Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 126: Go to Batu Caves to reflect

   When Lu Mingyang appeared with a black robe deacon, Ji Tianxing had a foreboding.

   He immediately understood that all this is Ji Ling's conspiracy!

   Both he and Ji Ke were deceived by Ji Ling, and Jian Yu and Lu Mingyang were both accomplices of Ji Ling!

  At this time, the black-robed deacon walked to the court, his expression gloomy and angrily shouted, "Stop!"

   "Here is the deacon of commandment, and Shu Zixi is crazy!"

  If the deacon of commandment comes a moment later, Ji Tianxing must have killed Ji Ling.

   However, since the deacon of commandment has arrived, he has no more chance to do it, so he can only stop it unwillingly.

   Ji Ling sneered secretly in her heart, but on the surface she pretended to be dying, and reported to the commandment deacon: "My deacon, you are here just right!"

   "Ji Tianxing, this bastard, wants to kill me! Your deacon, you must call the shots for me!"

  The deacon of commandment looked at Ji Ling, and asked in a deep voice, "What is going on? Why are you here and why are you fighting?"

   Before Ji Tianxing spoke to explain, Ji Ling said first: "My deacon, this is how things are!"

   "I and Ji Tianxing are both from Qingyun Nation, and we have enmities in the world. After entering the sect, we both entered Fengyun Academy. He always wanted me to get revenge, but he had no chance."

   "It happens that I have a niece named Ji Ke who is practicing in Bailuyuan, and Ji Tianxing lied to her to come here, using her as a threat to force me to submit!"

   "After I learned the news, I brought Senior Brother Jian Yu to rescue Ji Ke. I didn't expect... Ji Tianxing, a vicious bastard, would hurt Ji Ke and pushed her off the cliff!"

   "After the incident is revealed, he will kill me and Jian Yu too! Fortunately, the deacon you came in time, otherwise we will be dead!"

   Ji Tianxing immediately became angry and mad, bursting with murderous intent all over his body, staring at Ji Ling stubbornly.

   "Ji Ling! You despicable villain, inferior beast to pigs and dogs!"

   "Obviously it was designed to lie to me and Ji Ke to come here. You pushed Ji Ke off the cliff with your own hands. You spit out blood and dare to slander me!"

   "How can there be a vicious, shameless **** like you in the world?"

   Ji Ling said with a sneer: "Ji Tianxing, you are so ridiculous!"

   "Ji Ke is my niece, I have always loved her very much, how could I push her off the cliff?"

   "Even if you want to quibble or slander me, please use your brain!"

   The deacon of commandment frowned upon hearing Ji Ling's words, and looked at Ji Tianxing with gloomy eyes.

   Just at this time, Jian Yu also crawled out of the woods.

   He was covered with blood and mud, and he looked as miserable as Ji Ling.

   He saw the deacon of commandment, as if he had seen a savior, he hurriedly endured his injuries and said: "Disciple Jian Yu, I have seen the deacon!"

   "I can testify for Ji Ling! After receiving the news, Ji Ling invited me to come to Yujianfeng to rescue his niece."

   "Unfortunately when we arrived, we happened to see Ji Tianxing pushing Ji Ke off the cliff! We couldn't be upset, so we wanted to catch Ji Tianxing and hand it over to Zongmen for punishment."

   "Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing is so powerful that he would kill us both to cover up the evidence!"

   "My deacon, you saw it with your own eyes when you came just now, and everything the disciple said is true!"

   At this time, Lu Mingyang also quickly agreed: "My deacon, I can also testify for Ji Ling. Ji Tianxing has a private vengeance with him, and has always wanted to find a chance to avenge him!"

   "Furthermore, the day after Ji Tianxing entered the Fengyun Academy, he stole the spirit fruit from the Spirit Medicine Garden and was punished by Deacon Han of the Fengyun Academy."

   "A despicable and insidious villain like Ji Tianxing is simply a shame to this door! Now that he has committed such a heinous crime, please also ask the deacon to be severely punished!"

