Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 987: Watcher and gun

The entrance to the mainland hotel closest to Paradise Island is in London, and Zhao Mai first brought Tyrion to here. Dust ↘ Fate √ Wen? Xue ↖ Net Although Tyrion has area denier armor on his body, which can provide good protection, this armor is only effective against various physical, energy and magical damage, but it is not invincible. . Zhao Mai still placed Tyrion in the Continental Hotel according to the original plan, and he was more comfortable with the working environment here.

"Lord Lord," Tyrion always called Zhao Mai by various titles. He found that Zhao Mai didn't care about the difference between these titles at all, and all listened in the same friendly manner. "In order to do better, I may promise something in your name. But you can rest assured that unless there is another good thing like Diana, you will only pay some economic price at most, and in general it will definitely be Earned."

Zhao Mai sighed and said helplessly: "Okay, you can do it cheaply. But remember, you can only pull my tiger skin, and don't influence the people of Sadili, Dogian and Diana. People, understand?"

"Don't involve the family, I swear I can do it." Tyrion nodded, and then made a finger rub at Zhao Mai-this was asking for funds for the activity. The antique of the flourishing age, the gold of the troubled age, this is what ordinary humans say. For superhumans, a soft thing like gold, apart from being beautiful and very conductive, doesn't have much use-at least Zhao Mai understands it this way. Therefore, in addition to giving Tyrion a hundred fate gold coins, he also left him two vibrates, which should be hard currency in the current state.

With destiny gold coins, you can buy all kinds of things at the Continental Hotel, and the general situation is enough. However, Zhao Mai thought for a while and took out a blue sealed glass bottle. "This is the eternal life potion, which can lock your age. The first time you drink it, it can last for about a hundred years. It can also be used to treat fatal injuries. Keep it and don't expose it easily. If you use it well, it may be Save your life. Because everyone is trying to live forever, a hundred years without side effects is very valuable."

"Thank you, I will take it. But sir, I am actually a little worried about you." Tyrion said, "I am still worried about your mentality. After all, you never really used all of your strength..."

"No, you are wrong." Zhao Mai replied: "I always remember the feeling of facing the unknown world tremblingly, and never dared to forget the tension when challenging a powerful enemy. If I hadn't kept this feeling in mind, I would have stopped. Come down and enjoy life, and lose the pressure to move forward forever."

"It's not facing a strong enemy, but facing the unknown. This is what Dogian said to me when he left. I didn't really understand it before, that is, I probably had some eyebrows just not long ago." Tyrion said: "I I feel that you are very entangled in planning, trying to arrange actions according to a certain law of development or destiny, just like reading a book and walking along the plot. You must not have any more "as long as I do what I do, I can do what I do." The illusion. Even if it’s the Olympus, even if it’s Diana, even if it’s me, it’s impossible to predict what will happen next. In fact, you also know that no one can predict your future, so you must not have any Relax."

"Okay, I'll go all out at all times." Zhao Mai nodded, and then said: "Okay, go in. I will go to the street corner to catch a few watchers, and then ask where they are sent. People."

"No need, just let them see, I know it in my heart." Tyrion shook hands with Zhao Mai, then hummed a little song and walked towards the portal of the Continental Hotel.

After Zhao Mai waited for him to walk in, he looked sideways at the watcher disguised as a beggar in the corner. Those few people are just ordinary humans, they don't have any superpowers, and they haven't been blessed by a certain god, and they don't seem to be believers. With a little interrogation, you can know who these people are sent to monitor what the Continental Hotel does. However, if Zhao Mai was able to do this, the Continental Hotel had enough staff to do such a thing, but it did not. It chose to let it go and let these monitors keep alive. Perhaps it was because of this that Tyrion would not let Zhao Mai interfere.

"Then I wish you all the best." Zhao Mai took a step back and walked into the transmission channel of Apparition.

The Acropolis is built on the Acropolis hill in the center of Athens. It is a steep hill and only a winding road on the west side can climb it. If there is a war, this is a fortress for the citizens of Athens to avoid the flames of war and fight against invading enemies. Parthenon, the temple praising the goddess of victory Athena. This temple was built to commemorate Greece's victory over Persia. The Battle of Marathon and the Battle of Wenquan Pass are the footnotes of this temple.

There are no Zodiac and Pope’s Hall, and there is no Golden Saint Seiya guard, but there is a statue of Athena on the top of the mountain. Although it is not huge, it is still exquisite. It is the first time for Zhao Mai to come here, and the Apparition cannot be particularly precise. When he came to the foot of the mountain, he surprised the tourists here.

As long as the culture continues, the ancient customs will never really die. Many Athenians also go to the Parthenon to pray and pray, hoping that Athena, the goddess of wisdom, can continue to grant them victory and defeat evil enemies, whether he is an ordinary human with a sword or a superhuman with superhuman powers. When they saw Zhao Mai coming out of the shadows, a pair of young tourists immediately took out guns from their bodies and tremblingly aimed at Zhao Mai.

"I'm not malicious~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhao Mai doesn't know what expression to use to face this situation. After all, this is the first time he has been treated as a scourge by ordinary people. With his super hearing, he knows someone Dialed the number of the police station, "The wizard appeared in the Acropolis", this is what the reporter wanted to say.

"It seems that the situation is really tense." Zhao Mai hung up the caller with his psychic powers, then locked the safety of the pistol and started climbing. His movements are fast, just a vague shadow in the eyes of ordinary people.

When I reached the middle of the mountain, I could already feel the envelope of the divine power. This is the domain of the Olympian gods. It is managed by the most popular Athena. It has been partially separated from the plane of the earth, so it can expand the kingdom of God. When he was on Paradise Island, Zhao Mai could easily suppress the Goddess of Victory in the realm, but he would have to spend more money here.

However, Athena has never been the strongest **** in Greece, and there is no need to be proud even if she can be overwhelmed. Since this is someone else’s home, Zhao Mai condensed his domain powers and just used his psychic powers to make his figure vague and obscure. Even if ordinary people see it, it won’t arouse interest, just treat it as negligible. Illusion.

What's more, everyone's attention was all drawn away by a total of twelve girls made of gold in the first two rows of the temple.

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