyre and Yurik have appeared. Mercenaries who specialize in stealing Legionnella mushrooms are often very greedy and cut off Legionnaire mushrooms. They can increase their inventory while controlling the market. More Legionnaire mushrooms have entered the city. Instead of lowering the price, they have been fried because of the hoarding. High prices. There even happened in Tyre that deliberately destroyed farmland in order to drive up prices."

In fact, the situation is even worse in Ulrich City. The human flesh workshop is still in operation, and the Legion Bread has a more "human flesh" taste, which is spreading everywhere along with the trade routes. Legionnaires can prevent the infestation of mold, and can be stored for a long time after being made into Legionnaires bread. This makes it an existence comparable to ironware, and it has the meaning of representing wealth~www.ltnovel.com~Texian in order to consolidate its own The rule will not allow the smugglers to take the opportunity to grow bigger, so the current situation in Tyre can be controlled. In Urik, chaos is spreading. Slaves and poor people who are temporarily out of work are being slaughtered as a source of protein.

Dojian is not going to tell Satiri about these, so as not to affect the mood of pregnant women. Even the news that "it doesn't look too bad" can make Satiri frown. She is very talented in magic, but the breadth of insight and knowledge limits her ability to solve problems, so Satiri asked: "How are Texian and Ricas going to deal with this matter?"

"Rikas has not yet trained the Crimson Legion. He is also lacking in interest in managing Urik. The messenger was not sent by him. Tesian is willing to send a patrol of templars into the Siyang Oasis to fight against thieves. He also hopes We secretly support him with a large number of legion mushrooms. He wants to use price wars to bankrupt those merchants and combat hoarding. What do you think?"

"Never mind the patrol, Zhao Mai just didn't order strict control, otherwise no thieves can defeat the Z Worm army." Sadili said while thinking: "Those merchants should deal with it, let them go bankrupt! "

"Fool." Dogian held Satiri's face in both hands, her earlobes between her fingers, and her palms squeezed her mouth into a round shape. "A price war is a good idea, but if we want to fight a price war, why do we provide ammunition? Excessive legion mushrooms will only harm Tyre's fragile agriculture. Without agriculture, they can only be attached to us forever."

"Uh, isn't that bad?"

"It's not bad, but Zhao Mai doesn't allow it." Duojian saw a shadow in the corner of his eyes, and then smiled on his face: "This person does not speak, look, it is Zhao Mai and Hiliya, they finally came out. ."

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