   Ji Ling, Jian Yu, and Lu Mingyang all went into a fight, and they all insisted that Ji Tianxing killed Ji Ke and wanted to kill him.

   Ji Tianxing ran away in anger, but he couldn't dispute it.

   He has neither evidence nor testimony for him. Of course the deacon of commandment will not believe him.

   After a while, the deacon of commandment asked about the situation, and ordered in a deep voice: "Ji Tianxing, Ji Ling, and Jian Yu, this matter is very bad, I will definitely investigate it!"

   "Before the investigation is clear, the three of you must return to the precepts hall with this seat, waiting for the punishment!"

   "In addition, the horse issued an order to send people to search for Ji Ke under the cliff..."

   Then, the deacon of commandment left Yujian Peak with everyone and returned to the commandment hall on the top of Qingtian Peak.

   Ji Tianxing, Ji Ling, and Jian Yu were detained in the three quiet rooms of the Commandment Hall, waiting for the Commandment Hall’s investigation and judgment.

   Not only that, the Commandment Hall also sent people under Yujian Peak to search for Ji Ke's whereabouts.


   Half a day passed quickly.

   In the quiet room No. 3 of the Commandment Hall, Ji Tianxing was sitting in the corner of the wall, looking up at the small window on the wall blankly.

   This quiet room is only three meters in size, there is nothing in the room, not even a chair.

  The ground and walls are all dark brown boulders, and there are head-sized iron windows on the walls.

   Through that iron window, only a palm-sized piece of sky can be seen outside.

   At this time, night has fallen, and the sky outside the window is gloomy.

   Ji Tianxing sat in the icy corner for an afternoon, his emotions had long changed from anger and irritability to indifference and helplessness.

   Even though he knew the truth of the matter, he repeatedly told the deacon of commandment.

   But the Qingtianzong has strict rules, and it is impossible for the discipline deacon to believe his side words.

  Before the investigation is clear, all he can do is stay in the quiet room and wait for the verdict of the Discipline Hall.

   He had made up his mind long ago, and after this matter is over, he must find a chance to kill Ji Ling and avenge her!

   And he is most worried about Ji Ke at the moment, but he can't do anything, so he can only pray silently for Ji Ke.

   "Koko, you must have nothing to do, you must not die!"

   "I will definitely Zhaoxue for you, kill Ji Ling to avenge you! I swear!"

   There is silence in the quiet room~www.ltnovel.com~ Time seems to be passing very slowly.

   I don’t know how long it took, someone opened the iron door of the quiet room.

   A black-robed deacon walked into the secret room, looked at Ji Tianxing indifferently, and said in a deep voice, "Ji Tianxing, come out!"

   Ji Tianxing stood up immediately and asked anxiously: "My deacon, have you found Ji Ke? How is she?"

  The black-robed deacon glanced at him, and said coldly: "Ji Ke is not dead, but she is dying and unconscious."

   Ji Tianxing finally breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered silently: "It's fine if you don't die! I know that Kekefu is so dead and won't die like this!"

   "Follow me!" The black robe deacon shouted in a deep voice.

   "Where to go?" Ji Tianxing asked subconsciously: "Is the commandment hall already investigated clearly and want to let me out?"

   Hei Pao Deacon looked at him expressionlessly, and said in a deep voice: "The matter has not been fully investigated, but it is basically certain that you murdered the fellow seniors!"

   "However, this matter will not be finalized until Ji Ke wakes up."

   "Before Ji Ke woke up, the Commandment Hall decided to imprison you in the Batu Caves in the back mountain, so please reflect on it!"

   "What? This is impossible!" Ji Tianxing immediately said anxiously: "It is obviously Ji Ling designed to murder me and Ji Ke. Ji Ke and I are good friends. How could it be possible to harm her!"

   "Stop talking nonsense!" The black-robed deacon sneered coldly: "You have no evidence to prove your innocence, and you must follow the investigation results of the Precepts Hall!"

   "You go to Batu Caves with this seat now!"

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