Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 957: Aura of Weakness

The living space of the Chimera spacecraft is very small, less than the area of ​​a football field, right on the back of the Chimera spacecraft. Although the space in Chimera's body can also be used, walking around the visceral cavity always feels like various insects crawling around, which is not acceptable to everyone. Before the completion of the Starfish Mothership, everyone can only set up tents on the football field and live here temporarily.

A translucent film separated them from the vacuum and harmful particles in the universe, but three guys who were not afraid of these things went out. Zhao Mai, Xiaohua, and the shadowed Serena stood on the outside of the hull, and Zhao Mai opened the Psionic Network to connect everyone in, so they could talk freely.

They looked at the huge "Death Star" from a distance, trying to judge his intentions through visible phenomena. An ex-offender will not simply come to the earth to "brush his face", so that ordinary people on the earth will know that the existence of planetary creatures has no practical meaning, and it goes against the offenders "the strong find the strong, don't interfere." The iron law of ordinary people. Zhao Mai wondered why the offenders still did not act. Is this going to meet again to vote?

The "Death Star" stayed securely in low-Earth orbit, just above the earth's day and night crossover line, and remained in that position. Although it is large in size, it does not interfere with the tides of the earth, nor does it attract atmospheric transfer. It seems that observers have found a way to solve the problem of external gravity. Although this has nothing to do with the current situation, Zhao Mai felt that if he could do that too, he might be able to make the Z Worm bigger, and even make the Starfish Mothership reach a planetary level.

Looking at the earth from space, the vibrant blue planet is particularly beautiful. Mountains, basins, deserts, lakes, rivers, as well as vast oceans and changing clouds. You can see the yellow spot formed by a sandstorm near the Red Sea, and you can see the flashing thunder on the Indian Peninsula. If compared with all these lively scenes, the Death Star is really a "dead" star. The cold gray-black metal, the murderous atmosphere and the majestic posture have a lot more momentum and a lot less anger.

Zhao Mai told the Chimera through the Worm Heart Ring to avoid the skies over East Asia and move towards higher latitudes. If necessary, she can also go to the North Pole to hide. He still remembered the old man's words and had a restriction on his behavior.

"How long do we have to watch, and when will we go to Venus? I really want to go there to see..." Xiaohua asked. What she wants to see is the perfect creature, the "ball" on Venus.

"Now if you go, you will be found by the observer. It is better to wait for him to act." Zhao Mai stared at the Death Star and carefully observed the changes in the will of the earth. But I don't know why, the planet's will is still like a pool of stagnant water, without waves. The current scene is like a comatose person lying next to a tiger's mouth, but I don't know if the tiger is hungry or has a lot of playfulness.

"This is too abnormal!" Zhao Mai said: "If you become such a person who doesn't care about it, then wouldn't it cause chaos in the world? Not to mention the observer is such a big stupid ball, even I can tear down the earth. Fragmentary. God knows how many ambitious and strong players are on the planet! Even a hero who is kind and guardian cannot avoid the destruction caused by the war! As long as the key parts are so few, mankind It can be extinct."

Serena looked at Zhao Mai curiously and asked: "The key part? Where is it?"

"You are the terrible woman who caused Pompeii to explode, I dare not tell you." Zhao Mai smiled at Serena. He immediately became serious and said: "Whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, human beings are always very fragile. It is ridiculous that humans always feel that they are the master of the world and can toss this planet at will."

"Don't think about turning all human beings into first-class creatures, just like you." Xiaohua said: "Maybe it is not the earth that will be tossed by then, but the entire universe."

"Maybe you don't need to become a first-class creature, humans have the ability to toss the universe." Zhao Mai muttered, and then pointed to the Death Star: "Look, there is finally some movement!"

A layer of light yellow light film envelops the Death Star, like a layer of bubbles. Subsequently, this bubble connected to the atmosphere, slowly enveloping the entire earth. Zhao Mai's Chimera spacecraft had already left the atmosphere, so it was not within that range. This layer of light yellow light film is quiet and does not give Zhao Mai any sense of danger-what is the observer doing?

About half a minute after the earth was completely surrounded, a global broadcast mapped the information into everyone's mind. Zhao Mai felt that his mental defense barrier was touched, so he opened the domain to isolate this message. However, he still separated a gardener dragon and let her listen to the signal outside the Z Worm radio. After that, Zhao Mai went to her mind to check the reception.

"You guys have done a good thing to turn the earth into this way. I don't know what he will think when he comes back! You can't clean up this mess, but I can. These forces just help me regenerate!" The observer said: "The whole world All humans, you will decline, and ordinary people can kill you too! Your days of being high above are over, and your days of doing evil everywhere are over! You will bear the consequences for the damage you cause~www.ltnovel.com~ right now!"

Like in the Death Star disk, a green light ball of energy converges and expands, and its brightness gradually increases. That kind of light had no effect on Zhao Mai, but it made Serena feel flustered. She didn't care about using telepathy, and grabbed Zhao Mai directly with her hands, motioning to send her back quickly.

"My magic has become unstable. I can't adapt to the cosmic environment..." Serena almost collapsed on Zhao Mai. Zhao Mai and Xiaohua hurriedly took her back to the cabin. Others are in very good condition. They should walk for a walk, or walk the dog. It's just that Jack is shrinking in the corner, holding the only two bottles of rum in his hand, looking forward dullly, as if muttering nervously.

"Are you all okay?" Zhao Mai asked around, and now only Serena and Jack felt uncomfortable, and their strengths all declined. The others, that is, all the crew members, were all fine.

The Z bug was not among the crew members, but it was not affected either. When Zhao Mai registered his daughter among the members of the chariot crew, he found that he could not register the entire Z worm group, and the mobile phone system could not recognize the Z worm. Originally, he thought that he and Z Worm were like Qiqi and Qiqiu. The body was temporarily separated, but the soul was one, and there was a unified state of mind. The knowledge base of the Alliance of the Rings should be able to identify. But in the end it proved that he and the Z insect were so unique.

If the Z Worm is not affected, can it be said that the power generated by the creature itself has not been weakened, and all the ways of using external energy have been weakened? Zhao Mai glanced at the earth wrapped in yellow light film and gave the order to set sail.

"Out, go to Venus first, let's talk about things here again!"

Three Chimera spacecraft began to add, and soon left the earth behind.

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