Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 994: discuss

Elisio flew back backwards so that he could keep his eyes on Zhao Mai. His first impression of this man who called himself Mike Longhou was pretty good, especially his standard Italian. Judging from his appearance, he should be an Oriental. It must be his ability to master Italian so well.

"Oriental people can't learn Italian well." Alisio said to himself: "But his abilities seem to be gentle, and he doesn't feel risky, and this person is also gentle, right? invisible Wings?"

A childish voice sounded behind Alisio, and then his answer: "Yes, dog nose, I think he is not bad, we should let him join our town."

"But he won't join. He has his own things to do. I really envy people who have their own things to do. You and I are both miserable. We can only do things for others all the time." Elisio shook hard. Arm, then said: "Hurry up, let's hurry back, don't you use more strength? Also, my shoulder hurts because of your arm. Can I adjust my posture?"

"Sorry for the dog nose, I can only become a bird to hug you with my paws, and I have tried my best...I'm so hungry."

Elisio doesn't know how to fly himself, he floats in the sky entirely by the invisible wing Paul Little. Elisio has a good nose, can smell a person's emotions, and judge whether he is telling lies, so he can distinguish between enemy and friend, predict the situation and threat. Therefore, everyone recommended him as the "mayor" to deal with outsiders. Relying on an accurate judgment of the situation, Alessio maintained a fragile balance with ordinary people. He understands that the current situation is very delicate, so he has always hoped to find a stronger and more able to protect their superhumans, but he is worried that too strong abilities will lead to new conflicts.

Little Paul's stomach made a "cuckoo" cry, and he tried hard to hold on, gritted his teeth and screamed to put Elicio down smoothly. Afterwards, hunger made him sit down on the ground, and his invisibility was eliminated. He was just an eight-year-old thin boy with a sallow face and malnourished. Everyone knows that little Paul can fly, but they have never seen him flying. Once he transforms his wings into a bird, he will completely disappear from everyone's field of vision, and even the sonar and smell can't be detected.

"Take Paul to eat something, take out the chocolate, and sugar water, quickly replenish your energy, and I will go back soon." Elisio rubbed his sore shoulders, looked at the crowd and asked: "They They want to use volcanic lava to do things and don’t want to leave, but they are willing to negotiate with us to solve the problem of coexistence. Who of you has heard of Mike Longhou?"

"Who is Mike Longhou?" A group of people whispered and talked. Elisio was also helpless. These "villagers" of his own were really ordinary farmers, workers, and small handicraftsmen before. They had a small life circle and the sources of news were few and short. He can only pray that the "presbyopic" Simon Costa, who has fled from the big city, will know a little bit better-he has been working in newspapers for a long time and is an old editor in charge of proofreading.

"I know this name, Mike Longhou, this name is very rare, so I remember it." Simon closed his eyes, his blind rod trembling. "He is the chief guard of Wakanda's palace, he seems to be called a High Templar or something. He is also the queen's lover and possesses incredible abilities. Why, did Wakanda's former queen also come? It is said that she has Many things called vibrating gold are indestructible and very precious. Well, maybe he needs the power of a volcano to process vibrating gold, so it can be explained."

I have to say that people's imagination is endless. Elisio scratched his hair, and then said: "I saw many metal girls on his golden boat. They pierced the volcano's rock wall and were not injured at all in the process. Maybe it was Zhenjin. ?"

"Presbyopia, are you talking about how valuable vibrating is, is it really indestructible?" I don't know who in the crowd said.

"Oh, this, I am not too clear, after all, I have never seen Zhenjin with my own eyes. The only thing I know..."

Elisio felt greed and impulsive emotions from the crowd, and immediately interrupted Simon. "By the way, Uncle Costa, that Mike also said that he is the lord of the Continental Hotel. Do you know what that means?"

The old man shook his head, but another person took a breath and was immediately heard by others. "Let's talk, only the more detailed you know, the better the countermeasures can be made."

"Countermeasures?" The hoarse voice rang. Virgilio, the "veteran" with only one leg and one eye left, walked up to Alessio on crutches, and said to him: "Dog nose, is there something wrong with you and can't smell the opponent's strength?" The Lord of the Continental Hotel refers to the horrible guy who can affect the safety of the entire planet. Such people are extremely rare!"

Someone was unhappy and raised his hand and shouted: "Many people can do things like destroying the earth. I mean if there is no light from this **** Death Star."

"Yes, yes, some can cause earthquakes, and some can cause plagues. But to become a lord, there is still one condition. That is, when he wants to destroy the planet, all people without a title can stop him! Only in this way can he be awarded the title. If he wants to do anything that other lords can't stop, then he can become a viscount." Virgilio tapped the crutches on the ground hard, making a banging sound: "Do you know Knowing that even the Death Star does not have a title? So now it is very possible that this lord is not afraid of the green light of the Death Star at all! Do you know what this means?"

"It means that we can't be an enemy to him~www.ltnovel.com~ Otherwise, when the light shrouds, we will all be killed by him." Elessio nodded, with a decision in his heart. He said: "This Mike Longhou didn't lie when he said he was the lord of the Continental Hotel. After a while, I will ask him if he is afraid of the light of the Death Star. If he is not afraid, then we must cooperate with him. , It is impossible to drive him away."

"I have an idea," Simon raised a finger and said, "You can negotiate with him and ask him to protect us. On the one hand, we are here first, we do not cause trouble, and many of us have magical abilities. , Maybe we can help him. Besides, we can also detonate Vesuvius at any time, which is not good for him and should also prompt him to negotiate."

Elisio shook his head and said, "Could it be possible to threaten him while drawing him? What if he gets annoyed and punches me? I just use my nose and brain, but I can't bear the Lord's punch. "

"Don't worry, don't worry..." Simon shook his head and said, "He once took the queen to abdicate and transfer power peacefully. It can be seen that he is not a guy who likes to use violence to solve problems. If we are absolutely disadvantaged in front of him, it is better to open up. Forget it, at least show your attitude, right? Fight thoroughly and surrender thoroughly."

A group of Italians thought about it, and it was indeed true.

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