Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 980: What about morals?

"His Royal Highness, are you really a resident of this place?" Zhao Mai put his hands on his chest one after another, his legs made a relaxed lunge-he couldn't see what his routine was at all. Chen ↓ Yuan ↖ Wen ↘ Xue? Net "I remember this is the place that Zeus gave to the Amazons."

"The Amazonians need victory, so I can come." Athena replied: "Artemis has her forest, and I also want a place to avoid men. Although that situation cannot be completely avoided here, it is not Worse."

"Why are you always serious when you speak? Is it because of too much wisdom and strategy?"

"No, if I smile at you, you will be victorious. Have you never heard of the smile of the goddess of victory?"

Zhao Mai was stunned for a moment, then slapped his palm hard, and suddenly realized: "I know how to beat you. I only need to find one out of 100,000 super jokes to amuse you and make you smile!"

Athena looked at Zhao Mai with slanted eyes, a slight contempt in her eyes clearly revealed: "Even if I give you the smile of victory, I can take it back. Your method is useless."

"I'm just telling a joke, don't take it seriously." Zhao Mai spoke, already slowly touching Athena a step and a half away. He suddenly said: "Lunge and punch!"

Athena slashed out a palm, and originally intended to pull away Zhao Mai's fist. Unexpectedly, Zhao Mai did not finish the punch at all, and shouted "horse stance"! Immediately afterwards, "pick the bait inward", "cut the ribs with a virtual step", "smash the elbow with the step", and "push the palm with the lunge" until the trick is "push the crotch". The Goddess of Victory stepped back five steps quickly, and then said angrily: "Aren't you kidding me, can this kind of trick work?"

"Uh, it's a bit too much, but I can only fight like this, because serious tactics don't make much sense in front of you. I don't know what punch I will use next, so it's even harder for you to guess?"

Unexpectedly, the Goddess of Victory nodded: "Well, this sentence is also very reasonable. If it is only for fighting and not for victory, I have no good way. For example, the guy with no muscles in Kratos can't use Strategy measurement."

"Ask a question, where has the original God of War Ares gone?" Zhao Mai kicked sideways and kicked with a straight hook swing, or Tianma Meteor Fist and Lushan Shenglongba while chatting with the goddess.

"Oh, your question is very interesting." Athena glanced at Diana, and then said: "I can only tell you that he is no longer on Mount Olympus. The current God of War is Kratos. He uses himself The power of the gods proves that he is a competent God of War. Moreover, this belongs to the internal affairs of the Olympus God System, and has nothing to do with the earth. What do you ask this for?"

"I was thinking about what would happen if Diana took off the bracelet." Zhao Mai seemed to understate, but made Athena's eyes narrowed like a snake. "She didn’t want to take off the bracelet at any time. She wore it in the bath and sleep. That became the last piece of clothing on her body. Looking back now, it seems that there is a divine power affecting this matter. Can you give me a A clear answer?"

"If you lose to me, I will tell you."

Zhao Mai hits several times, then jumped back. "What you said is true?"

"Of course it is true." Athena nodded. She put her hands behind her back, and secretly relaxed her fingers and wrists. Zhao Mai didn't use much strength for each attack, which was at the level of an Amazonian, but his body was too hard, even Athena felt that his divine body was overwhelming. Even if she secretly used her divine power, it would be offset by Zhao Mai's domain, and she would still fight hard. For a long time, Athena has been a strategist, but she is not a fierce general who will end up fighting-although she also has this ability-so it is normal to suffer a dark loss.

"Then I gave up this game and lost to Athena, the goddess of victory." Zhao Mai admitted openly.

"Oh, I lied to you." Athena said. "Next you have to ask me how to defeat the observer. I have the answer here. What do you think in your heart now, and what action will you take?"

"I despise you hard in my heart, and then put you in the same category as liars, shameless ones, and unbelievable bastards. At the same time, I regret and suddenly realized the decline of ancient Greek civilization." Zhao Mai said calmly: " Then in action, naturally continue to praise the wisdom of the goddess of victory, plus some admiration and admiration. You see, I am still that honest person."

"You!" Athena hadn't seen such a brazen person, and pointed at Zhao Mai's fingers trembling slightly. "You don't care at all that I might be humiliated, so I will give you the wrong answer in subsequent instructions, so that you can't successfully save the earth?"

"What you said has nothing to do with whether I am scrupulous or not. It is only related to your own integrity and conduct, and I very much doubt whether you can really make the wrong instructions." Zhao Mai responded: "Causes us some trouble. , Let us work harder than usual, and even make greater sacrifices. You can do it. But if your instructions lead to failure, are you still the goddess of victory? I don’t think your divine power will allow you to do that. Behavior, serious self-contradiction can even cause you to lose your divine power. And the most important point, regardless of whether the gods help or not, can not affect us to save mankind, let alone human beings save themselves."

"Typical sentimental modern person." Athena nodded to Zhao Mai~www.ltnovel.com~ Her long black hair shook, and then walked back. Just as she was about to step out of the arena, she stopped, looked at Hippolyte and said, "Why didn't you declare me victory?"

Hippolyte looked at the sideline on the ground. If Athena takes one more step, she will be able to announce Zhao Mai's victory. It is a pity that this was seen by Athena. Zhao Mai in the center of the venue waved her hand to indicate that there was nothing wrong with him, so Hippolyte said, "The Goddess of Victory has won."

"Well," Athena looked at Diana, and then said: "In the third game, you must give me the victory as a tribute so that I can answer your questions."

"But if I win the third game, Mike can't set foot on this island. It would be unfair to him!" Diana frowned and said to Athena: "A fair duel, halfway through. Incorporating a lot of extra things unilaterally, this is a brutal destruction of Biwu Sports."

"When and where I ask for tribute to anyone in exchange for wisdom and victory, this is my theocracy." Athena smiled slightly at Diana: "Go, princess of Amazon."

"The daughter of Zeus, I am ashamed of you." Diana raised her head in front of Athena, and then stepped onto the competition arena.

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