Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 102: Acknowledge wrongdoing, stand upright when beaten

   Ji Tianxing was stunned at the time, crying inwardly.

   He originally thought that there was no one in the Tai'an Palace, so he dared to let the little black dragon show up.

   However, the little black dragon made too much noise, and it had already alarmed the old white beard.

  Although the old man is short and squishy, ​​with yellow and dry skin, he looks like an old monkey with a white beard.

   But he is wearing a purple robe, and his breath is unfathomable. He is obviously an extremely distinguished person in the Great Sky School!

   Listening to the meaning of the old white beard, he seems to be the master of Tai'an Palace!

   The dozen or so big trees in this yard and the herbs in the nurseries were all cultivated by him.

   And now, the little black dragon created a tornado, ruining all the hard work of the old man!

   "It's over!" Ji Tianxing's heart sank, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   And at this moment, the tornado above the yard stopped abruptly and dissipated in an instant.

   The little black dragon instantly turned into a black dragon sword, "唰" got into the scabbard behind Ji Tianxing, and there was no more movement.

   The huge ball made of weeds, leaves and tiles in the sky that was big enough for a house, lost the support of the tornado, and fell into the yard with a thud.

   Suddenly, the entire yard was dusty, fallen leaves and leaves were flying all over the sky, becoming extremely chaotic and dirty.

   Ji Tianxing stood under the eaves, was also covered with dust and leaves, looking extremely embarrassed.

   The old man with white beard was even worse, he was almost buried in the sky with leaves and tiles.

   Despite his furious luck, countless leaves and tiles flew away.

   But in his white hair and white beard, there are still a few pieces of "fish that slip through the net", which looks very funny.

   But Ji Tianxing couldn't laugh at all.

  Because, the old man with white beard stared at him and rushed over with a furious face.

   "Ah! You bastard! You ruined the old man's efforts?!"

   The old man with white beard flashed up to him, reaching out and grabbing his collar.

   Ji Tianxing felt that the collar was tightened, and the old man with white beard grabbed the collar and lifted it up.

   "Say! Who is your kid? Why did you go to the old man's Tai'an Palace to make trouble?"

   "Will you give the old man a reasonable explanation today... ah! Even if you have sufficient reasons, the old man will beat you up!"

   The old man with white beard glared at him with red eyes, looking like he was going to run away.

   Ji Tianxing wanted to dodge, but he couldn't dodge at all. He was as weak as a chicken in front of the old man with white beard.


   The old man with white beard carried his collar and pressed him against the wall, his head hit the wall with a muffled sound.

   Ji Tianxing only felt his eyes dim, and waved his hands again and again to explain: "Don't don't! Senior, don't be impulsive! You calm down! It's none of my business!"

   defended his mouth, but his eyes looked under his feet, and he was still wondering: "I am much taller than this old man. He even lifted my feet off the ground... How did he do it?"

   "It's none of your business?" The old white beard stared again and pointed at his nose and cursed: "You little bastard! There is no one else here except you. Who else can you do?"

   "It's Xiao..." Ji Tianxing almost said that Xiao Heilong did it, but he stopped in time.

   was silent for a while, he squeezed out a smile at the old man, smiled apologetically, "Well, I did it."

   looked at the old man with white beard, his eyes widened, his face was fierce and he raised his fist about to hit someone, he quickly explained: "Senior, I didn't mean it!"

   "I am a new disciple of Fengyun Academy. I was planted and framed, so I was punished to clean the Tai'an Palace. I just wanted to help your old man clean the yard. I didn't expect..."

   The old man with white beard grinned and said, "Very good! You just confess the crime!"

   "Huh! Now these junior boys, they are getting more and more disinterested, they dare to go to Tai'an Palace to harass the old man!"

   "Little bastard, you are Tai Sui breaking the ground, pulling teeth out of the tiger's mouth!"

   After that, he threw Ji Tianxing into the yard with a shake of his hand, like a little chicken.

   Ji Tianxing rolled into the air, drew an arc in the air, and fell towards the middle of the courtyard.

   But before he fell to the ground, the old man with white beard flew into the air like an arrow from a string, and punched him on the waist.


   Ji Tianxing's face was distorted when he was beaten on the spot, and his whole body was in cold sweat.

   The attacked part of the old man with white beard was too tricky. It hurt his heart, but it didn't hurt his internal organs.

   He fell to the ground with a "puff", smashing leaves and dust everywhere.

   "Little bastard! The old man has to hit three hundred and sixty punches today to calm down. Stand up for the old man!"

   Before he got up, the old man with white beard fell from the sky again, screaming and punching.

   "Fight three hundred and sixty punches? Then I shall not be beaten into biscuits?"

   Ji Tianxing suddenly jumped from the ground, bursting out of his life's potential, and jumped ten meters away.


   The old man with white beard fell from the sky and hit the bluestone ground with a punch, blasting the ground into a three-meter-square pit on the spot, exploding countless dust and stone debris.

   Ji Tianxing saw his heart beating, and he drew out the black dragon sword without hesitation.

   With the Black Dragon Sword in his hand, he gained a bit of confidence, and said calmly to the old man with white beard: "Senior~www.ltnovel.com~ This matter is my fault first, this junior is here to apologize!"

   "But this is not deliberate sabotage by the younger generation, it is really a misunderstanding, please let the younger generation explain it!"

   "Explain a fart!" The old white beard glared at him viciously and angrily cursed: "You junior is too presumptuous. You dare to draw a sword against the old man, how ignorant and ridiculous!"

   "Little bastard, you have to admit that you have done something wrong, and you have to stand upright when you are beaten. You remember it for the old man!"

   When the voice fell, the old man turned into a dark blue blast, and immediately rushed to Ji Tianxing, punching a certain part of his waist.

   "Senior, you are offended!"

   Ji Tianxing was punished to sweep the floor. He had already held his stomach for a while. Now the old man with white beard refused to give up. He couldn't bear it, so he could only fight back with a sword.

   "Ten Profound Sword Technique!"

   He wielded the black dragon sword and used the ten mysterious swordsmanship he has inherited from his family, which is his best swordsmanship.


   Three dazzling sword lights cut out, covering the whole body of the old man with white beard, to force him back.

   However, the old white beard completely ignored the three sword lights, and instantly broke through the sword light blockade and rushed in front of him.

   With a flick of the index finger of the left hand of the old man with white beard, he flicked the black dragon sword flying, and a punch of his right hand hit his waist with a "boom", and he was knocked out again.


   Ji Tianxing fell into the middle of the yard, lying pale on the ground, bending over like a shrimp, unable to get up for a while.

   The old man with white beard attacked the part of his waist, and his painful nerves were twitching, but he would not hurt his internal organs.

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