Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 965: Goddess aunt

For most readers, Demeter's most well-known story is "Stones into Gold". In order to repay the help of King Medaya of Fryaj, Demeter gave him the ability to turn stones into gold at his request. The king was so rich and wealthy, until he accidentally turned his relatives and friends into gold, and also turned food and water into gold, enduring hunger and suffering from the loss of relatives. He therefore prayed to the goddess to regain her power and restore everything. Demeter restored everything and returned the king to his original life-this is the story.

There is a temple of Demeter on the island of Naxos, which is small in scale and has already collapsed due to disrepair. But Diana knew that this was one of the few places where Demeter could be directly contacted, and it was a "phone booth" she left in the world. Here, Diana can find the goddess without having to enter Mount Olympus, thus saving her precious access quota.

Demeter is one of the twelve gods of Olympus, and is also the sister of the **** Zeus. In terms of blood relationship, Diana is her niece, a very close person. But rules are rules. Diana still has to prepare sacrifices, including a male, a female, two cows, a pig, fresh fruits of the season and a honeycomb. Other things are easy to find. Diana can buy it from residents' homes on Naxos, but the hive cannot be found for a while, so she uses three big jars of honey instead.

The way God calls God is completely different from the way people worship God. Diana also learned about sacrificial rituals from her mother after returning to Paradise Island. Seeing the sacrifice in front of her disappear in the smoke, Diana called the name of God in a rhythmic tone. The divine power in her body joined in, forming a bright golden light around the smoke that the sacrifice turned into.

After a while, Demeter walked out of the smoke. She was tall, solemn, and majestic, with a slight smile. The long golden wavy hair fell on the shoulders, the wide skirt stopped at the ankles, and a pair of hand-woven straw sandals stepped on the feet. She was holding a bunch of wheat ears in one hand and a sickle in the other, and a scepter that could be turned into gold was firmly tied to her belt. "Diana, what do you call me?"

"The great aunt of the goddess of fertility..." Demeter gave a knowing smile as soon as Diana spoke. As the patron saint of the family, Demeter values ​​the close relationship between relatives and likes to talk and play with his younger generation. She listened attentively to what the demigod niece sent to the world had requested.

"Auntie Goddess, I ask you to deliver a child, so that I can ask that child's father to participate in important battles with me." Diana blinked her eyes, seeming to think that she was a bit weird in the prosperity, and added: "Child His father is very capable. I think he can play a big role in solving the current troubles of the earth, saving the world and restoring normal family and social order. I need him."

"Then who is the father of this child?"

"Mike Dragon Roar," Diana replied.

The goddess of fertility was stunned, her eyes blinked, and the roots of Diana's ears were slightly red. "I heard some news from the wind, among them this Mike Longroar. Is he the human you knew before?"

"It's him. Then we separated." Diana said: "He is a druid, who has studied nature, ecology, and biology. He is also a brave warrior and a man who can truly respect others...Warlock ."

"Male...Warlock? Your turn is abrupt. Did he bully my Diana?" Demeter shook his arms slightly, and the ears of wheat and sickle were hidden, she stretched out her hand to pinch it. Anna's nose. But her hand passed through Diana's body, like smoke. After all, this is not Olympus, she can only project a phantom. "Oh, when will you be able to return to Olympus? I still remember the scene when you were just born and I held you. I wish you strong strength and tough body so that you will not be tired and be able to Self-healing, you can get rid of diseases and toxins by contacting the earth. I don’t want to hurt you, but my divine power is not so strong, I can’t make you immune to cutting wounds, and I can’t prevent someone from hurting your heart. However, if someone dares to hurt you Your heart, you use the power I give you to avenge! That is what our Olympus protoss should do."

"Aunt, the topic is far off." Diana remembered her mother's evaluation of this goddess: a family goddess, not as vigorous as a warrior, she is very proficient in talking about short things in her parents, like a noisy duck.

Diana hurriedly drove this idea out of her mind, and then said: "He is one of the few fighters I can completely trust, and I need him very much now. He promised to wait for the woman who is expecting a child (Diana did not use the word wife— Demeter (Note) gave birth to the child, and he was a guy who kept his promises. But I need him now."

"In other words, I will ensure a smooth delivery and that the mother and child are in good health, so that he can return to you?

"It's to save the earth and mankind, not for me." Diana always felt that her aunt would have a crooked rhythm~www.ltnovel.com~ and quickly pulled back.

"Diana, I do have the ability to bless the health of the mother, but I suggest you come back, come back to Olympus, or go back to Paradise Island to find your mother." Demeter looked at Diana sighed with a resolute expression, and said, "I know it's useless to say that you are contaminated with human stubborn ills in this regard. And you are always too kind."

"Aunt, just say yes or not. This is the first time I beg you."

"The first time there will be a second time." Demeter temporarily put away his loving eyes, restored to the image of a majestic and solemn god, and said: "Diana, do you know what kind of sacrifice you should contribute, and What kind of ceremony is held?"

"I know." Diana nodded.

"Okay, you can owe it first, and you can make it up before begging me next time." The smile returned to Demeter's face. She leaned close to Diana and asked, "How about you tell me about Mike Dragon's Roar? What I heard was that he was recognized as a lord by the League of the Rings. What kind of man is he? Icarus came back with some news, but he hasn't been to the mountain for a long time, and we are all bored."

"He is a very strange guy." Diana still didn't want to use the word "person" on Zhao Mai, but the more she deliberately did this, the more impressive Zhao Mai left her. "From some perspectives, his abilities are similar to yours. He invented a super high-yield crop that can be eaten by all kinds of creatures. He can also turn stones into gold-in fact, other substances besides gold It can be changed. Oh, yes, his strength and endurance are also very good. He used to be a little bit worse than me, but now he should surpass me."

"Hey, the strength is better. How does the endurance compare? I don't believe you are in a long-distance race."


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