Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1130: Upheaval in Zhongzhou

The power of the **** Gu made Yu Tianhong frightened and feared to his bones.

Even if Ji Tianxing did not promise benefits, he would have a mental breakdown after being tortured several times and was forced to agree to Ji Tianxing's terms.

What's more, Ji Tianxing also promised in public that if he obeyed the order, he would release the **** Gu.

How can this make him not be moved?

He has lost his freedom since being controlled by the Dragon in the Sky with Divine Gu.

The dignified imperial court, the chief official who guarded the frontiers, has become a running dog of Long Zaitian.

What a humiliating thing is this?

And now, Ji Tianxing gave him the opportunity to regain his freedom!

He only has fear and hatred for Long Zaitian, and has no loyalty at all. How could he give up this opportunity?

He only considered for a moment, then nodded and agreed to the matter, looked up at Ji Tianxing, and said, "Ji Tianxing! I can promise your terms.

But what so many people are watching, what you promised in public, must not go back!

Otherwise, even if I fight to death, I will ruin you! "

Ji Tianxing looked at him indifferently, and said with a sneer: "You are the one who is ruined! You are just a dog now, you are not qualified to make terms with me!"

"Puff..." Yu Tianhong was filled with grief and anger, and opened his mouth again to spout a big mouthful of blood.

But he had no choice but to endure the humiliation and humiliation, supported with his arms, and climbed up the wall little by little.

He crawled slowly on the ground, climbed to the stairs beside the city wall, and climbed the steps step by step...

The more than 10,000 people around the city gate felt deeply humiliated by this, and they all bowed their heads pale and did not dare to make a sound.

Yu Tianhong is the spiritual leader in their hearts and the **** of war they worship.

But now, God of War is like a dead dog, humiliated and manipulated.

Many people and soldiers thought in their hearts that if they were themselves, they would rather commit suicide on the spot than avoid such humiliation.

But Yu Tianhong wants to steal his life!

This caused many people and soldiers to question and despise him!

Yu Tianhong's brilliant image in the hearts of everyone collapsed at this moment and became a pronoun of shame!

From now on, he will always be nailed to the pillar of shame.

Even if today's affairs are over, he is still a **** of the Western Desolation, still guarding the ancient city of Mang.

He is no longer the **** of war in everyone's hearts, let alone a spiritual leader!

After a long time, Yu Tianhong climbed to the wall with difficulty under the watchful eyes of more than 10,000 people.

He came to Ji Tianxing's side, lay at Ji Tianxing's feet, and apologized in public.

Then, in accordance with Ji Tianxing's instructions, he took out a jade slip on the spot and input the soul information into the jade slip.

He coerced Long Zaitian with God Gu, and ordered him to commit many crimes, all of which were recorded in detail in the jade slip.

He originally hated Dragon Zaitian, but now he has done his best to expose the crimes of Dragon Zaitian to the emperor.

After all, he was also afraid of Long Zaitian's revenge, hoping that Long Zaitian would be severely punished by the emperor, and it would be best to be executed.

Half a quarter of an hour later, he had written the memorial, and then cast a spell to send out the jade slip.

"call out!"

Yu simplified as a glimmer of golden light, and immediately rushed to the sky, flying towards the Imperial Court.

After doing all this, he was relieved and looked at Ji Tianxing pleadingly, and said: "Ji Tianxing, I have done what you requested.

Now, it's up to you to fulfill your promise and relieve the gods for me. "

Ji Tianxing glanced at him and said with a sneer: "I said I will help you remove the god, but it's definitely not now.

Don't worry, wait for the Emperor Court to deal with Long Zaitian, after this matter is over, I will look for you. "

Having said that, he put away the ten thousand gu altar and the spirit jade throne, turned and flew into the sky, leaving the ancient city of Mang.

Yu Tianhong lay on the wall, looking at his leaving figure, trembling with anger, almost mad.

After a long time, when Ji Tianxing's figure disappeared into the sky, he turned his head.

He turned his head and looked at the more than ten thousand people on the avenue under the city gate.

Whenever he could see the eyes of everyone, he was deeply disappointed and contemptuous.

Even the subordinates and soldiers who were loyal to him looked at him coldly, without a trace of respect in their eyes.

This scene made Yu Tianhong even more grief and anger, swiping his fists furiously, and slammed into the city wall below him.


Amid the deafening noise, the city wall was smashed by his fist, and most of it collapsed, splashing out the sky with masonry debris.

No hundreds of people and soldiers fled in a panic.

In a blink of an eye, more than 10,000 people gathered under the gate of the city, all scattered like birds and animals, and the road became empty.

Yu Tianhong's heart was ashamed, silently condensing his body, and soon recovered his legs and feet.

He walked down the city wall in despair and staggered towards the city lord's mansion.

Below the city wall, there are more than 300 guards, a dozen guard captains and commanders.

But everyone looked at him with complicated eyes, no one came to support him, and no one cared about him.

A generation of Western Wilderness God Generals has become so desolate and lonely.


Soon, five days passed.

In the middle of the night on the fifth day, Ji Tianxing returned to Zhongzhou City and returned to the Imperial Mansion.

He meditated in the room and adjusted his breath, consuming dozens of spiritual stones to restore the lost mana.

A few hours later, the sky was bright.

Ji Tianxing finished meditation and adjusted his breath and walked out of the room.

"The plan has almost been implemented. Dozens of the rich and powerful in Zhongzhou, as well as the gods of the Western Desolation, all jointly exposed the dragon to the emperor.

Ten days have passed, I believe the emperor has already considered how to deal with this matter, right? "

He thought to himself that he wanted to send a jade slip to Long Yunxiao to inquire about the situation of the Emperor Court.

But at this moment, the voice of the guard leader came from outside the door.

"Enlighten the Lord of the Domain, the emperor Mian came down to visit and is waiting for you in the study, saying that there is something to discuss."

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows ~www.ltnovel.com~, showing a smile, and muttering to himself: "Haha, he is talking about him, he has already come to the door.

Long Yunxiao is more anxious than me when it comes to dealing with Long Zaitian! "

When he rushed to the study, he saw Long Yunxiao standing in the study, holding a pile of dark gold and jade papers in his hand.

Seeing him entering the study, Long Yunxiao smiled, his eyes bright, and excitedly said: "Tianxing, where have you been? Why haven't you seen you for ten days?

You don't know, in the past ten days, many wonderful events have happened in Zhongzhou, which is really earth-shattering and sensational!

What a pity you missed it all! "

Long Yunxiao has always acted calmly and politely, rarely as excited and excited as he is now.

When Ji Tianxing saw his reaction, he guessed the reason, and asked with a smile: "The emperor, something that can make you so excited is definitely extraordinary.

Had the emperor verified Long Zaitian's charges and ordered him to be executed? "

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