Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 992: Excited

Zhao Mai stood on the dark and dull planet, watching everything around him fall apart. Dust √ Yuan×Wen→Learning ↗ The original huge sun, almost all the mass and all the energy are transformed into blue crystals. Without the largest source of gravitation in the entire star system, all planets have become wanderers, and they are bound to embark on a path of slow collapse.

"It's terrible magic." Zhao Mai looked at the huge magic circle under his feet. It is quiet now and looks very well-behaved, but the rules it contains can be called world-destroying. Without light, the most important source of energy for ordinary life is lost. Not all creatures can travel across the interstellar like a ghost ship. Before they have mastered this ability, as long as the sun is extinguished, they will inevitably lose their future.

The temperature has begun to drop, and the vacuum of the universe has never stopped sucking heat. And Zhao Mai’s Z Worm didn’t dare to delay any further time. It had already taken action and sent a Chimera spacecraft to the blue crystal. The worker insects on it would cut some of the crystal and bring it back, providing sufficient energy for the entire race. Then, before the planet is thrown into the universe, the Z bug has enough time to collect matter, strengthen itself, and then lift the entire magic circle and transport it into space.

With blue crystals, the expansion speed of Z insects can be increased thousands of times. This is not a linear increase, but an increase in the geometric level or even the cosmic index. It can be said that the starfish mothership finally has the right "food", and has the opportunity to continue to grow and expand from the mature body to the planetary level. It can even re-engrave the magic circle on itself, so as to extinguish the sun and obtain blue crystals!

It is no longer possible to name this kind of thing with a simple "blue crystal". The solar blue crystal may be better. After all, it is the body of the sun, or a product made from the sun. As soon as this thought appeared, Zhao Mai suddenly shuddered. Judging from the working state of the magic circle, this rule of converting the sun into crystal is not innate, but has obvious human intervention-it gives Zhao Mai the feeling that it is too precise, not the kind of grace unique to nature And original.

A white light flashed, and the Chimera-class spacecraft that had gone to "fish" returned. It turned over, and a piece of blue crystal with a diameter of 100 meters fell down, piercing the soil, and smashed a large hole in the ground.

Before the smoke dissipated, the entire Z Worm world boiled. The violently multiplied soil resembles an inflated balloon, pushing all the surrounding soil away. Wherever the shock wave hits, the rock is like a lake that has been stirred up by waves, swaying and rupturing, everything except the Z insect collapse.

Zhao Mai took a breath and turned his eyes upwards, uncontrollable excitement arose from the bottom of his heart. Although his body is far away on the earth, and the blue crystals are just projections of green dreams, the excitement of the Z worms has already affected him. It is like ecstatic believers who forget themselves and sing praises to great gods, thus pushing up the power of God. It's just that the Z bug is praising himself, and Zhao Mai is "self-high".

Since having the nervous system, the most fundamental happiness of living beings, and the biggest reward for themselves, are food and reproduction. The Z insect was pushed to the extreme of happiness at the moment it found the blue crystal. Zhao Mai staggered a few steps, taking a deep breath, calling for his reason and alertness. If not, he would blow up the body on the earth at that time, and then regroup next to the blue crystal through the green dream.

"Calm down! Restraint!" Zhao Mai's mental storm descended on the planet, and the Z Worm's absolute obedience characteristics appeared. All activities were temporarily stopped until Zhao Mai gave new orders. "This is food, not a stimulant. Never indulge! Although it has a high concentration, it is just the original energy of the sun. Z Worm has a new way of eating and growing, but it does not get a new source of energy. The price of these blue crystals is the destined destruction of a star system! If used in the biosphere, this is actually a failure!"

"Zworms should be builders and integrators, observers and learners, servers and pioneers of continuous self-evolution," Zhao Mai kept reminding himself: "It's not a destroyer, definitely not Naquus! This universe is big enough, space , Time, and opportunities are enough, there is no need to pull out the seedlings to promote, and there is no need to fish out!

Zhao Mai thought for a while, and immediately carried out his will: Sun Azurite's magic circle must not be used casually, only by ordering it himself. At the same time, the existence of this magic circle must be kept secret, but the research on the blue crystal must not stop. He must understand how the blue crystal can be used, how it is dangerous, and how it is safe, and the most important point: who invented the rule, and why the Holy Grail can restore the entire magic circle!

Zhao Mai exhaled deeply. While gaining, thinking of the risk of loss, the balance between gains and losses, or the interdependence of misfortune and good fortune, allows him to restore his normal mind. With a wave of his hand, the Z Worm began to work in an orderly manner-hundreds of times faster than before, but it did not lose order. The enthusiasm permeated in the Z Worm communication network gradually cooled, from ecstasy of forgetfulness to happiness full of confidence.

The Z-worm colonies scattered throughout the galaxy have sent their own Chimera spacecraft to the Blue Crystal to take away the parts they need. The new construction plan is being deduced in the joint calculation of the Gardener Dragon. Zhao Mai stayed for a while, watching the Z Worm continue to divide the crystal into pieces, and use it to drive the expansion of the entire ethnic group. They work like ants and bees, and at the same time they reproduce faster and evolve more rapidly than viruses and bacteria. Using the power of the blue crystal to teleport and the new generation of Z insects have begun incubation experiments, and the abilities of many magic beasts were found by Zhao Mai from the blood bank. Many abilities used to consume too much energy and were not efficient enough. And now, energy does not seem to be a problem anymore.

When everything was on track and running smoothly at high speed, Zhao Mai retracted his gaze and returned to the earth. Hephaestus's golden ship is slowing down, and the girls of the Golden Zodiac are sitting and preparing to fight with their weapons. Vulcan held an apple in his hand and gnawed at it, looking hideously like a bandit.

"what happened?"

"Finally ended meditation." Hephaestus threw away half of the apple, wiped his mouth and said: "We have reached the volcano, and a bunch of superhumans have built a town there~www.ltnovel.com~ Quite What's in the way, I am going to flatten it."

"Is it necessary? How much floor space does your workshop need, even a town?" Zhao Mai stood on the bow and looked down. The so-called town only has twenty houses, and they all are of that kind. Temporary canopy houses. However, there are twenty-four superhuman beings flying on the roof or gearing up to defend their homeland.

"How can there be mortal neighbors next to my workshop? How can the sacred place..."

Zhao Mai waved his hand and interrupted Hephaestus. You don't need to listen to it. It must be the relationship between God and mankind, high and low subordination, nothing new. "You are building an anti-cursing mirror, and I am responsible for your safety. Therefore, as long as no one disturbs you, you can work hard to create it, and there is nothing to show off the power of God? Are you afraid that others will not know that Vulcan is here? , Thinking of a way to deal with the Death Star? If you think so, I can use a spell to let the whole earth know that you are here. But you can figure it out, what will Zeus think?"

"Forget it, don't talk about Zeus, I can't get through Athena." Hephaestus bowed his head and waved, and the golden girls of the Zodiac sighed to express their disappointment.

The golden spacecraft made a circle and went to the north **** of Vesuvius.

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