Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 910: Moral issues in parallel worlds

Since "killing" himself in all parallel worlds and becoming a weird "only one", Zhao Mai has always kept a distance from the parallel world. In theory, he can understand the meaning of parallel worlds, but emotionally it is another matter.

In other parallel worlds, Zhao Mai knows that he will no longer exist, but his parents may still have, and his brother and sister may also exist—or not. If the two worlds are extremely similar, even if the similarity is infinitely close to 100%, can he be the parents of the other world, and what kind of feelings should he use to face it?

Maybe this kind of thing will never happen, after all, my parents are not an important node of the will of the world, and the butterfly wings of history may have slapped them away. But a "son of destiny" or "good luck" like Satiri will not easily disappear. Atas in the parallel world will also have Satiri, and perhaps Dorgian, Texian, Ricas and Cotande, and of course there will be Dragon King Polis and Rajat.

He has been holding the tool to the parallel world for a long time, that is, the "Moonlight Treasure Box" obtained from the Hogwarts Forbidden Forest, which uses moonlight to charge and open the door to the parallel world. It will modify the navigation information. If you go to "Parallel Glarion" from the earth, the original Glarion navigation information will disappear. However, the phone automatically saves the start and end points, so when Atas travels to the parallel world of Atas, the two Atas will still be there.

Originally, Zhao Mai wanted to throw Rajat into Arda. Anyway, that world will be directly annihilated by the creation **** Iluvita, no matter how strong Rajat's mana is, without the protection of the local world will, it is impossible to resist the creation god's power. But Polis said that the seal relies on a stable and identical plane environment to maintain, and Arda does not have the solar plane, shadow, and void plane, so it is of course excluded.

"You can still go to Atas in the parallel world? It's similar to here, and there is...I?" Sadili's slightly open mouth was very cute, her long eyelashes blinked after a while. "For them, you are going to throw the second primordial warlock to them? Isn't that a bit inappropriate... Isn't the other Sadiri too miserable?"

"It's a bit like this, so I didn't use the Moonlight Treasure Box once, because it would cause such troubles." Zhao Mai scratched his head and said, "I feel like throwing garbage in other people's yards."

"Yes..." Sadili put her cheeks on her, sitting beside Zhao Mai in a daze. The two were silent for a long time, until Sadili said, "Why don't we call everyone together and discuss this matter?"

Since Zhao Mai was trapped by Amber, everyone has been busy with their own affairs. Only Sadili has been with Zhao Mai because she wants to study the seal. She hasn't seen it for a long time and missed it. Zhao Mai used Apparition to travel to various places. Dogian and Tyrion took them and returned to "My House" together. Little Flower, Reserve Grain, and Silia have been here.

In an instant, Zhao Mai had several more people on him. Satiri was held in her arms because she was pregnant. Xiao Hua lay on top of Zhao Mai’s head, letting Zhao Mai’s flame burn in her body, turning her whole body into golden color; Satiri put her arms around Zhao Mai’s neck on her back, and crossed his waist with her legs from behind. One hand grabbed Zhao Mai's ear. The most annoying thing is the food reserve. The front paws and the hind paws stand on Zhao Mai's left and right feet respectively, which must cause him a greater obstacle.

A group of people laughed and laughed for a while, and found that they couldn't bring Zhao Mai down, so they gave up. Duojian was very interested in Zhao Mai's current physical strength, so he took out the Hunter's blood spear from the psychic space, opened the lightsaber, and suddenly stabbed it!

The lightsaber, which had always been unfavorable, was actually blocked by Zhao Mai's skin. Whether it was cutting ability or heat energy, it spread to the surroundings along the epidermis. When focused on one point, the power of the lightsaber is very strong, but if the power can be shared equally with the whole body, then Zhao Mai's cell energy will have the absolute upper hand. "If I continue to expand the volume and use more cells to compose the body, then I will be more resistant to energy damage. Maybe the sun can also pinch."

"Impossible? How many planet-sized legion breads do you have to eat to get enough volume? Uh, why did you think of that super huge guy..."

Zhao Mai also thought of the same thing. When they were in "Stargate Atlantis", they accidentally saw a super huge Nexus creature, one bite at the level of a star system, it feels like Zhao Mai's current ability has developed to the extreme? However, if it is so large, what kind of damage can be withstood? Unless tens of millions of supernovae explode together?

Maybe that Nexus didn't have the ability of Dragon King to share damage, maybe this ability itself had its limits, and it could not be applied to such a large individual. Such a large body, logically speaking, if you exercise at the same time, your fingertips and other body tips can easily reach or exceed the speed of light... Zhao Mai shook his head, he was crooked again, and the light spear was still cutting in his palm! Although it won't hurt, it still hurts!

Dogian smiled and turned off the light spear, and the spike of the hunter's blood spear came over. No one thought that this rusty weapon actually pierced Zhao Mai's skin, leaving a deep wound. The effect of the deepening of the wound was still there, but Zhao Mai's regeneration speed was too fast, and Duojian didn't really use any force, so Zhao Mai's wound muscles squirmed out again.

"Wow, you are not invincible!" said Sadiri ~www.ltnovel.com~The Hunter's Blood Spear has a particularly strong effect on creatures, which shows that I am still a creature...Bah. This sentence is so awkward! "Zhao Mai stabbed his hand on the tip of the spear several times, and the result was the same every time-easily pierced. However, this was because he had removed the skin shield of psychic powers in order to test. If you add that layer, the lightsaber and blood spear will never touch his body.

"This shows that there are still many things we don't know, and we can't take it lightly. This is a warning to us. People like Rajat might still have a technology we don't know about, transforming creatures like me. The Lord’s power system is extremely restrained. Don’t forget, the halfling back then was the strongest guy in this regard."

"I have this kind of worry, too." Satiri said, "According to the news from the Tower of Purity (the danger of being flattened by the Z bug), halflings have a technique for destroying certain creatures. Purity The tower is the application of Chinese technology. Unfortunately, Zhao Mai is a specific creature..."

"I have made up my mind not to release Rajat." Zhao Mai told everyone about his ideas, including his moral dilemma. Unexpectedly, Tyrion solved this problem in one sentence: "Zhao Mai, there should be a parallel world that solves Rajat's problem? Why not learn from them?"

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