Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 967: Secretly prepare

"I don't understand too much, you said you allow me to return to Earth?" Zhao Mai put his hand on Sadili's forehead to test the temperature, which caused the female mage to slap it away. Chen × Yuan? Wen ← Xue ↙ Net "You are not a bit boring, so you are testing me again?"

"I didn't test you-I did once before, but I definitely didn't have it after that." Satiri said, "We mother and daughter..."

"Two." Zhao Mai corrected: "Although Qiqiu and Qiqi are separated temporarily, they are the same person, not two. So you should be mother and daughter, not three."

"Anyway, we have discussed it, we will definitely cooperate well to ensure that everything goes smoothly and safe, so you don't always have to be by your side. Although you are useful, it is not that useful... In short, we think you can help People on earth, you should help them."

"The reason is right, but are you really willing? I am the only person who really understands Z Worm and Qiuqiu. Only when I am here will the success rate be high." Zhao Mai thought for a while, then said: "And I am here, Observers dare not do anything to Venus. And when I go to Earth, he may use threats to target me. Have you thought about this?"

"Then you are stronger, super strong, so he can't take care of himself, and can't threaten here. I believe my man is much better than that big metal ball!" Sadili stretched out her arms and hugged Zhao Mai tightly. , Lowered his head and rubbed his chest, and said softly: "We are not weak, let alone a burden, and even if you watch all day, it does not mean that we will be safe. If you are afraid of the dark, you will lose Half of your life. The more you are afraid, the more you will lose. I think you have been cautious enough, and it’s time to be'reckless'. My favorite is that one is more cunning than the bad guys, more fierce than the bad guys, but very Kind-hearted Zhao Mai. It’s just that you quietly ambush the Witch King by yourself. It’s irritating. Why don’t you call me for such a fun thing, but take Dojian?"

"Under the circumstances at the time, that would be more secure." Zhao Mai gently stroked Sadili's back, humming. "I understand what you mean. I will decide whether or not to go to Earth to participate in this matter according to the situation. I may never go, maybe I will leave immediately, but you have to believe that I will do it out of overall consideration. Make a decision."

"That's fine, I trust your judgment, and you can do great things silently. By the way, I hope you are mainly for saving people, not for fighting, understand?" Santilly and Zhao Mai kept it warm for a while, then held his belly and continued to walk the child.

Zhao Mai sent Satiri to her, and then returned to the experimental cultivation platform to continue to observe the various changes of the Z insect. The appearance of the blue fire starfish gave Z Worm the foundation to become space creatures, and the Observer's Death Star is in space, so this change must be completed as quickly as possible.

"It's not that I don't want to go, but that I don't have any good way to deal with the Death Star." Zhao Mai held a bunch of Primordial Mass, watched it continuously deform in his hands, and said to himself: "The Sun Fist used by Xiaohua is not bad One way, but the space occupied by the Death Star is much larger than that of the wizard, Xiao Hua's power is not enough to cover it. She can't bear too much energy, and she almost burst Xiao Hua's body last time."

At present, the only method Zhao Mai can think of is still Sun Fist. With a large number of high-energy particles of the sun, coupled with the ability to distort space, compress the living space of the Death Star, force it out, and then perform physical strikes. With the help of Xiaohua, Zhao Mai himself can also simulate the Sun Boxing, but this efficiency is far lower than Xiaohua. Even if he has a larger total energy bearing base, it is still impossible to achieve the energy level required for tactics.

The blue fire starfish can store energy and release it at the same time after being gathered, which can also push up Zhao Mai's power. So after the death star appeared, Zhao Mai increased the rate of making blue fire starfish. Through Worm Heart Ring, every Z Worm base far outside the solar system is not idle, expanding, manufacturing, re-expanding, and re-manufacturing. Only by hand in hand can it be possible to make a quick battle, and a battle that reaches the level of Zhao Mai and the Observer cannot be expected to be determined as soon as they meet. Zhao Mai stayed on Venus, and the Z bug has been expanding in the universe.

The larger the size of the Z bug, the stronger Zhao Mai's domain will be. More power is good. Thinking of power, Zhao Mai thought of the blue crystal he had eaten. "Then there is only a little bit left in the mouth of the Tarasque behemoth in Glarion, and I ate the rest. It's a pity...but I might have a way."

The blue crystal is transformed into an extremely complex magic spell array in the Holy Grail. The dense runes and patterns are combined, covering an area of ​​tens of miles, and there are thousands of nodes that need to be controlled. Zhao Mai boasts that he does not have the brainpower to manipulate thousands of different nodes to coordinate work at the same time, but what if there are enough distributed neural networks of the Gardener Dragon and Chimera spacecraft? Even the neural network that uses the soil itself should be able to take care of it.

The entire magic circle needs energy to start ~www.ltnovel.com~ The blue fire starfish can be used as an "engine". The Gardener Dragon, Blue Fire Starfish, and Breathing Soil are all Z-worms in essence, which can be regarded as large individual "spellcasters" in a broad sense. The gardener dragon only has a simple ability to cast spells, but after accumulating the number-although the magic level is still very poor, it should be enough for this magic array.

"Satiri, if you hadn't agreed with me to save the earth, I might not have thought of this way." Zhao Mai smiled slightly and sat down to concentrate. Such a large magic array has a huge amount of energy that can be used at one time, so it must not be tested on the earth. It is best to be as far away as possible from the earth. The Holy Grail can always restore the production method of a single substance, I believe this magic circle is to make blue crystals. However, the blue crystal certainly wouldn't come out of thin air. It was a means only available to the God of Creation, and it was not something Zhao Mai could understand.

Zhao Mai's vision is that the magic circle transforms the land it covers into blue crystals, just like the Z insect eats matter and transforms it into energy, except that the energy storage efficiency is higher and the product is better. The blue crystal has a lot of energy, and no one knows whether the manufacturing process will also have a lot of energy.

Using the field of Worm Heart Ring, Zhao Mai can communicate with his followers, that is, himself. As a result, in a distant galaxy, a group of Z insects received the "Order 66" from Zhao Mai, and began a massive project.

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