Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 972: Men must not set foot

"My mother might really kill you, Tyrion. Dust? Fate? Wen √ Xue ← Net" Diana was driving her transparent plane, sailing at high speed on the vast sea. The aircraft stirred up white waves on the sea, and the glowing seaweed floated up with the waves, leaving a green fluorescent trail on the dark water. "Our Amazons have lived on Paradise Island for generations. It is a blessed land given to us by Zeus, and it is protected from outsiders by magic. I think it should be the force that broke out from hitting the bracelet during my training that destroyed the barrier. The incident where Steve Trevor crashed into the island. Since then, the queen has ordered that any men go in and kill him."

"So it was that Trevor gave your queen a bad impression, so other men were not allowed to enter the island?" Tyrion tugged at his ears to ease the noise inside. This high-speed aircraft feels worse than teleportation, but only Diana knows how to get to Paradise Island and can only use this vehicle.

"Don't blame Steve, he was only chased by the Germans before the crash." Diana smiled and said to Tyrion: "Except for not welcoming men, Paradise Island is a very good place. The scenery is beautiful, everyone. All are kind and heroic."

"Kindness is very good, let alone bravery-except to show that the women there can easily defeat me, this bravery has no meaning to me." Tyrion touched Zhao Mai with his elbow: "What do you think? Once you go there, you must reverse the bad impression that certain Trevor left on the queen about men. I rely on you."

"Thank you for your affirmation of me, but the island was sealed by Zeus, and the queen and Zeus gave birth to Diana. With this in mind, you know how dangerous your proposal is. It should be said that Paradise Island has never been Fear, hate or discriminate against men, but they have become accustomed to the environment where they are all women and do not want to change this." Zhao Mai said to Tyrion: "When you get to someone else's place, you must respect the local customs. If you mess with something Trouble, even if I can definitely save you, you should return to Venus. Don't think about the food at the Continental Hotel."

"I will never cause trouble. There are very few people in this world who respect others more than me." The dwarf Tyrion asked impatiently, looking at the monotonous seascape outside: "How long will it take to get there? what?"

"Immediately." Diana turned the plane and rushed into a cloud of mist, and the surrounding scenery suddenly changed. On the sea horizon, a large exquisite island appeared. The towering mountain peaks were covered by lush forests, and magnificent waterfalls cascaded down. After a short stop at the lake in front of the Golden Summit Palace, it flowed to the sea. On the sea, a few white sails are shaking slightly. It should be the sisters on the paradise island who are playing with windsurfing. A flock of gray seabirds flew over the sails, chirping in the direction of the palace.

Diana unfastened the mantra lasso from her belt, then opened the cockpit of the transparent plane, and flicked the lasso in the air to let its light spread to the island. Therefore, when the transparent plane crossed the azure sea and slowly kissed on the soft white sand, Diana took Zhao Mai and Tyrion out of the cockpit. The queen of Paradise Island, Diana's mother Hippolyte, and 14 Amazon guardians have been waiting on the shore on horseback.

"Diana, my beloved child, you are back, are you okay?" Hippolyte jumped off the horse, walked quickly to Diana, held her head in both hands, and then took her Into the arms. "Enclose these two people first." She raised her finger and pointed at Zhao Mai and Tyrion.

Although pointed at by a circle of spears, Tyrion was not worried at all. He held his head up and exclaimed: "Wow, the people here are so tall, each one is not less than 1.8 meters, right? And they are all beautiful, really! I am not talking about your looks, but you are full of Confident temperament. You all seem to know that you are beautiful and are willing to show it. This is the true source of beauty. In this respect, I am actually not bad."

The Amazonian laughed. This is not a mockery, but a smile of understanding and understanding. The looks are natural, but the face is not. Confidence, kindness, humility and independence are not what looks can express. Only face, that is, temperament can carry. The Amazons are blessed by the gods and are born tall, strong, agile and graceful. Their skin color is different, black, white, yellow, brown, and red. They are a collection of outstanding representatives of women of all races on the earth. From different artistic and aesthetic points of view There must be different degrees of beauty, but independence makes them the same noble temperament. Tyrion praised them for their temperament more than praised their looks.

"Mother," Diana said in a more formal tone: "This is Mike Longhou, and this one is his friend Tyrion Lannister. We were guided back to Paradise Island by Demeter, thinking Please preside over the ceremony to summon Athena."

"Your nagging aunt asked you to find your cold-faced sister Athena?" Hippolyte was not at all polite to these gods, and said whatever he thought of. "Don’t you have a good relationship with your sister? Just go to the Parthenon to find her. Just remember not to walk through the gate. The scenery on Mount Olympus is endless, but the scenery is so good that people don’t show up. Out."

"The goddess Demeter said that Athena must be summoned, and that I would not waste the opportunity to enter Olympus, so I came to Paradise Island to find you."

"She seems to want us mother and daughter to meet again." Hippolyte wiped the tears of joy from the corner of his eyes, and then said: "Okay, there are enough supplies for the festival to be held on the island, and there is nothing wrong with summoning Athena. Whether she comes to the real body or the phantom incarnation, I can't decide this, only Athena herself has the final say. By the way, you can do this by yourself~www.ltnovel.com~ What are the two of them doing on the island? Men are not allowed to set foot on Paradise Island."

"I admit that I am full of curiosity and admiration," Tyrion bowed deeply, and then said: "Your Majesty Queen, can you allow envoys from the world of Westeros to build a bridge of friendship?"

"Envoy? Your mind is turning so fast. This is a good reason." Hippolyte turned to look at Zhao Mai: "I have seen you, Mike Longhou. What excuse do you have to set foot on the island? What?"

"On the one hand, I am Diana’s guest. I came to visit the host here. To be honest, I am also very curious. Diana has always been very heroic and proud in my impression. Of course I want to know what she was born and raised in. And pay tribute to her mother." Zhao Mai then pointed to her feet, and then said: "Paradise Island is the territory of the Amazons. I fully respect the customs here. You see, I have been floating in the air and never stepped on it. Get on the ground. Flying like this is tiring, but I want to get your permission before landing."

Tyrion widened his eyes, bent down and looked at him, then pointed at Zhao Mai with his finger: "Your Majesty Dragon Emperor, did you do this silently? It's too cunning! Why don't you teach me?"

"What's the matter with the Dragon Emperor?" Hippolyte's eyebrows lit up and asked.

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