Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 129: Mysterious black robe woman

   Before Yunyao left, she gave Ji Tianxing two Tianxin Pills.

   Tianxin Pill is a high-grade elixir of Xuan-level, a rare good practice product.

  With these two pills, Ji Tianxing can not only continue to fasten for half a month, but also greatly increase his skill.

   Holding two pills in his hand, he stood at the door of the stone room for a long time.

   Although the cave is still dark and the cold wind is still biting, he does not feel alone.

   Yunyao came to visit him and was willing to trust him, which was a great comfort and encouragement to him.

  His heart really settled down, even if he endured loneliness and cold, he would no longer be so lonely and helpless.

   After a long time, he returned to the corner to sit down, took a spiritual blood pill, and continued to practice.

   Two days passed quickly.

   Ji Tianxing refined the medicinal power of the Lingxue Pill, and his skill more than doubled, and he was not far from the seventh layer of the True Origin Realm.

  Moreover, he has achieved small results in his practice of bigu.

   Although he hasn't eaten or drink for seven days, he doesn't feel hungry, and the real yuan runs more briskly and smoothly, reaching the point where he wants to.

   Late this night, Ji Tianxing was meditating in the corner.

   Suddenly, he vaguely heard a whistling sound from under the cliff not far away.

   He thought it was the sound of the wind under the cliff and didn't care.

   But after a while, there was a sound of ‘crushing rock’ falling from the cliff.

   Ji Tianxing heard it really, and was immediately awakened.

   "I'm the only person in this cave, and the cliff is bottomless, why is there movement?"

   "Are there any monsters or beasts climbing up from the cliff?"

   Being in the dark and not knowing the surroundings, he inevitably has many associations.

   He tiptoedly walked to the iron gate, put his face on the iron railing, and tried his best to look in the direction of the cliff.

   The cliff ten meters away is still pitch black, and the cold wind is constantly gushing out.

   Ji Tianxing stood motionless by the door, staring at the cliff with wide-eyed eyes, observing silently.

   Ordinary people may not be able to see through the darkness, but he is a master of the Sixth Layer of the True Element Realm, with his eyesight far surpassing ordinary people ten times.

   He focused his attention on the cliff, and he could see the lines on the cliff.

   About ten breaths later, under the silent cliff, suddenly stretched out a hand!

   It is a palm that is wider than an ordinary person, and the skin is light purple.

   Although that hand looks slender and looks like a woman's hand, it is a bit too big, bigger than Ji Tianxing's palm.


   Ji Tianxing was shocked, his nerves were tense, but he held his breath without making a sound.

   The next moment, a slender figure in a black robe flew out from under the cliff and fell silently on the edge of the cliff.

  Although, the robe worn by that figure is slightly wider, covering 90% of his body.

   But the figure under the black robe is tall and slender, and the bumps are uneven, she is obviously a woman!

   But the height of the woman is amazing, half a head taller than Ji Tianxing, at least about 1.9 meters.

   The skin on her hands and neck is also light purple, which looks a little weird.

   Ji Tianxing frowned immediately, muttering in his heart: "Why is this woman so tall? The skin is still light purple? Could it be something wrong?"

   "No! Who is she? Why did she climb out of the cliff?"

   just when he was full of doubts, observing the black-robed woman in secret.

   The black-robed woman noticed his breath and suddenly turned her head and looked towards the door of the stone room.

   Ji Tianxing had no time to retreat, and was discovered by the black-robed woman.


  The black shadow flashed, and the black robe woman was like a black smoke, instantly crossing a distance of ten meters, and appeared out of thin air at the door of the stone room.

   She was standing outside the iron gate, half a meter away from Ji Tianxing, there was only an iron gate between them.

   At such a close distance, Ji Tianxing immediately saw clearly that the black robe woman was wearing a cold iron mask on her face.

  There are big eyes under the mask, but the pupils are dark red like blood, exuding the cold death chill.

   "Tall body, weird skin color, and blood-red pupils... Is she an alien?"

   Suddenly, Ji Tianxing flashed this thought in his mind, shocked.

   At the same time, the black-robed woman stretched out her right hand without saying a word, and grabbed Ji Tianxing's forehead like a phantom.

   There was a dark red blood glow in her broad palm, condensed into a **** hand with a large basin.

   Ji Tianxing was shocked, and he stepped back five steps without hesitation, barely evading the capture of the blood hand.


   The huge dark red blood hand slammed against the iron railing of the black iron gate, making a dull sound.

   A black iron railing as thick as a child’s arm, and made of a material comparable to a top grade profound tool, very tough.

   But Ji Tianxing saw with his own eyes that the three black iron railings were twisted and twisted by the dark red hand hit.

   His eyes widened, his eyebrows throbbed, and he was secretly shocked: "My God! This woman's power is terrifying... I'm afraid it has surpassed the Tongxuan Realm and has reached the Yuan Dan realm, right?"

   At the moment the black-robed woman took the shot, he clearly sensed the strength of the black-robed woman, which was not worse than Yun Yao!

   Fortunately, he retired in time. If it is a moment later, it is estimated that his head will be blasted by the **** hands of the black-robed woman.

   "Who are you? Why kill me?!"

   Ji Tianxing retreated to the corner of the stone room, eight meters away from the black robe woman, and asked angrily.

  The dark red pupils of the black-robed woman stared at him, revealing a cold murderous intent, and shouted in a low voice: "I thought there was no one here, but I didn't expect you to be a flea here."

   "You are poor, I must kill you, and I must never reveal whereabouts!"

  The black robe woman speaks the human language~www.ltnovel.com~ but the accent is a bit awkward and crappy, which sounds weird.

   Ji Tianxing became more and more certain, this black-robed woman must be an alien!

   He stared at the black-robed woman with cold eyes, and shouted in a deep voice: "You woman is really vicious! I don't know you at all, and have no grudges against you. You want to kill me?"

   "No matter where you come from or where you want to go, it has nothing to do with me."

   His meaning is very obvious, no matter what the identity of the black-robed woman is, and any conspiracy to sneak into the Batu Caves, it has nothing to do with him.

   As long as the black-robed woman is not very cruel and vicious, after hearing these words, she should turn around and leave and stop killing him.

   Ji Tianxing said so because of helplessness, the black robe woman is too strong, he has no chance of winning at all, and can only swallow his breath.

   However, he underestimated the brutality of the black-robed woman.

   "Hehe, you see me, you **** it!" The black robe woman sneered.

   She suddenly turned into a cloud of black mist, "唰" went through the black iron gate and got into the stone room.

   There was a murderous intent in her scarlet eyes, she stretched out her huge **** hand again, and grabbed Chao Ji Tianxing's head.

   At a critical juncture, Ji Tianxing's nerves were tense, and his life's strength burst out.

   "Wind and lightning strike!"

   He instantly urged two and a half-meter-long golden sword energy, one left and the other cut towards the black-robed woman.

   The golden sword light mixed with the violent hurricane, turning into a half-meter-long electric light, slashing fiercely at the black-robed woman.


   The electric light was blocked by the huge **** hand, and there was a muffled noise.

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