Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 888: Eight hundred and eighty-eight good omen

"Fuck, this place is so beautiful! Which one is mine?" Butcher jumped down before the flying dragon landed and stopped, and then rushed to Zhao Mai and yelled.

"None of this is yours." Zhao Mai replied: "However, I can build you the same. The only problem is that I can't find such a large lake."

"I don't want lake water, as long as your yard is good. I can see it from the sky. It's so beautiful! Is it your architectural style?" Butcher looked very excited, and Zhao Mai was the first time he saw him. . "I have seen hundreds of castles, none of them are as lovely as yours! Live in them..."

"Are you ready to start a family?" Zhao Mai suddenly realized. "You want to build a house and then get married?"

Butcher chuckled, raising his eyebrows and confessing generously. "I met a nice woman in Uric City, who runs a baking bar and can make bread. I took her back to Kelder Village and planned to settle there nearby. Uric City can’t eat meat. It’s not suitable for living, you know. We don’t want to live in the city. We plan to build a house near the oasis, grow some food and raise some livestock. Living on the soil is much better than living in the city."

"Yes, it is very labor-saving to grow crops on the soil. In theory, you can live without watering. Of course, it will grow better if you take care of it." Zhao Mai thought for a while and said, "If you like quiet, then I I will build a house for you near here. No one can come here. Unless you are invited, the Z bug can be released. In fact, it is a bit deserted. If you don’t like being too quiet, find a place close to other villages. Place, I’ll build it for you there. Let’s say it first, I won’t give you wedding gifts after building the house.

"The house is just fine." Butcher said with a smile. At this moment, he dragged Rikas to the front and said in a joking tone: "This Honorary Speaker of Uric City, general of the Crimson Legion, do you know what wedding gift you are going to give me? A shield!"

"It's a good shield of pure steel. It can defend against psychic powers and magic. It's not as unbearable as your tone reveals." Ricas said: "If you don't like it, you can give it back to me when I get married. , I don't mind."

"Mike, you see it, you can't talk!" Butcher put his right hand on top of his head, and shook his head vigorously with an exaggerated expression. "We robbed the Witch King’s treasure together. As a result, this kid got the least amount. It’s embarrassing to say. It doesn’t matter if it’s less. Witch King Karak is not priceless. It’s always okay to live. As a result, he is not good at math Life is messy, but I still like to help others all day. This is actually nothing, after all, it’s a kind heart and good deeds, but what I can’t stand is his stiff mouth. This should be learned from me, catch Mike, what you want directly Talk, what's the embarrassment?"

Ricus scratched his head, spat on the ground, sighed, and said, "Butcher is right, I'm here for help. Mike, Tyre and Urik are in trouble."

"Is the Dragon Emperor's tax? Tyre has a thousand slaves, and so is Urik?" Zhao Mai said, "Come on, there are some chairs over there, shade and food, let's sit down and talk.

In the shadow of the huge canopy of the Legion Mushroom, Dogian and Satiri are roasting three lambs-one of them is for the ladies, and the other two are for Zhao Mai and the guests. The Gardener Dragon had prepared clear water, and Zhao Mai used his own ice power to make ice cubes to "shock the guests." Butcher strictly required that the unflavored water be replaced with wine, so he got a refreshing ale with bubbles.

After taking a sip, he felt that the purpose of his trip had been accomplished, so he lay comfortably on the backrest and waited to eat the lamb. Whether in the Crimson Legion or Uric City, Butcher is Ricas's "assistant". He actually ran the army, commanded battles, and managed small towns. Although the town was far less huge than the Urik city-state, it was still an experienced and capable person. It's just that he is tired of the lives of lords, generals, and knights, and doesn't want to worry about being responsible for the leaders, soldiers, and noble ladies anymore. As long as he completes the entrustment of friends and relatives, it is enough.

"For a long time, the Witch Kings have dedicated their slaves to the Dragon King every year. Only a few people know about the Witch King and the Chief Templar. Not long ago, the Dragon King sent messengers to surrender the slaves of Tyr and Urik. These two cities are already free. If we succumb to the unreasonable demands of the Dragon Emperor, what is the difference between us and being enslaved?"

"If there is no Master Longhou, what are you going to do?" Tyrion said first: "Do Tyre and Urik have any countermeasures, how to defend, how to attack? Have you ever calculated whether they can block the Dragon King, about to die? How many people? Is 1,000 per year enough?"

Ricas paled, and he couldn't speak. "Same as last time, you were once again taken as a ill-fated guy by the cunning guy in Taixian. You are not ready to learn the lesson of the Crimson Legion, right?"

Zhao Mai kicked Butcher's leg. "Don't just watch the excitement. You are also a member of the Masked League. Why do you watch Ricas being pushed out of the tank again and again? Are you embarrassed? "

"I thought my leg was going to be broken just now!" Butcher rubbed the part where he was kicked~www.ltnovel.com~ and then poke behind him with a thumbs up: "Hey, the messenger of Taisian. If not With a padded back, I'm really afraid that I won't be able to get out of your door!"

"Let the three of them talk, and the three of us will eat meat." Zhao Mai flicked his right hand, and the psychic powers pushed Tyrion, Tyre and Urik's messengers flat, and reached the lake far away. On the other side. When Tyrion was in the air, he was still shouting: "We need food and drink!" So a roast lamb flew over, carrying the whole oven and campfire.

The gardener Long Heyo Heyo moved the ice water over, as well as some stationery such as paper and pencil that he might use. Zhao Mai stretched out his hand and patted Rikas on the shoulder, and said, "It's limited to the three of us, you know it: I will definitely take care of the Dragon Emperor, because he is also in the plan to implement. With Ulrich City, I don’t have to pay those thousand people this year. I can assure you. But, you don’t want to talk about it, especially to Taixian. I warn you in advance if you say it this year. , Then next year you will find a way, don’t come to me."

"You know, he's worried all the way." Butcher stretched out his hand to tear a lamb's front leg and looked carefully to see if it was ripe. "One thousand people, it sounds like a lot, but it only takes a few minutes on the battlefield. I crawled out of the pile of corpses and when I was called a butcher, the blood on my body was more than a thousand people."

Ricas sighed: "I should still be a gladiator honestly."

"We are actually all gladiators. We have always been. Fighting with heaven and earth and fighting with people. As long as you don't want to compromise in the face of difficulties, who is not a gladiator? Even if the enemy is different, don't be discouraged. Oh, yes," Zhao Mai said, "Butcher, you said you wanted to tell me how I got my nickname."

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