Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 940: Voting certificate

Yi suddenly came behind Zhao Mai, with a smug smile on his face, and confidently said: "This gentleman, we only ask for your cooperation. You only need to say, transfer Jack's service to us, and everything will be fine. ended."

Zhao Mai turned his head and squinted at him. This "Yi", from the original position to the current position, did not rely on flying to move, because Zhao Mai did not see the middle of the movement. He reached the end directly from the starting point, but also did not use the ability to teleport. There were no spells, no psychic powers, and no fluctuations in spatial abilities, and even Zhao Mai's domain did not react to him. He appeared behind Zhao Mai, as if he was there "for granted". Everything around is just cooperating with him for granted, thus putting him in his current position.

"They are weird, I told you." Captain Jack said almost lying on Zhao Mai's shoulder. His mouth was mixed with the smell of sea bath and rum, and it was full of his little abacus and cleverness.

"They are coming to catch you, because you are Jack, or because you are the ferry?" Zhao Mai asked.

"Of course it's the ferryman! They have to do big things..."

"Jack, shut up! You know who will be the final winner!" Ling said in a sharp voice suddenly.

"There are not many ferrymen in this world, so I know you too. Everyone wants to take refuge in other worlds, why would I send you out?" Zhao Mai looked at the twins and said: "I You have been warned, and you are still making trouble unreasonably. In that case, I will let you know my rules."

He stretched out his hand to grab Yi, and the little boy smiled slightly and wanted to leave. But then he couldn't laugh, because he found himself still staying in place! "I shouldn't be here, I should be in that position." He found that his most convenient transfer method was invalid!

In the open field, Zhao Mai's will is implemented first. Although Yi felt that his way of moving could not be hindered by others, Zhao Mai could still make him unable to achieve what he wanted through the field. The shackles of war that have been integrated into the Heart Ring of the Worm, or the Anguinor Chain, are the artifacts that limit the combat methods and combat levels. "I really don't know how you move, but you can only move in a way that I understand."

With that hand getting closer and closer to him, Yi finally bends over, bends his knees, kicks his legs, and evades with normal force. Although this is not as fast as "causal flash", it can also reach the speed of sound of a rifle bullet in an instant. He watched Zhao Mai's hand just stretched out stunnedly, not fast, but when he really raised the speed, he found that he still couldn't avoid that hand.

Yi was lifted in the air by Zhao Mai, his head tilted back to the limit, his mouth open. Because of the squeezing, his tongue rested on the folk song, and the trachea and blood vessels in his neck were completely closed, and he could only make a viscous "Ho He" sound.

"You can catch this jumping guy! It's amazing, admire it!" Captain Jack gave a thumbs up in praise, but his eyes kept on the other little girl Ling.

"Let go of him!" Ling raised his finger and pointed at Zhao Mai. Before she or Zhao Mai acted, a beam of lightning struck her face frontally, knocking her out with a snap. The broken black dress and part of the black hair flew away while burning in the air, Ling hit the flying wing tricycle with one head, and then fell straight to the ground. The tricycle overturned backwards, and Icarus screamed and fell to the ground.

Satiri clapped her hands to dispel the remaining lightning power, and then began to draw magic runes in the air. The little flower floated and pressed her lips hard. Suddenly, the surroundings dimmed suddenly, the sun turned into a gray shadow in the sky, and the little flower faintly glowed with red light. She sucked the power and will of the surrounding sun into her body and combined it with the natural force, like a loli version of the sun druid.

"Do you need you?" Zhao Mai couldn't help sighing when he saw that even the grain reserves were ready to move.

Yi, who was caught in his hand, naturally refused to concede defeat easily. He raised his fist and kicked his foot towards Zhao Mai. His damage energy level is similar to that of a mortar shell. He is already good as a little guy, but these are definitely not painful to Zhao Mai. Zhao Mai forcefully twisted his neck back to the limit, letting the feeling of death fully enter his brain, even if he is a robot, he should know this time clearly!

So Yi immediately tried his best to break free, including continuing to use "causal flash" Zhao Mai to feel the opponent's power vibration through his own arms, to receive signals in all directions through psychic powers, and to observe with those eyes that can see the flow of will in the world. When he felt that he saw this ability more or less, he asked Jack: "Can you kill him?"

Captain Jack rolled his eyes and shook his head: "Don't kill it."

"Okay, you can handle it." Zhao Mai exerted his fingers, and the probe formed by the psychic power penetrated Yi's spinal cord, forming a barrier sufficient to block the nerve signals. The little boy immediately became paraplegic in a high position, his limbs no longer have the ability to move, and all slumped softly-although it was only temporarily, it looked like he was pinched to death.

Before Captain Jack could react, Yi, who could only move his head, was thrown into his arms. The cunning captain staggered back a few steps, holding the little boy and almost fell. He didn't know where to put his hand, wanted to abandon Yi but didn't want to really throw him on the ground.

"It's killing or leaving you to figure it out. He broke into my territory and I abolished him. This punishment is enough. You asked me to help, but I didn't ask you to cause me trouble. You can remember that Clearly!"

The little boy Yi looked at Jack~www.ltnovel.com~ his eyes were still cold, like two bayonets. Jack suddenly understood: "The rules of pirates are to either **** the merchant ship or kill the navy, otherwise how can you join in?" He took out a double blunderbuss from his arms, pressed it against Yi's head, and said with a smile: " You are dead!"

With a gunshot, the projectile pierced Yi's brain, with a hole in the front and back. From the hole, it was not blood that dripped out, but a black substance like pitch. When Zhao Mai saw this, he immediately thought of what happened when he won the Holy Grail. "Merlin" in Stonehenge was besieged by a group of people. Isn't that the same thing that came out of the dead bodies? He remained silent, after all, now is not the time to check immediately. The little girl whose skin was almost scorched by lightning shook her spirit, but she still helped Feiyi Tricycle Station to get up.

"Give me the body." She said, "Isn't this request too much?"

"Not too much." Zhao Mai nodded: "Remember, this is my territory. If you don't know to respect this, then you will reap the consequences."

"Yes!" Jack wanted to say more and educate him, but he didn't find a good word after thinking about it for a long time. Shaking his head in disappointment, Jack threw Yi's body far away, and then hid back to Zhao Mai at the fastest speed.

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