Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 932: Suez (Part 1)

Chapter 932 Suez

"Zhao Mai, because my abdication represents the so-called free fraternity and progress, the stock price of lex group has risen by six percentage points a few days ago." Duojian put down the newspaper and said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter if the expansion is slower, the equity should not be too scattered, it is best not to be less than 75%." Zhao Mai responded: "It doesn't need much money to make, its influence is the key. Have you found that this time if not Our own newspaper, it is estimated that there are not many good words, and public opinion is definitely different."

Zhao Mai's "other appearance" refers to the "Daily Prophet" that he has not dealt with very much. Although the report in it is very short, it has already described Doji Ankuai as "the destruction of robbers, predators, and simple folk customs." The evil ruler of magic", how do you look like the British themselves who were exiled to the American continent for Indian genocide.

Have their own news media, at least have the ability to talk, and will not be led by the nose. After the abdication ceremony, the group did not miss Wakanda at all, and immediately left by boat and swaggered to France. After they left, the tribal chiefs were preparing to prosecute Dojian for stealing mineral resources to the League of Nations meeting. The transitional council was unable to transfer power so far, and new violent conflicts would occur at any time.

In order to show that I have nothing to do with the chaos in Wakanda, this part of the journey is for others to see. Naturally, there is no need to drive. It is better to use ordinary people. When they came to the Suez Canal, they were able to obtain newer telegraph newspapers from the local area. This kind of tabloid, which is more like a compilation of news, relies entirely on the telegraph network to deliver messages. Every word is valuable and needs to be customized, which is naturally expensive. Send a message to a number, and then wait to receive the telegram message, and the operator will show it to you or listen to it. You can extract its contents, but you can't take the newspaper directly—after all, this is one of the most profitable businesses of the Telegraph Company. "Emotional and emotional" and "inflammation" are not tolerable here, only the most concise description, so no matter how expensive it is, Duojian will buy a copy.

In contrast, although the "Prophet Daily" is always looking for trouble with Zhao Mai, it has more words and a very cheap price. Especially those moving pictures make Satiri very good, and she has been trying to analyze the spells in it. It’s okay to let her have a hobby, otherwise everyone can’t stand talking about children all day.

"It's weird, there is a calm feeling around you, it seems that the world is not turbulent at all, what's the matter?" Serena has lived on the earth for 17,000 years, an out-and-out local, dressed up It naturally conforms to the aesthetics of the people on earth, not as "weird" as Zhao Mai and his group. She came out of the cabin and walked along the side of the cruise ship to the foredeck, receiving countless eyeballs and praise along the way. The exquisite lace dress, the colorful but just right top hat, the exquisite and playful parasol, and the turbulent waves held up by the waist—the soul vampire is really extraordinary.

"I can't find the whereabouts of Apocalypse, I guess no one would dare to act rashly, right?" Zhao Mai smiled and replied: "I have always maintained a psychic power field that can help people think calmly. There is no harm. Once calmed down, there will be less Many guys who want to come to find things, you will naturally feel calm."

"Really?" Serena glanced at Zhao Mai: "Obviously you have a lot of secrets in your body, so you almost wrote'I have a secret, I won't tell you'. Mike, I know that people who make random inquiries are very people. I hate it, and it usually doesn't end well. I just want to remind you that no matter how confident you are, you must be careful in this storm. If one day you see me slip away suddenly, you'd better start slipping right away. "

"If you find something dangerous, you can't warn me before you slip away?" Zhao Mai shook his head: "Have you been like this for seven thousand years? Run away in disaster?"

"Nor." Serena said: "Since the people I care about are dying of old age, and their offspring have died one by one, I have nothing worth defending. Why should I put myself in danger? So, I too You will not have a relationship with anyone who may live forever, lest you hesitate when you are in danger. In short, run away first, you can't escape desperately. Whether you run away or desperately, dragging the mud is the most dangerous situation. Are you right?"

"Uh, I can't refute you, but I don't think the same as you."

"About seven thousand years ago, I saw Apocalypse in this land. At that time, he was very young and very handsome." Serena pointed to the west of the canal, and the black shadow of the pyramid could be seen vaguely in the vast desert. "He still has grey skin and blue lips. He is not as blue as it is now, and his body is not as big as it is now. He is treated as a god. The Egyptians built pyramids to praise him. The Pyramid of Khufu is even bigger now. I don’t think the pyramid is beautiful enough."

"He raised his hands that way, and a pyramid pierced through the clouds appeared on the horizon. He said that it was a gift for me." Serena blinked, her face still smiling: "I am an old stone A woman from the ages can be happy for a long time using leftover fish bones as a necklace. Where can I see such a magnificent thing before? So I agreed to come down, stay by his side, and rule this land."

"Ah, there is still this history? I probably guessed that you are old acquaintances, but I didn't expect..." Zhao Mai swallowed, is this killing Serena's past boyfriend? "Later, how did you two separate?"

"He wants to rule this land, but I don't like the troublesome things, so I separated." Serena said: "I think if I helped him at that time, he would really be able to rule the land, at least along the line of the earth and sea to Asia. There is no problem. The East Asian side did not plan for it. It was too strong at the time. Any attempt to make the past will be resolved and become useless."

"Hey..." Zhao Mai didn't know how to continue, so he could only giggle.

"Mike, there is no if in history. My hypothesis has no meaning except to increase melancholy~www.ltnovel.com~ I don’t know what will happen if, I only know 17,000 years. Most of the time I am It survived this way. Tianqi has also lived for more than 7,000 years, and has never met an opponent. Didn't you suddenly touch you this time? No matter how small the odds are, it can happen. How can this world be absolutely invincible?"

The cruise ship sounded its whistle, and the entrance to the Earth Sea appeared in the distance. A azure sea appeared in the vast yellow desert and began to turn the horizon into sea level. It was a pretty magnificent picture. A flock of seagulls flew from the northern sky. They saw that the cruise ship would come to the deck to grab food from passengers, and the crew had warned them many times in advance.

A dozen seagulls hula la and flew down, rushing down, and then lined up and landed on the railings of the deck one by one, staring at Zhao Mai with small eyes, like soldiers waiting for inspection. They felt the natural force emanating from Zhao Mai, half of them felt close and good, so they came down to take a look. Zhao Mai took out the Legion Bread, threw it into the air, and let them divide it by themselves.

Most of the seagulls roared to compete, only the largest one did not participate. It half-hopped and half-flyed to Zhao Mai's shoulder, and whispered a few words. Zhao Mai touched its head and gave it the remaining bread.

"It said that there was a warship in front, and it was crossing the exit. It felt very dangerous." Zhao Mai said to Serena: "I hope it is not coming towards us."

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